2 research outputs found

    A Performance-driven Layer Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Interconnect Trees

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    With the advent of DSM technologies, interconnect delays increasingly overshadow the transistor delays. Furthermore, since the electrical characteristics of di#erentlayers in multilayer routing technologies vary widely, the assignment of the interconnect tree edges to speci#c routing layers has a large impact on the interconnect delays. Traditionally, critical global interconnect trees were routed greedily, one at a time. This caused the #good" layers to be used up largely for the #rst few trees, yielding poor routings for the remaining trees. Multiple passes with di#erent tree orderings were usually used to remedy the situation, although with limited success. We propose the use of dynamically adjusted area quotas to prevent the #rst few trees from monopolizing the #good" layers. Our approach is independent of the routing model or the router employed, and reduces the maximum tree delays by around 15# as compared to traditional algorithms. 1 Introduction The traditional problem of ass..