6,718 research outputs found

    Image Super-Resolution via Deterministic-Stochastic Synthesis and Local Statistical Rectification

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    Single image superresolution has been a popular research topic in the last two decades and has recently received a new wave of interest due to deep neural networks. In this paper, we approach this problem from a different perspective. With respect to a downsampled low resolution image, we model a high resolution image as a combination of two components, a deterministic component and a stochastic component. The deterministic component can be recovered from the low-frequency signals in the downsampled image. The stochastic component, on the other hand, contains the signals that have little correlation with the low resolution image. We adopt two complementary methods for generating these two components. While generative adversarial networks are used for the stochastic component, deterministic component reconstruction is formulated as a regression problem solved using deep neural networks. Since the deterministic component exhibits clearer local orientations, we design novel loss functions tailored for such properties for training the deep regression network. These two methods are first applied to the entire input image to produce two distinct high-resolution images. Afterwards, these two images are fused together using another deep neural network that also performs local statistical rectification, which tries to make the local statistics of the fused image match the same local statistics of the groundtruth image. Quantitative results and a user study indicate that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms with a clear margin.Comment: to appear in SIGGRAPH Asia 201

    Generic 3D Convolutional Fusion for image restoration

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    Also recently, exciting strides forward have been made in the area of image restoration, particularly for image denoising and single image super-resolution. Deep learning techniques contributed to this significantly. The top methods differ in their formulations and assumptions, so even if their average performance may be similar, some work better on certain image types and image regions than others. This complementarity motivated us to propose a novel 3D convolutional fusion (3DCF) method. Unlike other methods adapted to different tasks, our method uses the exact same convolutional network architecture to address both image denois- ing and single image super-resolution. As a result, our 3DCF method achieves substantial improvements (0.1dB-0.4dB PSNR) over the state-of-the-art methods that it fuses, and this on standard benchmarks for both tasks. At the same time, the method still is computationally efficient

    NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image

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    This paper reviews the second challenge on spectral reconstruction from RGB images, i.e., the recovery of whole-scene hyperspectral (HS) information from a 3-channel RGB image. As in the previous challenge, two tracks were provided: (i) a "Clean" track where HS images are estimated from noise-free RGBs, the RGB images are themselves calculated numerically using the ground-truth HS images and supplied spectral sensitivity functions (ii) a "Real World" track, simulating capture by an uncalibrated and unknown camera, where the HS images are recovered from noisy JPEG-compressed RGB images. A new, larger-than-ever, natural hyperspectral image data set is presented, containing a total of 510 HS images. The Clean and Real World tracks had 103 and 78 registered participants respectively, with 14 teams competing in the final testing phase. A description of the proposed methods, alongside their challenge scores and an extensive evaluation of top performing methods is also provided. They gauge the state-of-the-art in spectral reconstruction from an RGB image

    Deep Inception Generative Network for Cognitive Image Inpainting

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    Recent advances in deep learning have shown exciting promise in filling large holes and lead to another orientation for image inpainting. However, existing learning-based methods often create artifacts and fallacious textures because of insufficient cognition understanding. Previous generative networks are limited with single receptive type and give up pooling in consideration of detail sharpness. Human cognition is constant regardless of the target attribute. As multiple receptive fields improve the ability of abstract image characterization and pooling can keep feature invariant, specifically, deep inception learning is adopted to promote high-level feature representation and enhance model learning capacity for local patches. Moreover, approaches for generating diverse mask images are introduced and a random mask dataset is created. We benchmark our methods on ImageNet, Places2 dataset, and CelebA-HQ. Experiments for regular, irregular, and custom regions completion are all performed and free-style image inpainting is also presented. Quantitative comparisons with previous state-of-the-art methods show that ours obtain much more natural image completions

    A Deep Journey into Super-resolution: A survey

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    Deep convolutional networks based super-resolution is a fast-growing field with numerous practical applications. In this exposition, we extensively compare 30+ state-of-the-art super-resolution Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) over three classical and three recently introduced challenging datasets to benchmark single image super-resolution. We introduce a taxonomy for deep-learning based super-resolution networks that groups existing methods into nine categories including linear, residual, multi-branch, recursive, progressive, attention-based and adversarial designs. We also provide comparisons between the models in terms of network complexity, memory footprint, model input and output, learning details, the type of network losses and important architectural differences (e.g., depth, skip-connections, filters). The extensive evaluation performed, shows the consistent and rapid growth in the accuracy in the past few years along with a corresponding boost in model complexity and the availability of large-scale datasets. It is also observed that the pioneering methods identified as the benchmark have been significantly outperformed by the current contenders. Despite the progress in recent years, we identify several shortcomings of existing techniques and provide future research directions towards the solution of these open problems.Comment: Accepted in ACM Computing Survey

    Deep feature fusion for self-supervised monocular depth prediction

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    Recent advances in end-to-end unsupervised learning has significantly improved the performance of monocular depth prediction and alleviated the requirement of ground truth depth. Although a plethora of work has been done in enforcing various structural constraints by incorporating multiple losses utilising smoothness, left-right consistency, regularisation and matching surface normals, a few of them take into consideration multi-scale structures present in real world images. Most works utilise a VGG16 or ResNet50 model pre-trained on ImageNet weights for predicting depth. We propose a deep feature fusion method utilising features at multiple scales for learning self-supervised depth from scratch. Our fusion network selects features from both upper and lower levels at every level in the encoder network, thereby creating multiple feature pyramid sub-networks that are fed to the decoder after applying the CoordConv solution. We also propose a refinement module learning higher scale residual depth from a combination of higher level deep features and lower level residual depth using a pixel shuffling framework that super-resolves lower level residual depth. We select the KITTI dataset for evaluation and show that our proposed architecture can produce better or comparable results in depth prediction.Comment: 4 pages, 2 Tables, 2 Figure

