4 research outputs found


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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第302号 学位授与年月日:平成27年3月25日第1章 序論|第2章 三次元センサーによる距離検知技術|第3章 三次元距離センサーLSIの高集積化|第4章 相関信号鮮明化機能搭載三次元距離センサーLSI|第5章 広ダイナミックレンジイメージセンサー搭載三次元距離センサーLSI|第6章 距離検知精度向上三次元距離センサーLSI|第7章 総括九州工業大学平成26年

    A phase-based stereo vision system-on-a-chip

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    A simple and fast technique for depth estimation based on phase measurement has been adopted for the implementation of a real-time stereo system with sub-pixel resolution on an FPGA device. The technique avoids the attendant problem of phase warping. The designed system takes full advantage of the inherent processing parallelism and segmentation capabilities of FPGA devices to achieve a computation speed of 65megapixels/s, which can be arranged with a customized frame-grabber module to process 211frames/s at a size of 640x480 pixels. The processing speed achieved is higher than conventional camera frame rates, thus allowing the system to extract multiple estimations and be used as a platform to evaluate integration schemes of a population of neurons without increasing hardware resource demands