2,002 research outputs found

    Virtual Target Selection for a Multiple-Pursuer Multiple-Evader Scenario

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    This paper considers an M-pursuer N-evader scenario involving virtual targets. The virtual targets serve as an intermediary target for the pursuers, allowing the pursuers to delay their final assignment to the evaders. However, upon reaching the virtual target, the pursuers must decide which evader to capture. It is assumed that there are more pursuers than evaders and that the pursuers are faster than the evaders. The objective is two-part: first, assign each pursuer to a virtual target and evader such that the pursuer team's energy is minimized, and second, choose the virtual targets' locations for this minimization problem. The approach taken is to consider the Apollonius geometry between each pursuer's virtual target location and each evader. Using the constructed Apollonius circles, the pursuer's travel distance and maneuver at a virtual target are obtained. These metrics serve as a gauge for the total energy required to capture a particular evader and are used to solve the joint virtual target selection and pursuer-evader assignment problem. This paper provides a mathematical definition of this problem, the solution approach taken, and an example.Comment: AIAA SciTech 2024 Preprin

    Multi-Agent Reach-Avoid Games: Two Attackers Versus One Defender and Mixed Integer Programming

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    We propose a hybrid approach that combines Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability and mixed-integer optimization for solving a reach-avoid game with multiple attackers and defenders. The reach-avoid game is an important problem with potential applications in air traffic control and multi-agent motion planning; however, solving this game for many attackers and defenders is intractable due to the adversarial nature of the agents and the high problem dimensionality. In this paper, we first propose an HJ reachability-based method for solving the reach-avoid game in which 2 attackers are playing against 1 defender; we derive the numerically convergent optimal winning sets for the two sides in environments with obstacles. Utilizing this result and previous results for the 1 vs. 1 game, we further propose solving the general multi-agent reach-avoid game by determining the defender assignments that can maximize the number of attackers captured via a Mixed Integer Program (MIP). Our method generalizes previous state-of-the-art results and is especially useful when there are fewer defenders than attackers. We validate our theoretical results in numerical simulations

    Optimal Role Assignment for Multiplayer Reach-Avoid Differential Games in 3D Space

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    In this article an nn-pursuer versus mm-evader reach-avoid differential game in 3D space is studied. A team of evaders aim to reach a stationary target while avoiding capture by a team of pursuers. The multiplayer scenario is formulated in a differential game framework. This article provides an optimal solution for the particular case of n=m=1n=m=1 and extends it to a more general scenario of n≥mn\geq m via an optimal role assignment algorithm based on a linear program. Consequently, the pursuer and the evader winning regions, and the Value of the game are analytically characterized providing optimal strategies of the players in state feedback form
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