6 research outputs found

    Addressing Wealth Inequality Problem in Blockchain-Enabled Knowledge Community with Reputation-Based Incentive Mechanism

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    An increasing number of online knowledge communities have started incorporating the cut-edge FinTech, such as the tokenbased incentive mechanism running on blockchain, into their ecosystems. However, the improper design of incentive mechanisms may result in reward monopoly, which has been observed to harm the ecosystems of exiting communities. This study is aimed to ensure that the key factors involved in users’ reward distribution can truly reflect their contributions to the community so as to increase the equity of wealth distribution. It is one of the first to comprehensively balance a user’s historical and current contributions in reward distribution, which has not received sufficient attention from extant research. The simulation analysis demonstrates that the proposed solution of amending the existing incentive mechanism by incorporating a refined reputation indicator significantly increases the equity of rewards distribution and effectively enlarges the cost of achieving reward monopoly

    A Survey of Scholarly Data: From Big Data Perspective

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    Recently, there has been a shifting focus of organizations and governments towards digitization of academic and technical documents, adding a new facet to the concept of digital libraries. The volume, variety and velocity of this generated data, satisfies the big data definition, as a result of which, this scholarly reserve is popularly referred to as big scholarly data. In order to facilitate data analytics for big scholarly data, architectures and services for the same need to be developed. The evolving nature of research problems has made them essentially interdisciplinary. As a result, there is a growing demand for scholarly applications like collaborator discovery, expert finding and research recommendation systems, in addition to several others. This research paper investigates the current trends and identifies the existing challenges in development of a big scholarly data platform, with specific focus on directions for future research and maps them to the different phases of the big data lifecycle

    A Influência do Community Management no Processo de Decisão de Compra: Mi Store Portugal

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    Embora o crescimento das redes sociais seja cada vez mais significativo, a maioria das organizações ainda não se encontra ciente do seu potencial e de como as podem utilizar para beneficiar a sua organização. Na maioria dos casos existe uma ambiguidade entre cliente e membro da comunidade online, por meio da popularização do termo “Customer Relationship Management” (CRM) ou traduzido, “Gestão de relacionamento com o cliente”. Contudo, não é adequado porque os membros da comunidade online não são necessariamente clientes da marca, ou seja, o termo correto será Community Relationship Management (CoRM). Visto que representa com maior exatidão o que as pessoas fazem nas comunidades online, como conversar, criar, contribuir e conectar. As entidades conseguem aproveitar estas tendências, por intermédio de um profissional responsável pela construção e gestão da sua comunidade online, intitulado de community manager, com o intuito de manter relacionamentos estáveis e duradouros. Este estudo discute a comunidade da marca eletrónica, em particular a comunidade online da Xiaomi em Portugal. Resultado de um estágio de quatro meses na agência de comunicação Creative Minds e da execução direta de funções de community manager na marca Xiaomi Portugal e Mi Store Portugal. Os objetivos do mesmo passam por 1) Analisar a influência do magnetismo da Mi Store na confiança da comunidade da Xiaomi; 2) Examinar a experiência e a sua importância na comunidade e 3) Avaliar a credibilidade da marca e a fidelidade da sua comunidade através do community management, aplicado pela mesma nos seus canais digitais. A análise incorporada neste relatório resulta da análise da experiência de consumidores e fãs da marca e o seu contacto com a loja oficial da Xiaomi em Portugal. Como resultado, conclui-se que a implementação do community management na gestão da sua comunidade online teve efeitos significativos e influência no processo de decisão de compra, muitas das vezes determinante para a sua fidelização.Although the growth of social media is increasingly significant, most organizations are still unaware of its potential and how they can use it to benefit their organization. In most cases there is an ambiguity between customer and online community member through the popularization of the term "Customer Relationship Management" (CRM) or translated, "Customer Relationship Management". However, it is not appropriate because online community members are not necessarily customers of the brand, i.e., the correct term will be Community Relationship Management (CoRM). Since it more accurately represents what people do in online communities, such as chatting, creating, contributing, and connecting. Entities can take advantage of these trends by having a professional responsible for building and managing their online community, called a community manager, in order to maintain stable and lasting relationships. This study discusses the electronic brand community, in particular Xiaomi's online community in Portugal. It is the result of a four-month internship in the communication agency Creative Minds and the direct execution of community manager functions in the brand Xiaomi Portugal and Mi Store Portugal. The objectives of this report are 1) To analyze the influence of the magnetism of the Mi Store on the trust of the Xiaomi community; 2) To examine the experience and its importance in the community and 3) To evaluate the credibility of the brand and the loyalty of its community through community management, applied by the same in its digital channels. The analysis incorporated in this report results from the analysis of the experience of consumers and fans of the brand and their contact with the official Xiaomi store in Portugal. As a result, it is concluded that the implementation of community management in the management of their online community had significant effects and influence in the purchase decision process, often determining their loyalty