24,968 research outputs found

    A Brief Review of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimization

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    Swarm intelligence and bio-inspired algorithms form a hot topic in the developments of new algorithms inspired by nature. These nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms can be based on swarm intelligence, biological systems, physical and chemical systems. Therefore, these algorithms can be called swarm-intelligence-based, bio-inspired, physics-based and chemistry-based, depending on the sources of inspiration. Though not all of them are efficient, a few algorithms have proved to be very efficient and thus have become popular tools for solving real-world problems. Some algorithms are insufficiently studied. The purpose of this review is to present a relatively comprehensive list of all the algorithms in the literature, so as to inspire further research

    Fish School Search Algorithm for Constrained Optimization

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    In this work we investigate the effectiveness of the application of niching able swarm metaheuristic approaches in order to solve constrained optimization problems. Sub-swarms are used in order to allow the achievement of many feasible regions to be exploited in terms of fitness function. The niching approach employed was wFSS, a version of the Fish School Search algorithm devised specifically to deal with multi-modal search spaces. A base technique referred as wrFSS was conceived and three variations applying different constraint handling procedures were also proposed. Tests were performed in seven problems from CEC 2010 and a comparison with other approaches was carried out. Results show that the search strategy proposed is able to handle some heavily constrained problems and achieve results comparable to the state-of-the-art algorithms. However, we also observed that the local search operator present in wFSS and inherited by wrFSS makes the fitness convergence difficult when the feasible region presents some specific geometrical features

    Solving Mixed Model Workplace Time-dependent Assembly Line Balancing Problem with FSS Algorithm

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    Balancing assembly lines, a family of optimization problems commonly known as Assembly Line Balancing Problem, is notoriously NP-Hard. They comprise a set of problems of enormous practical interest to manufacturing industry due to the relevant frequency of this type of production paradigm. For this reason, many researchers on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Engineering have been conceiving algorithms for tackling different versions of assembly line balancing problems utilizing different methodologies. In this article, it was proposed a problem version referred as Mixed Model Workplace Time-dependent Assembly Line Balancing Problem with the intention of including pressing issues of real assembly lines in the optimization problem, to which four versions were conceived. Heuristic search procedures were used, namely two Swarm Intelligence algorithms from the Fish School Search family: the original version, named "vanilla", and a special variation including a stagnation avoidance routine. Either approaches solved the newly posed problem achieving good results when compared to Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm

    Simultaneously Solving Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing and Sequencing problems with FSS Algorithm

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    Many assembly lines related optimization problems have been tackled by researchers in the last decades due to its relevance for the decision makers within manufacturing industry. Many of theses problems, more specifically Assembly Lines Balancing and Sequencing problems, are known to be NP-Hard. Therefore, Computational Intelligence solution approaches have been conceived in order to provide practical use decision making tools. In this work, we proposed a simultaneous solution approach in order to tackle both Balancing and Sequencing problems utilizing an effective meta-heuristic algorithm referred as Fish School Search. Three different test instances were solved with the original and two modified versions of this algorithm and the results were compared with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

    Weight-based Fish School Search algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization

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    Optimization problems with more than one objective consist in a very attractive topic for researchers due to its applicability in real-world situations. Over the years, the research effort in the Computational Intelligence field resulted in algorithms able to achieve good results by solving problems with more than one conflicting objective. However, these techniques do not exhibit the same performance as the number of objectives increases and become greater than 3. This paper proposes an adaptation of the metaheuristic Fish School Search to solve optimization problems with many objectives. This adaptation is based on the division of the candidate solutions in clusters that are specialized in solving a single-objective problem generated by the decomposition of the original problem. For this, we used concepts and ideas often employed by state-of-the-art algorithms, namely: (i) reference points and lines in the objectives space; (ii) clustering process; and (iii) the decomposition technique Penalty-based Boundary Intersection. The proposed algorithm was compared with two state-of-the-art bio-inspired algorithms. Moreover, a version of the proposed technique tailored to solve multi-modal problems was also presented. The experiments executed have shown that the performance obtained by both versions is competitive with state-of-the-art results

    Reconstruction of Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Fish School Search, Non-Blind Search, and Genetic Algorithm

