4 research outputs found

    A null space-based MAC scheme against pollution attacks to random linear network coding

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    Network Coding has significantly shown the achievable throughput and robustness in wireless Networks. However, network coding-enabled networks are susceptible to pollution attacks where a small number of polluted messages will propagate due to recoding and corrupt bunches of legitimate messages. Several lightweight Homomorphic Message Authentication Code (HMAC) schemes have been proposed for protecting the transmitted data against pollution attacks; however, most of them are not appropriate for wireless networks or cannot resist tag pollution attacks. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient null space-based homomorphic MAC scheme, for network coding-enabled wireless networks. The proposed scheme makes use of two types of tags (i.e., MACs and D-MACs) to provide resistance against data pollution and tag pollution attacks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that due to its lightweight nature, our proposed scheme incurs a minimal complexity compared to other related schemes

    Security threats in network coding-enabled mobile small cells

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    The recent explosive growth of mobile data traffic, the continuously growing demand for higher data rates, and the steadily increasing pressure for higher mobility have led to the fifth-generation mobile networks. To this end, network-coding (NC)-enabled mobile small cells are considered as a promising 5G technology to cover the urban landscape by being set up on-demand at any place, and at any time on any device. In particular, this emerging paradigm has the potential to provide significant benefits to mobile networks as it can decrease packet transmission in wireless multicast, provide network capacity improvement, and achieve robustness to packet losses with low energy consumption. However, despite these significant advantages, NC-enabled mobile small cells are vulnerable to various types of attacks due to the inherent vulnerabilities of NC. Therefore, in this paper, we provide a categorization of potential security attacks in NC-enabled mobile small cells. Particularly, our focus is on the identification and categorization of the main potential security attacks on a scenario architecture of the ongoing EU funded H2020-MSCA project “SECRET” being focused on secure network coding-enabled mobile small cells

    Key management for secure network coding-enabled mobile small cells

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    The continuous growth in wireless devices connected to the Internet and the increasing demand for higher data rates put ever increasing pressure on the 4G cellular network. The EU funded H2020-MSCA project “SECRET” investigates a scenario architecture to cover the urban landscape for the upcoming 5G cellular network. The studied scenario architecture combines multi-hop device-to-device (D2D) communication with network coding-enabled mobile small cells. In this scenario architecture, mobile nodes benefit from high transmission speeds, low latency and increased energy efficiency, while the cellular network benefits from a reduced workload of its base stations. However, this scenario architecture faces various security and privacy challenges. These challenges can be addressed using cryptographic techniques and protocols, assuming that a key management scheme is able to provide mobile nodes with secret keys in a secure manner. Unfortunately, existing key management schemes are unable to cover all security and privacy challenges of the studied scenario architecture. Certificateless key management schemes seem promising, although many proposed schemes of this category of key management schemes require a secure channel or lack key update and key revocation procedures. We therefore suggest further research in key management schemes which include secret key sharing among mobile nodes, key revocation, key update and mobile node authentication to fit with our scenario architecture