2 research outputs found

    Bandwidth Extension on Raw Audio via Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Neural network-based methods have recently demonstrated state-of-the-art results on image synthesis and super-resolution tasks, in particular by using variants of generative adversarial networks (GANs) with supervised feature losses. Nevertheless, previous feature loss formulations rely on the availability of large auxiliary classifier networks, and labeled datasets that enable such classifiers to be trained. Furthermore, there has been comparatively little work to explore the applicability of GAN-based methods to domains other than images and video. In this work we explore a GAN-based method for audio processing, and develop a convolutional neural network architecture to perform audio super-resolution. In addition to several new architectural building blocks for audio processing, a key component of our approach is the use of an autoencoder-based loss that enables training in the GAN framework, with feature losses derived from unlabeled data. We explore the impact of our architectural choices, and demonstrate significant improvements over previous works in terms of both objective and perceptual quality

    Waveform Modeling and Generation Using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Bandwidth Extension

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    This paper presents a waveform modeling and generation method using hierarchical recurrent neural networks (HRNN) for speech bandwidth extension (BWE). Different from conventional BWE methods which predict spectral parameters for reconstructing wideband speech waveforms, this BWE method models and predicts waveform samples directly without using vocoders. Inspired by SampleRNN which is an unconditional neural audio generator, the HRNN model represents the distribution of each wideband or high-frequency waveform sample conditioned on the input narrowband waveform samples using a neural network composed of long short-term memory (LSTM) layers and feed-forward (FF) layers. The LSTM layers form a hierarchical structure and each layer operates at a specific temporal resolution to efficiently capture long-span dependencies between temporal sequences. Furthermore, additional conditions, such as the bottleneck (BN) features derived from narrowband speech using a deep neural network (DNN)-based state classifier, are employed as auxiliary input to further improve the quality of generated wideband speech. The experimental results of comparing several waveform modeling methods show that the HRNN-based method can achieve better speech quality and run-time efficiency than the dilated convolutional neural network (DCNN)-based method and the plain sample-level recurrent neural network (SRNN)-based method. Our proposed method also outperforms the conventional vocoder-based BWE method using LSTM-RNNs in terms of the subjective quality of the reconstructed wideband speech.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin