1 research outputs found

    A Plan Based Agent Architecture for Interpreting Natural Language Dialogue

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    This paper describes a plan-based agent architecture for modeling NL cooperative dialogue; in particular, the paper focuses on the interpretation dialogue and explanation of its coherence by means of the recognition of the speakers' underlying intentions. The approach we propose makes it possible to analyze and explain in a uniform way several apparently unrelated linguistic phenomena, which have been often studied separately and treated via ad-hoc methods in the models of dialogue presented in the literature. Our model of linguistic interaction is based on the idea that dialogue can be seen as any other interaction among agents: therefore, domain-level and linguistic actions are treated in a similar way. Our agent architecture is based on a two-level representation of the knowledge about acting: at the metalevel, the Agent Modeling plans describe the recipes for plan formation and execution (they are a declarative representation of a reactive planner); at the object level, the domain ..