2 research outputs found

    Comparison of global and local features for author's identification by using geometrical and zoning methods

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    Identification analysis for author's handwriting image in forensic investigation is still an important research area in this current big data era. Images feature extraction can lead to an issue of high dimensionality of data. The process of feature extraction is the most crucial process in author's identification. It is important to choose the best method to represent the image. This study compared two feature extraction methods, namely Higher-Order United Moment Invariant (HUMI) and the Edge-based Directional (ED) method that construct the Global and Local Features respectively. The additional process of discretization was implemented before the training and testing phase to represent the generalized features for the classifier models. This process induced a better performance accuracy for both methods where the discretized Local Features achieved 99.95% accuracy rate that slightly outperforms the discretized Global Features with only 99.91%

    Dissimilarity Gaussian Mixture Models for Efficient Offline Handwritten Text-Independent Identification using SIFT and RootSIFT Descriptors

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    Handwriting biometrics is the science of identifying the behavioural aspect of an individual’s writing style and exploiting it to develop automated writer identification and verification systems. This paper presents an efficient handwriting identification system which combines Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and RootSIFT descriptors in a set of Gaussian mixture models (GMM). In particular, a new concept of similarity and dissimilarity Gaussian mixture models (SGMM and DGMM) is introduced. While a SGMM is constructed for every writer to describe the intra-class similarity that is exhibited between the handwritten texts of the same writer, a DGMM represents the contrast or dissimilarity that exists between the writer’s style on one hand and other different handwriting styles on the other hand. Furthermore, because the handwritten text is described by a number of key point descriptors where each descriptor generates a SGMM/DGMM score, a new weighted histogram method is proposed to derive the intermediate prediction score for each writer’s GMM. The idea of weighted histogram exploits the fact that handwritings from the same writer should exhibit more similar textual patterns than dissimilar ones, hence, by penalizing the bad scores with a cost function, the identification rate can be significantly enhanced. Our proposed system has been extensively assessed using six different public datasets (including three English, two Arabic and one hybrid language) and the results have shown the superiority of the proposed system over state-of-the-art techniques