19,192 research outputs found

    Edge direction matrixes-based local binar patterns descriptor for shape pattern recognition

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    Shapes and texture image recognition usage is an essential branch of pattern recognition. It is made up of techniques that aim at extracting information from images via human knowledge and works. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) ensures encoding global and local information and scaling invariance by introducing a look-up table to reflect the uniformity structure of an object. However, edge direction matrixes (EDMS) only apply global invariant descriptor which employs first and secondary order relationships. The main idea behind this methodology is the need of improved recognition capabilities, a goal achieved by the combinative use of these descriptors. This collaboration aims to make use of the major advantages each one presents, by simultaneously complementing each other, in order to elevate their weak points. By using multiple classifier approaches such as random forest and multi-layer perceptron neural network, the proposed combinative descriptor are compared with the state of the art combinative methods based on Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrix (GLCM with EDMS), LBP and moment invariant on four benchmark dataset MPEG-7 CE-Shape-1, KTH-TIPS image, Enghlishfnt and Arabic calligraphy . The experiments have shown the superiority of the introduced descriptor over the GLCM with EDMS, LBP and moment invariants and other well-known descriptor such as Scale Invariant Feature Transform from the literature

    A Novel Feature Descriptor for Image Retrieval by Combining Modified Color Histogram and Diagonally Symmetric Co-occurrence Texture Pattern

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    In this paper, we have proposed a novel feature descriptors combining color and texture information collectively. In our proposed color descriptor component, the inter-channel relationship between Hue (H) and Saturation (S) channels in the HSV color space has been explored which was not done earlier. We have quantized the H channel into a number of bins and performed the voting with saturation values and vice versa by following a principle similar to that of the HOG descriptor, where orientation of the gradient is quantized into a certain number of bins and voting is done with gradient magnitude. This helps us to study the nature of variation of saturation with variation in Hue and nature of variation of Hue with the variation in saturation. The texture component of our descriptor considers the co-occurrence relationship between the pixels symmetric about both the diagonals of a 3x3 window. Our work is inspired from the work done by Dubey et al.[1]. These two components, viz. color and texture information individually perform better than existing texture and color descriptors. Moreover, when concatenated the proposed descriptors provide significant improvement over existing descriptors for content base color image retrieval. The proposed descriptor has been tested for image retrieval on five databases, including texture image databases - MIT VisTex database and Salzburg texture database and natural scene databases Corel 1K, Corel 5K and Corel 10K. The precision and recall values experimented on these databases are compared with some state-of-art local patterns. The proposed method provided satisfactory results from the experiments.Comment: Preprint Submitte

    Iris Recognition Based on LBP and Combined LVQ Classifier

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    Iris recognition is considered as one of the best biometric methods used for human identification and verification, this is because of its unique features that differ from one person to another, and its importance in the security field. This paper proposes an algorithm for iris recognition and classification using a system based on Local Binary Pattern and histogram properties as a statistical approaches for feature extraction, and Combined Learning Vector Quantization Classifier as Neural Network approach for classification, in order to build a hybrid model depends on both features. The localization and segmentation techniques are presented using both Canny edge detection and Hough Circular Transform in order to isolate an iris from the whole eye image and for noise detection .Feature vectors results from LBP is applied to a Combined LVQ classifier with different classes to determine the minimum acceptable performance, and the result is based on majority voting among several LVQ classifier. Different iris datasets CASIA, MMU1, MMU2, and LEI with different extensions and size are presented. Since LBP is working on a grayscale level so colored iris images should be transformed into a grayscale level. The proposed system gives a high recognition rate 99.87 % on different iris datasets compared with other methods.Comment: 12 Pages, 12 Figure

    HEp-2 Cell Classification via Fusing Texture and Shape Information

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    Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF) HEp-2 cell image is an effective evidence for diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Recently computer-aided diagnosis of autoimmune diseases by IIF HEp-2 cell classification has attracted great attention. However the HEp-2 cell classification task is quite challenging due to large intra-class variation and small between-class variation. In this paper we propose an effective and efficient approach for the automatic classification of IIF HEp-2 cell image by fusing multi-resolution texture information and richer shape information. To be specific, we propose to: a) capture the multi-resolution texture information by a novel Pairwise Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence of Local Gabor Binary Pattern (PRICoLGBP) descriptor, b) depict the richer shape information by using an Improved Fisher Vector (IFV) model with RootSIFT features which are sampled from large image patches in multiple scales, and c) combine them properly. We evaluate systematically the proposed approach on the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2012, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2013 and ICPR 2014 contest data sets. The experimental results for the proposed methods significantly outperform the winners of ICPR 2012 and ICIP 2013 contest, and achieve comparable performance with the winner of the newly released ICPR 2014 contest.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    An Overview of the Research on Texture Based Plant Leaf Classification

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    Plant classification has a broad application prospective in agriculture and medicine, and is especially significant to the biology diversity research. As plants are vitally important for environmental protection, it is more important to identify and classify them accurately. Plant leaf classification is a technique where leaf is classified based on its different morphological features. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of different aspects of texture based plant leaf classification and related things. At last we will be concluding about the efficient method i.e. the method that gives better performance compared to the other methods.Comment: 12 pages,5 figures and 3 table

