200 research outputs found

    Advanced Wireless Digital Baseband Signal Processing Beyond 100 Gbit/s

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    International audienceThe continuing trend towards higher data rates in wireless communication systems will, in addition to a higher spectral efficiency and lowest signal processing latencies, lead to throughput requirements for the digital baseband signal processing beyond 100 Gbit/s, which is at least one order of magnitude higher than the tens of Gbit/s targeted in the 5G standardization. At the same time, advances in silicon technology due to shrinking feature sizes and increased performance parameters alone won't provide the necessary gain, especially in energy efficiency for wireless transceivers, which have tightly constrained power and energy budgets. In this paper, we highlight the challenges for wireless digital baseband signal processing beyond 100 Gbit/s and the limitations of today's architectures. Our focus lies on the channel decoding and MIMO detection, which are major sources of complexity in digital baseband signal processing. We discuss techniques on algorithmic and architectural level, which aim to close this gap. For the first time we show Turbo-Code decoding techniques towards 100 Gbit/s and a complete MIMO receiver beyond 100 Gbit/s in 28 nm technology

    Probabilistically Bounded Soft Sphere Detection for MIMO-OFDM Receivers: Algorithm and System Architecture

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    Iterative soft detection and channel decoding for MIMO OFDM downlink receivers is studied in this work. Proposed inner soft sphere detection employs a variable upper bound for number of candidates per transmit antenna and utilizes the breath-first candidate-search algorithm. Upper bounds are based on probability distribution of the number of candidates found inside the spherical region formed around the received symbol-vector. Detection accuracy of unbounded breadth-first candidate search is preserved while significant reduction of the search latency and area cost is achieved. This probabilistically bounded candidate-search algorithm improves error-rate performance of non-probabilistically bounded soft sphere detection algorithms, while providing smaller detection latency with same hardware resources. Prototype architecture of soft sphere detector is synthesized on Xilinx FPGA and for an ASIC design. Using area-cost of a single soft sphere detector, a level of processing parallelism required to achieve targeted high data rates for future wireless systems (for example, 1 Gbps data rate) is determined.NokiaNational Science Foundatio

    High-Throughput Soft-Output MIMO Detector Based on Path-Preserving Trellis-Search Algorithm

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    In this paper, we propose a novel path-preserving trellis-search (PPTS) algorithm and its high-speed VLSI architecture for soft-output multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) detection. We represent the search space of the MIMO signal with an unconstrained trellis, where each node in stage of the trellis maps to a possible complex-valued symbol transmitted by antenna. Based on the trellis model, we convert the soft-output MIMO detection problem into a multiple shortest paths problem subject to the constraint that every trellis node must be covered in this set of paths. The PPTS detector is guaranteed to have soft information for every possible symbol transmitted on every antenna so that the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) for each transmitted data bit can be more accurately formed. Simulation results show that the PPTS algorithm can achieve near-optimal error performance with a low search complexity. The PPTS algorithm is a hardware-friendly data-parallel algorithm because the search operations are evenly distributed among multiple trellis nodes for parallel processing. As a case study, we have designed and synthesized a fully-parallel systolic-array detector and two folded detectors for a 4x4 16-QAM system using a 1.08 V TSMC 65-nm CMOS technology.With a 1.18 mm2 core area, the folded detector can achieve a throughput of 2.1 Gbps.With a 3.19 mm2 core area, the fully-parallel systolic-array detector can achieve a throughput of 6.4 Gbps

    FlexCore: Massively Parallel and Flexible Processing for Large MIMO Access Points

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    Large MIMO base stations remain among wireless network designers’ best tools for increasing wireless throughput while serving many clients, but current system designs, sacrifice throughput with simple linear MIMO detection algorithms. Higher-performance detection techniques are known, but remain off the table because these systems parallelize their computation at the level of a whole OFDM subcarrier, sufficing only for the less demanding linear detection approaches they opt for. This paper presents FlexCore, the first computational architecture capable of parallelizing the detection of large numbers of mutually-interfering information streams at a granularity below individual OFDM subcarriers, in a nearly-embarrassingly parallel manner while utilizing any number of available processing elements. For 12 clients sending 64-QAM symbols to a 12-antenna base station, our WARP testbed evaluation shows similar network throughput to the state-of-the-art while using an order of magnitude fewer processing elements. For the same scenario, our combined WARP-GPU testbed evaluation demonstrates a 19x computational speedup, with 97% increased energy efficiency when compared with the state of the art. Finally, for the same scenario, an FPGA-based comparison between FlexCore and the state of the art shows that FlexCore can achieve up to 96% better energy efficiency, and can offer up to 32x the processing throughput

