2 research outputs found

    A polarisation based Visual Crypto System and its Secret Sharing Schemes

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    In this paper, we present a new visual crypto system based on the polarisation of light and investigate the existence and structure of the associated threshold visual secret sharing schemes. It is shown that very efficient (n, n) schemes exist and that (2, n) schemes are equivalent to binary codes. The existence of (k, n) schemes is shown in general by two explicit constructions. Finally, bounds on the physical properties as contrast and resolution are derived

    An addition to the paper "A polarisation based visual crypto system and its secret sharing schemes"

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    An (n; k)-pair is a pair of binary n m martices (A; B) such that the weight of the modulo-two sum of any i rows, 1 i k, from A or B is equal to a i or b i , respectively, independent of the choice of rows, and moreover, a i = b i for 1 i < k while a k 6= b k . In this note, we rst show how to construct an (n; k) Threshold Visual Secret Sharing scheme from an (n; k)-pair. Then we explicitely construct an (n; k)-pair for all n and k with 1 k n