16 research outputs found

    Keyframe Extraction in Endoscopic Video

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    In medical endoscopy more and more surgeons archive the recorded video streams in a long-term storage. One reason for this development, which is enforced by law in some countries, is to have evidence in case of lawsuits from patients. Another more practical reason is to allow later inspection of previous procedures and also to use parts of such videos for research and for training. However, due to the dramatic amount of video data recorded in a hospital on a daily basis, it is very important to have good preview images for these videos in order to allow for quick filtering of undesired content and for easier browsing through such a video archive. Unfortunately, common shot detection and keyframe extraction methods cannot be used for that video data, because these videos contain unedited and highly similar content, especially in terms of color and texture, and no shot boundaries at all. We propose a new keyframe extraction approach for this special video domain and show that our method is signi�cantly better than a previously proposed approach

    Learning-based classification of informative laryngoscopic frames

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    Background and Objective: Early-stage diagnosis of laryngeal cancer is of primary importance to reduce patient morbidity. Narrow-band imaging (NBI) endoscopy is commonly used for screening purposes, reducing the risks linked to a biopsy but at the cost of some drawbacks, such as large amount of data to review to make the diagnosis. The purpose of this paper is to present a strategy to perform automatic selection of informative endoscopic video frames, which can reduce the amount of data to process and potentially increase diagnosis performance. Methods: A new method to classify NBI endoscopic frames based on intensity, keypoint and image spatial content features is proposed. Support vector machines with the radial basis function and the one-versus-one scheme are used to classify frames as informative, blurred, with saliva or specular reflections, or underexposed. Results: When tested on a balanced set of 720 images from 18 different laryngoscopic videos, a classification recall of 91% was achieved for informative frames, significantly overcoming three state of the art methods (Wilcoxon rank-signed test, significance level = 0.05). Conclusions: Due to the high performance in identifying informative frames, the approach is a valuable tool to perform informative frame selection, which can be potentially applied in different fields, such us computer-assisted diagnosis and endoscopic view expansion

    Advanced Endoscopic Navigation:Surgical Big Data,Methodology,and Applications

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    随着科学技术的飞速发展,健康与环境问题日益成为人类面临的最重大问题之一。信息科学、计算机技术、电子工程与生物医学工程等学科的综合应用交叉前沿课题,研究现代工程技术方法,探索肿瘤癌症等疾病早期诊断、治疗和康复手段。本论文综述了计算机辅助微创外科手术导航、多模态医疗大数据、方法论及其临床应用:从引入微创外科手术导航概念出发,介绍了医疗大数据的术前与术中多模态医学成像方法、阐述了先进微创外科手术导航的核心流程包括计算解剖模型、术中实时导航方案、三维可视化方法及交互式软件技术,归纳了各类微创外科手术方法的临床应用。同时,重点讨论了全球各种手术导航技术在临床应用中的优缺点,分析了目前手术导航领域内的最新技术方法。在此基础上,提出了微创外科手术方法正向数字化、个性化、精准化、诊疗一体化、机器人化以及高度智能化的发展趋势。【Abstract】Interventional endoscopy (e.g., bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, cystoscopy) is a widely performed procedure that involves either diagnosis of suspicious lesions or guidance for minimally invasive surgery in a variety of organs within the body cavity. Endoscopy may also be used to guide the introduction of certain items (e.g., stents) into the body. Endoscopic navigation systems seek to integrate big data with multimodal information (e.g., computed tomography, magnetic resonance images, endoscopic video sequences, ultrasound images, external trackers) relative to the patient's anatomy, control the movement of medical endoscopes and surgical tools, and guide the surgeon's actions during endoscopic interventions. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to realize the next generation of context-aware navigated endoscopy. This review presents a broad survey of various aspects of endoscopic navigation, particularly with respect to the development of endoscopic navigation techniques. First, we investigate big data with multimodal information involved in endoscopic navigation. Next, we focus on numerous methodologies used for endoscopic navigation. We then review different endoscopic procedures in clinical applications. Finally, we discuss novel techniques and promising directions for the development of endoscopic navigation.X.L. acknowledges funding from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. T.M.P. acknowledges funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and a grant from Intuitive Surgical Inc

    Research on real-time physics-based deformation for haptic-enabled medical simulation

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    This study developed a multiple effective visuo-haptic surgical engine to handle a variety of surgical manipulations in real-time. Soft tissue models are based on biomechanical experiment and continuum mechanics for greater accuracy. Such models will increase the realism of future training systems and the VR/AR/MR implementations for the operating room

    Animal Welfare Assessment

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    This Special Issue provides a collection of recent research and reviews that investigate many areas of welfare assessment, such as novel approaches and technologies used to evaluate the welfare of farmed, captive, or wild animals. Research in this Special Issue includes welfare assessment related to pilot whales, finishing pigs, commercial turkey flocks, and dairy goats; the use of sensors or wearable technologies, such as heart rate monitors to assess sleep in dairy cows, ear tag sensors, and machine learning to assess commercial pig behaviour; non-invasive measures, such as video monitoring of behaviour, computer vision to analyse video footage of red foxes, remote camera traps of free-roaming wild horses, infrared thermography of effort and sport recovery in sport horses; telomere length and regulatory genes as novel biomarkers of stress in broiler chickens; the effect of environment on growth physiology and behaviour of laboratory rare minnows and housing system on anxiety, stress, fear, and immune function of laying hens; and discussions of natural behaviour in farm animal welfare and maintaining health, welfare, and productivity of commercial pig herds

    Multimodal interaction for deliberate practice

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    Uso de simulación con realidad virtual 3D mediada por gestos para el aprendizaje de destrezas psicomotoras básicas en cirugía mínimamente invasiva

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    La tesis por compilación se organizó en tres fases, siguiendo el paradigma de investigación llamado investigación basada en el diseño. La primera consistió en revisar sistemáticamente la literatura para identificar los dispositivos intervenidos por gestos y qué uso se hacía de ellos en cirugía -especialmente, en simulación para el aprendizaje de destrezas psicomotoras en MIS-; en la segunda se desarrolló un prototipo funcional de un simulador, y en la tercera se obtuvo el mayor número de fuentes de validez para las tareas del simulador. Los resultados permitieron establecer el estado de la cuestión sobre el uso de dispositivos intervenidos por gestos en cirugía y, principalmente, identificar el LMC como una opción de bajo coste para usar en el nuevo simulador. También se desarrolló un prototipo funcional. Por último, se obtuvieron indicios de aptitud a partir de múltiples fuentes para la métrica y las puntuaciones de las tareas, para la confianza intra-rater en el tiempo y la consistencia interna, indicios altos para las consecuencias de la prueba y confirmación parcial respecto a las relaciones con otras variables. En conclusión, los resultados de las pruebas para obtener indicios para fuentes de validez apoyaron la aptitud de las puntuaciones y de la métrica utilizadas para demostrar el aprendizaje de las destrezas psicomotoras básicas en MIS mediante un nuevo simulador portátil y de bajo coste que usa tecnología de interacción persona-máquina intervenida por gestos.The compilation thesis has been organized in three phases, according to the research paradigm known as Design-Based Research. The first consists of systematically reviewing the literature to identify gesture-mediated devices and their use in surgery and particularly in simulation for learning psychomotor skills in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The second consisted of developing a working prototype of a simulator. In the third, the largest number of sources of validity was obtained for the simulator's tasks. The results enabled the state of the art in the use of gesture-mediated devices in surgery to be established, and in particular, Leap Motion Controller (LMC) to be identified as a low-cost option for use in the new simulator. A working prototype was then developed. Finally, validity evidence was obtained from multiple sources for the task metrics and scores, for the intra-rater reliability over time and internal consistency, as well as high-level evidence for the consequences of the test, and partial confirmation of the relationships with the other variables. In conclusion, the results of the tests to obtain evidence for the sources of validity supported the validity of the scores and metrics used to demonstrate the learning of basic psychomotor skills in MIS by means of a new, low-cost, portable simulator that uses computer technology involving human-machine interaction mediated by gestures.La tesi per compilació es va organitzar en tres fases, seguint el paradigma de recerca anomenat investigació basada en el disseny. La primera va consistir a revisar sistemàticament la literatura per identificar els dispositius intervinguts per gestos i quin ús se'n feia en cirurgia -especialment, en simulació per a l'aprenentatge de destreses psicomotores a MIS-; a la segona es va desenvolupar un prototipus funcional d'un simulador, i a la tercera es va obtenir el nombre més gran de fonts de validesa per a les tasques del simulador. Els resultats van permetre establir l'estat de la qüestió sobre l'ús de dispositius intervinguts per gestos en cirurgia i, principalment, identificar l'LMC com una opció de baix cost per fer servir en el nou simulador. També se'n va desenvolupar un prototip funcional. Finalment, es van obtenir indicis d'aptitud a partir de múltiples fonts per a la mètrica i les puntuacions de les tasques, per a la confiança intra-rater en el temps i la consistència interna, indicis alts per a les conseqüències de la prova i confirmació parcial respecte a les relacions amb altres variables. En conclusió, els resultats de les proves per obtenir indicis per a fonts de validesa van donar suport a l'aptitud de les puntuacions i de la mètrica utilitzades per demostrar l'aprenentatge de les destreses psicomotores bàsiques a MIS mitjançant un nou simulador portàtil i de baix cost que fa servir tecnologia d'interacció persona-màquina intervinguda per gestos.E-learnin