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    Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive imaging technique that does not use ionizing radiation, with application both in environmental sciences and in health. Image reconstruction is performed by solving an inverse problem and ill-posed. Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence have become a source of methods for solving inverse problems. Fish School Search (FSS) is a promising search and optimization method, based on the dynamics of schools of fish. In this article the authors present a method for reconstruction of EIT images based on FSS and Non-Blind Search (NBS). The method was evaluated using numerical phantoms consisting of electrical conductivity images with subjects in the center, between the center and the edge and on the edge of a circular section, with meshes of 415 finite elements. The authors performed 20 simulations for each configuration. Results showed that both FSS and FSS-NBS were able to converge faster than genetic algorithms

    Detecting phase transitions in collective behavior using manifold's curvature

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    If a given behavior of a multi-agent system restricts the phase variable to a invariant manifold, then we define a phase transition as change of physical characteristics such as speed, coordination, and structure. We define such a phase transition as splitting an underlying manifold into two sub-manifolds with distinct dimensionalities around the singularity where the phase transition physically exists. Here, we propose a method of detecting phase transitions and splitting the manifold into phase transitions free sub-manifolds. Therein, we utilize a relationship between curvature and singular value ratio of points sampled in a curve, and then extend the assertion into higher-dimensions using the shape operator. Then we attest that the same phase transition can also be approximated by singular value ratios computed locally over the data in a neighborhood on the manifold. We validate the phase transitions detection method using one particle simulation and three real world examples.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Journal of Mathematical Bioscience and Engineerin

    Learning to school in the presence of hydrodynamic interactions

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    Schooling, an archetype of collective behavior, emerges from the interactions of fish responding to visual and other informative cues mediated by their aqueous environment. In this context, a fundamental and largely unexplored question concerns the role of hydrodynamics. Here, we investigate schooling by modeling swimmers as vortex dipoles whose interactions are governed by the Biot-Savart law. When we enhance these dipoles with behavioral rules from classical agent based models we find that they do not lead robustly to schooling due to flow mediated interactions. In turn, we present dipole swimmers equipped with adaptive decision-making that learn, through a reinforcement learning algorithm, to adjust their gaits in response to non-linearly varying hydrodynamic loads. The dipoles maintain their relative position within a formation by adapting their strength and school in a variety of prescribed geometrical arrangements. Furthermore, we identify schooling patterns that minimize the individual and the collective swimming effort, through an evolutionary optimization. The present work suggests that the adaptive response of individual swimmers to flow-mediated interactions is critical in fish schooling.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Towards Real-Time Advancement of Underwater Visual Quality with GAN

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    Low visual quality has prevented underwater robotic vision from a wide range of applications. Although several algorithms have been developed, real-time and adaptive methods are deficient for real-world tasks. In this paper, we address this difficulty based on generative adversarial networks (GAN), and propose a GAN-based restoration scheme (GAN-RS). In particular, we develop a multi-branch discriminator including an adversarial branch and a critic branch for the purpose of simultaneously preserving image content and removing underwater noise. In addition to adversarial learning, a novel dark channel prior loss also promotes the generator to produce realistic vision. More specifically, an underwater index is investigated to describe underwater properties, and a loss function based on the underwater index is designed to train the critic branch for underwater noise suppression. Through extensive comparisons on visual quality and feature restoration, we confirm the superiority of the proposed approach. Consequently, the GAN-RS can adaptively improve underwater visual quality in real time and induce an overall superior restoration performance. Finally, a real-world experiment is conducted on the seabed for grasping marine products, and the results are quite promising. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/SeanChenxy/GAN_RS

    Segmentation of laterally symmetric overlapping objects: application to images of collective animal behaviour

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    Video analysis is currently the main non-intrusive method for the study of collective behavior. However, 3D-to-2D projection leads to overlapping of observed objects. The situation is further complicated by the absence of stall shapes for the majority of living objects. Fortunately, living objects often possess a certain symmetry which was used as a basis for morphological fingerprinting. This technique allowed us to record forms of symmetrical objects in a pose-invariant way. When combined with image skeletonization, this gives a robust, nonlinear, optimization-free, and fast method for detection of overlapping objects, even without any rigid pattern. This novel method was verified on fish (European bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and tiger barbs, Puntius tetrazona) swimming in a reasonably small tank, which forced them to exhibit a large variety of shapes. Compared with manual detection, the correct number of objects was determined for up to almost 90%90 \% of overlaps, and the mean Dice-Sorensen coefficient was around 0.830.83. This implies that this method is feasible in real-life applications such as toxicity testing.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure