2,195 research outputs found

    LRF-Net: Learning Local Reference Frames for 3D Local Shape Description and Matching

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    The local reference frame (LRF) acts as a critical role in 3D local shape description and matching. However, most of existing LRFs are hand-crafted and suffer from limited repeatability and robustness. This paper presents the first attempt to learn an LRF via a Siamese network that needs weak supervision only. In particular, we argue that each neighboring point in the local surface gives a unique contribution to LRF construction and measure such contributions via learned weights. Extensive analysis and comparative experiments on three public datasets addressing different application scenarios have demonstrated that LRF-Net is more repeatable and robust than several state-of-the-art LRF methods (LRF-Net is only trained on one dataset). In addition, LRF-Net can significantly boost the local shape description and 6-DoF pose estimation performance when matching 3D point clouds.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    T-LESS: An RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of Texture-less Objects

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    We introduce T-LESS, a new public dataset for estimating the 6D pose, i.e. translation and rotation, of texture-less rigid objects. The dataset features thirty industry-relevant objects with no significant texture and no discriminative color or reflectance properties. The objects exhibit symmetries and mutual similarities in shape and/or size. Compared to other datasets, a unique property is that some of the objects are parts of others. The dataset includes training and test images that were captured with three synchronized sensors, specifically a structured-light and a time-of-flight RGB-D sensor and a high-resolution RGB camera. There are approximately 39K training and 10K test images from each sensor. Additionally, two types of 3D models are provided for each object, i.e. a manually created CAD model and a semi-automatically reconstructed one. Training images depict individual objects against a black background. Test images originate from twenty test scenes having varying complexity, which increases from simple scenes with several isolated objects to very challenging ones with multiple instances of several objects and with a high amount of clutter and occlusion. The images were captured from a systematically sampled view sphere around the object/scene, and are annotated with accurate ground truth 6D poses of all modeled objects. Initial evaluation results indicate that the state of the art in 6D object pose estimation has ample room for improvement, especially in difficult cases with significant occlusion. The T-LESS dataset is available online at cmp.felk.cvut.cz/t-less.Comment: WACV 201

    Going Further with Point Pair Features

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    Point Pair Features is a widely used method to detect 3D objects in point clouds, however they are prone to fail in presence of sensor noise and background clutter. We introduce novel sampling and voting schemes that significantly reduces the influence of clutter and sensor noise. Our experiments show that with our improvements, PPFs become competitive against state-of-the-art methods as it outperforms them on several objects from challenging benchmarks, at a low computational cost.Comment: Corrected post-print of manuscript accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2016; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-46487-9_5

    Rotational Projection Statistics for 3D Local Surface Description and Object Recognition

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    Recognizing 3D objects in the presence of noise, varying mesh resolution, occlusion and clutter is a very challenging task. This paper presents a novel method named Rotational Projection Statistics (RoPS). It has three major modules: Local Reference Frame (LRF) definition, RoPS feature description and 3D object recognition. We propose a novel technique to define the LRF by calculating the scatter matrix of all points lying on the local surface. RoPS feature descriptors are obtained by rotationally projecting the neighboring points of a feature point onto 2D planes and calculating a set of statistics (including low-order central moments and entropy) of the distribution of these projected points. Using the proposed LRF and RoPS descriptor, we present a hierarchical 3D object recognition algorithm. The performance of the proposed LRF, RoPS descriptor and object recognition algorithm was rigorously tested on a number of popular and publicly available datasets. Our proposed techniques exhibited superior performance compared to existing techniques. We also showed that our method is robust with respect to noise and varying mesh resolution. Our RoPS based algorithm achieved recognition rates of 100%, 98.9%, 95.4% and 96.0% respectively when tested on the Bologna, UWA, Queen's and Ca' Foscari Venezia Datasets.Comment: The final publication is available at link.springer.com International Journal of Computer Vision 201

    3D Object Discovery and Modeling Using Single RGB-D Images Containing Multiple Object Instances

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    Unsupervised object modeling is important in robotics, especially for handling a large set of objects. We present a method for unsupervised 3D object discovery, reconstruction, and localization that exploits multiple instances of an identical object contained in a single RGB-D image. The proposed method does not rely on segmentation, scene knowledge, or user input, and thus is easily scalable. Our method aims to find recurrent patterns in a single RGB-D image by utilizing appearance and geometry of the salient regions. We extract keypoints and match them in pairs based on their descriptors. We then generate triplets of the keypoints matching with each other using several geometric criteria to minimize false matches. The relative poses of the matched triplets are computed and clustered to discover sets of triplet pairs with similar relative poses. Triplets belonging to the same set are likely to belong to the same object and are used to construct an initial object model. Detection of remaining instances with the initial object model using RANSAC allows to further expand and refine the model. The automatically generated object models are both compact and descriptive. We show quantitative and qualitative results on RGB-D images with various objects including some from the Amazon Picking Challenge. We also demonstrate the use of our method in an object picking scenario with a robotic arm
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