    IEGAN: Multi-purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Network

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    Despite the breakthroughs in quality of image enhancement, an end-to-end solution for simultaneous recovery of the finer texture details and sharpness for degraded images with low resolution is still unsolved. Some existing approaches focus on minimizing the pixel-wise reconstruction error which results in a high peak signal-to-noise ratio. The enhanced images fail to provide high-frequency details and are perceptually unsatisfying, i.e., they fail to match the quality expected in a photo-realistic image. In this paper, we present Image Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network (IEGAN), a versatile framework capable of inferring photo-realistic natural images for both artifact removal and super-resolution simultaneously. Moreover, we propose a new loss function consisting of a combination of reconstruction loss, feature loss and an edge loss counterpart. The feature loss helps to push the output image to the natural image manifold and the edge loss preserves the sharpness of the output image. The reconstruction loss provides low-level semantic information to the generator regarding the quality of the generated images compared to the original. Our approach has been experimentally proven to recover photo-realistic textures from heavily compressed low-resolution images on public benchmarks and our proposed high-resolution World100 dataset.Comment: Accepted at IEEE WACV 201

    Learned Spectral Super-Resolution

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    We describe a novel method for blind, single-image spectral super-resolution. While conventional super-resolution aims to increase the spatial resolution of an input image, our goal is to spectrally enhance the input, i.e., generate an image with the same spatial resolution, but a greatly increased number of narrow (hyper-spectral) wave-length bands. Just like the spatial statistics of natural images has rich structure, which one can exploit as prior to predict high-frequency content from a low resolution image, the same is also true in the spectral domain: the materials and lighting conditions of the observed world induce structure in the spectrum of wavelengths observed at a given pixel. Surprisingly, very little work exists that attempts to use this diagnosis and achieve blind spectral super-resolution from single images. We start from the conjecture that, just like in the spatial domain, we can learn the statistics of natural image spectra, and with its help generate finely resolved hyper-spectral images from RGB input. Technically, we follow the current best practice and implement a convolutional neural network (CNN), which is trained to carry out the end-to-end mapping from an entire RGB image to the corresponding hyperspectral image of equal size. We demonstrate spectral super-resolution both for conventional RGB images and for multi-spectral satellite data, outperforming the state-of-the-art.Comment: Submitted to ICCV 2017 (10 pages, 8 figures

    Deep Learned Frame Prediction for Video Compression

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    Motion compensation is one of the most essential methods for any video compression algorithm. Video frame prediction is a task analogous to motion compensation. In recent years, the task of frame prediction is undertaken by deep neural networks (DNNs). In this thesis we create a DNN to perform learned frame prediction and additionally implement a codec that contains our DNN. We train our network using two methods for two different goals. Firstly we train our network based on mean square error (MSE) only, aiming to obtain highest PSNR values at frame prediction and video compression. Secondly we use adversarial training to produce visually more realistic frame predictions. For frame prediction, we compare our method with the baseline methods of frame difference and 16x16 block motion compensation. For video compression we further include x264 video codec in the comparison. We show that in frame prediction, adversarial training produces frames that look sharper and more realistic, compared MSE based training, but in video compression it consistently performs worse. This proves that even though adversarial training is useful for generating video frames that are more pleasing to the human eye, they should not be employed for video compression. Moreover, our network trained with MSE produces accurate frame predictions, and in quantitative results, for both tasks, it produces comparable results in all videos and outperforms other methods on average. More specifically, learned frame prediction outperforms other methods in terms of rate-distortion performance in case of high motion video, while the rate-distortion performance of our method is competitive with that of x264 in low motion video

    Learning Deep Convolutional Networks for Demosaicing

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    This paper presents a comprehensive study of applying the convolutional neural network (CNN) to solving the demosaicing problem. The paper presents two CNN models that learn end-to-end mappings between the mosaic samples and the original image patches with full information. In the case the Bayer color filter array (CFA) is used, an evaluation with ten competitive methods on popular benchmarks confirms that the data-driven, automatically learned features by the CNN models are very effective. Experiments show that the proposed CNN models can perform equally well in both the sRGB space and the linear space. It is also demonstrated that the CNN model can perform joint denoising and demosaicing. The CNN model is very flexible and can be easily adopted for demosaicing with any CFA design. We train CNN models for demosaicing with three different CFAs and obtain better results than existing methods. With the great flexibility to be coupled with any CFA, we present the first data-driven joint optimization of the CFA design and the demosaicing method using CNN. Experiments show that the combination of the automatically discovered CFA pattern and the automatically devised demosaicing method significantly outperforms the current best demosaicing results. Visual comparisons confirm that the proposed methods reduce more visual artifacts than existing methods. Finally, we show that the CNN model is also effective for the more general demosaicing problem with spatially varying exposure and color and can be used for taking images of higher dynamic ranges with a single shot. The proposed models and the thorough experiments together demonstrate that CNN is an effective and versatile tool for solving the demosaicing problem
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