    LGLG-WPCA: An Effective Texture-based Method for Face Recognition

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    In this paper, we proposed an effective face feature extraction method by Learning Gabor Log-Euclidean Gaussian with Whitening Principal Component Analysis (WPCA), called LGLG-WPCA. The proposed method learns face features from the embedded multivariate Gaussian in Gabor wavelet domain; it has the robust performance to adverse conditions such as varying poses, skin aging and uneven illumination. Because the space of Gaussian is a Riemannian manifold and it is difficult to incorporate learning mechanism in the model. To address this issue, we use L2EMG to map the multidimensional Gaussian model to the linear space, and then use WPCA to learn face features. We also implemented the key-point-based version of LGLG-WPCA, called LGLG(KP)-WPCA. Experiments show the proposed methods are effective and promising for face texture feature extraction and the combination of the feature of the proposed methods and the features of Deep Convolutional Network (DCNN) achieved the best recognition accuracies on FERET database compared to the state-of-the-art methods. In the next version of this paper, we will test the performance of the proposed methods on the large-varying pose databases

    Low-Level Features for Image Retrieval Based on Extraction of Directional Binary Patterns and Its Oriented Gradients Histogram

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach for image retrieval based on extraction of low level features using techniques such as Directional Binary Code, Haar Wavelet transform and Histogram of Oriented Gradients. The DBC texture descriptor captures the spatial relationship between any pair of neighbourhood pixels in a local region along a given direction, while Local Binary Patterns descriptor considers the relationship between a given pixel and its surrounding neighbours. Therefore, DBC captures more spatial information than LBP and its variants, also it can extract more edge information than LBP. Hence, we employ DBC technique in order to extract grey level texture feature from each RGB channels individually and computed texture maps are further combined which represents colour texture features of an image. Then, we decomposed the extracted colour texture map and original image using Haar wavelet transform. Finally, we encode the shape and local features of wavelet transformed images using Histogram of Oriented Gradients for content based image retrieval. The performance of proposed method is compared with existing methods on two databases such as Wang's corel image and Caltech 256. The evaluation results show that our approach outperforms the existing methods for image retrieval.Comment: 7 Figures, 5 Tables 16 Pages in Computer Applications: An International Journal (CAIJ), Vol.2, No.1, February 201

    An Approach to the Analysis of the South Slavic Medieval Labels Using Image Texture

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    The paper presents a new script classification method for the discrimination of the South Slavic medieval labels. It consists in the textural analysis of the script types. In the first step, each letter is coded by the equivalent script type, which is defined by its typographical features. Obtained coded text is subjected to the run-length statistical analysis and to the adjacent local binary pattern analysis in order to extract the features. The result shows a diversity between the extracted features of the scripts, which makes the feature classification more effective. It is the basis for the classification process of the script identification by using an extension of a state-of-the-art approach for document clustering. The proposed method is evaluated on an example of hand-engraved in stone and hand-printed in paper labels in old Cyrillic, angular and round Glagolitic. Experiments demonstrate very positive results, which prove the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 3rd Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding (REACTS 2015

    A Survey on Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images

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    Object detection in optical remote sensing images, being a fundamental but challenging problem in the field of aerial and satellite image analysis, plays an important role for a wide range of applications and is receiving significant attention in recent years. While enormous methods exist, a deep review of the literature concerning generic object detection is still lacking. This paper aims to provide a review of the recent progress in this field. Different from several previously published surveys that focus on a specific object class such as building and road, we concentrate on more generic object categories including, but are not limited to, road, building, tree, vehicle, ship, airport, urban-area. Covering about 270 publications we survey 1) template matching-based object detection methods, 2) knowledge-based object detection methods, 3) object-based image analysis (OBIA)-based object detection methods, 4) machine learning-based object detection methods, and 5) five publicly available datasets and three standard evaluation metrics. We also discuss the challenges of current studies and propose two promising research directions, namely deep learning-based feature representation and weakly supervised learning-based geospatial object detection. It is our hope that this survey will be beneficial for the researchers to have better understanding of this research field.Comment: This manuscript is the accepted version for ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin

    A PCA-Based Convolutional Network

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    In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised deep learning model, called PCA-based Convolutional Network (PCN). The architecture of PCN is composed of several feature extraction stages and a nonlinear output stage. Particularly, each feature extraction stage includes two layers: a convolutional layer and a feature pooling layer. In the convolutional layer, the filter banks are simply learned by PCA. In the nonlinear output stage, binary hashing is applied. For the higher convolutional layers, the filter banks are learned from the feature maps that were obtained in the previous stage. To test PCN, we conducted extensive experiments on some challenging tasks, including handwritten digits recognition, face recognition and texture classification. The results show that PCN performs competitive with or even better than state-of-the-art deep learning models. More importantly, since there is no back propagation for supervised finetuning, PCN is much more efficient than existing deep networks.Comment: 8 pages,5 figure