    An Iterative Soft Decision Based LR-Aided MIMO Detector

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    The demand for wireless and high-rate communication system is increasing gradually and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the feasible solutions to accommodate the growing demand for its spatial multiplexing and diversity gain. However, with high number of antennas, the computational and hardware complexity of MIMO increases exponentially. This accumulating complexity is a paramount problem in MIMO detection system directly leading to large power consumption. Hence, the major focus of this dissertation is algorithmic and hardware development of MIMO decoder with reduced complexity for both real and complex domain, which can be a beneficial solution with power efficiency and high throughput. Both hard and soft domain MIMO detectors are considered. The use of lattice reduction (LR) algorithm and on-demand-child-expansion for the reduction of noise propagation and node calculation respectively are the two of the key features of our developed architecture, presented in this literature. The real domain iterative soft MIMO decoding algorithm, simulated for 4 × 4 MIMO with different modulation scheme, achieves 1.1 to 2.7 dB improvement over Lease Sphere Decoder (LSD) and more than 8x reduction in list size, K as well as complexity of the detector. Next, the iterative real domain K-Best decoder is expanded to the complex domain with new detection scheme. It attains 6.9 to 8.0 dB improvement over real domain K-Best decoder and 1.4 to 2.5 dB better performance over conventional complex decoder for 8 × 8 MIMO with 64 QAM modulation scheme. Besides K, a new adjustable parameter, Rlimit has been introduced in order to append re-configurability trading-off between complexity and performance. After that, a novel low-power hardware architecture of complex decoder is developed for 8 × 8 MIMO and 64 QAM modulation scheme. The total word length of only 16 bits has been adopted limiting the bit error rate (BER) degradation to 0.3 dB with K and Rlimit equal to 4. The proposed VLSI architecture is modeled in Verilog HDL using Xilinx and synthesized using Synopsys Design Vision in 45 nm CMOS technology. According to the synthesize result, it achieves 1090.8 Mbps throughput with power consumption of 580 mW and latency of 0.33 us. The maximum frequency the design proposed is 181.8 MHz. All of the proposed decoders mentioned above are bounded by the fixed K. Hence, an adaptive real domain K-Best decoder is further developed to achieve the similar performance with less K, thereby reducing the computational complexity of the decoder. It does not require accurate SNR measurement to perform the initial estimation of list size, K. Instead, the difference between the first two minimal distances is considered, which inherently eliminates complexity. In summary, a novel iterative K-Best detector for both real and complex domain with efficient VLSI design is proposed in this dissertation. The results from extensive simulation and VHDL with analysis using Synopsys tool are also presented for justification and validation of the proposed works

    An Iterative Soft Decision Based LR-Aided MIMO Detector

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    The demand for wireless and high-rate communication system is increasing gradually and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) is one of the feasible solutions to accommodate the growing demand for its spatial multiplexing and diversity gain. However, with high number of antennas, the computational and hardware complexity of MIMO increases exponentially. This accumulating complexity is a paramount problem in MIMO detection system directly leading to large power consumption. Hence, the major focus of this dissertation is algorithmic and hardware development of MIMO decoder with reduced complexity for both real and complex domain, which can be a beneficial solution with power efficiency and high throughput. Both hard and soft domain MIMO detectors are considered. The use of lattice reduction (LR) algorithm and on-demand-child-expansion for the reduction of noise propagation and node calculation respectively are the two of the key features of our developed architecture, presented in this literature. The real domain iterative soft MIMO decoding algorithm, simulated for 4 × 4 MIMO with different modulation scheme, achieves 1.1 to 2.7 dB improvement over Lease Sphere Decoder (LSD) and more than 8x reduction in list size, K as well as complexity of the detector. Next, the iterative real domain K-Best decoder is expanded to the complex domain with new detection scheme. It attains 6.9 to 8.0 dB improvement over real domain K-Best decoder and 1.4 to 2.5 dB better performance over conventional complex decoder for 8 × 8 MIMO with 64 QAM modulation scheme. Besides K, a new adjustable parameter, Rlimit has been introduced in order to append re-configurability trading-off between complexity and performance. After that, a novel low-power hardware architecture of complex decoder is developed for 8 × 8 MIMO and 64 QAM modulation scheme. The total word length of only 16 bits has been adopted limiting the bit error rate (BER) degradation to 0.3 dB with K and Rlimit equal to 4. The proposed VLSI architecture is modeled in Verilog HDL using Xilinx and synthesized using Synopsys Design Vision in 45 nm CMOS technology. According to the synthesize result, it achieves 1090.8 Mbps throughput with power consumption of 580 mW and latency of 0.33 us. The maximum frequency the design proposed is 181.8 MHz. All of the proposed decoders mentioned above are bounded by the fixed K. Hence, an adaptive real domain K-Best decoder is further developed to achieve the similar performance with less K, thereby reducing the computational complexity of the decoder. It does not require accurate SNR measurement to perform the initial estimation of list size, K. Instead, the difference between the first two minimal distances is considered, which inherently eliminates complexity. In summary, a novel iterative K-Best detector for both real and complex domain with efficient VLSI design is proposed in this dissertation. The results from extensive simulation and VHDL with analysis using Synopsys tool are also presented for justification and validation of the proposed works
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