5 research outputs found

    Guest editorial: Special issue on information visualisation

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    In the current information era, most aspects of life depend on and driven by data, information, knowledge and user experience. The infrastructure of an information-dependent society and drive for new innovation and direction of activities heavily relies on the quality of data, information and analysis of such entities from past to its projected future activities. Information Visualisation, Visual Analytics, Business Intelligence, machine learning and application domains are just a few of the current state of the art developments that effectively enhance understanding of these driving forces

    A Facial Feature Extraction and Classification Model for Loan-Default-Detection

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    The purpose of this paper is to make a new trial to explore the influence factors of loan default in Internet finance loan business. A facial feature extraction and classification model is proposed. The optimal facial feature extraction algorithm is obtained by comparing four commonly used facial feature extraction algorithms and certain facial features based on physiognomy are selected and classified in 117, 507face images. An experimental study with the help of the proposed model is conducted to explore the correlations between loan defaults and Internet finance loan users’ classified facial features based on physiognomy. The findings are as follows: among male Internet finance loan users, short eyebrows are related to default and eye angle, nose height-to-width ratio (nHWR), lip thickness and facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) are positively related to default behavior and the mouth length is negatively related to default; among female Internet finance loan users, eyebrows angle, eyes angle, lip thickness and facial width-to-height ratio are positively correlated to default and mouth length is negatively correlated with default. Additionally, the conclusion of that male fWHR is positively related to default of the proposed study is echoed with the research results of [1] and [2]

    Perbandingan Kinerja Inception- Resnetv2, Xception, Inception-v3, dan Resnet50 pada Gambar Bentuk Wajah

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    Saat ini, klasifikasi bentuk wajah banyak diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang. Dalam bidang industri fashion dapat digunakan untuk pemilihan gaya rambut, pemilihan bingkai kacamata, tata rias, dan mode lainnya. Selain itu, dalam bidang medis bentuk wajah digunakan untuk bedah plastik. Identifikasi bentuk wajah adalah tugas yang menantang karena kompleksitas wajah, ukuran, pencahayaan, usia dan ekspresi. Banyak metode yang dikembangkan untuk memberikan hasil akurasi terbaik dalam klasifikasi bentuk wajah. Deep learning menjadi tren dibidang komputer vision karena memberikan hasil yang paling baik dari pada metode sebelumnya. Makalah ini mencoba menyajikan perbandingan kinerja klasifikasi wajah dengan empat arsitektur deep learning Xception, ResNet50, InceptionResNet-v2, Inception-v3. Dataset yang digunakan berjumlah 4500 gambar yang terbagi lima kelas heart, long, oblong, square, round. Berbagai pengoptimal deep learning diantaranya; transfer learning, optimizer deep learning, dropout dan fungsi aktivasi diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja model. Perbandingan antara berbagai model CNN didasarkan kinerja metrik seperti accuracy, recall, precision dan F1-score. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model Inception-ResNet-V2 menggunakan fungsi aktivasi Mish dan optimizer Nadam mencapai nilai tertinggi dengan accuracy dan f1-score masing-masing 92.00%, dan penggunaan waktu 65.0 menit. AbstractCurrently, face shape classification is widely applied in various fields. In the fashion industry, it can be used for hairstyle selection, eyeglass frame selection, makeup, and other modes. In the medical field, the face shape is used for plastic surgery. Identification of face shape is a challenging task due to the complexity of the face, size, lighting, age and expression. Many methods have been developed to provide the best accuracy results in the classification of face shapes. Deep learning is becoming a trend in the field of computer vision because it gives the best results than the previous method. This paper attempts to present a comparison of the performance of face classification with four deep learning architectures Xception, ResNet50, InceptionResNet-v2, Inception-v3. The dataset used is 4500 images divided into five classes heart, long, oblong, square, round. Various deep learning optimizers include; transfer learning, deep learning optimizer, dropout and activation functions are implemented to improve model performance. Comparisons between various CNN models are based on performance metrics such as accuracy, recall, precision and F1-score. Thus, it can be concluded that the Inception-ResNet-V2 model using the Mish activation function and the Nadam optimizer achieves the highest value with an accuracy and f1-score of 92.00%, and a time usage of 65.0 minutes. Thus, it can be concluded that the Inception-ResNet-V2 model using the Mish activation function and the Nadam optimizer achieves the highest value with an accuracy and f1-score of 92.00%, and a time usage of 65.0 minutes.

    Face Shape-Based Physiognomy in LinkedIn Profiles with Cascade Classifier and K-Means Clustering

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    The progress of a company is influenced by the excellent performance of its employee. The recruitment process should be done in a correct procedure so that it would not have the potential to harm the company. The improved use of social media can be an aspect to be applied in a recruitment process. LinkedIn is a social media platform that has many users which focuses on the career development aspect. Profile photos are commonly used in social media. In physiognomy, a personality analysis can be carried out based on his/her outward appearance. The profile photo can be an aspect of personality analysis with this knowledge. This research aimed to predict the face shape based on LinkedIn profile photos. A Cascade classifier algorithm with a haar-like feature was used to detect the face area. Dlib library was used to detect face landmarks. K-Means algorithm was used to differentiate the border of hair and facial skin. Indicators of the face shape calculation are the value of face angle, which is the arctangent of the face landmarks matrix; similarity value from the standard deviation calculation between horizontal line 1, 2, and 3; and diameter value which resulted from the standard deviation calculation between horizontal line 2 and vertical line 4. We provide output as face shape from the LinkedIn profile photos. Based on ten profile photo samples, only two predictions were incorrect

    A physiognomy based method for facial feature extraction and recognition

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd This paper proposes a novel calculation method of personality based on Chinese physiognomy. The proposed solution combines ancient and modern physiognomy to understand the relationship between personality and facial features and to model a baseline to shape facial features. We compute a histogram of image by searching for threshold values to create a binary image in an adaptive way. The two-pass connected component method indicates the feature's region. We encode the binary image to remove the noise point, so that the new connected image can provide a better result. According to our analysis of contours, we can locate facial features and classify them by means of a calculation method. The number of clusters is decided by a model and the facial feature contours are classified by using the k-means method. The validity of our method was tested on a face database and demonstrated by a comparative experiment