491,148 research outputs found

    Affine formation maneuver control of multi-agent systems

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    A multi-agent formation control task usually consists of two subtasks. The first is to steer the agents to form a desired geometric pattern and the second is to achieve desired collective maneuvers so that the centroid, orientation, scale, and other geometric parameters of the formation can be changed continuously. This paper proposes a novel affine formation maneuver control approach to achieve the two subtasks simultaneously. The proposed approach relies on stress matrices, which can be viewed as generalized graph Laplacian matrices with positive, negative, and zero edge weights. The proposed control laws can track any target formation that is a time-varying affine transformation of a nominal configuration. The centroid, orientation, scales in different directions, and even geometric pattern of the formation can all be changed continuously. The desired formation maneuvers are only known by a small number of agents called leaders, and the rest agents called followers only need to follow the leaders. The proposed control laws are globally stable and do not require global reference frames if the required measurements can be measured in each agent's local reference frame

    Lifelong Learning-Based Multilayer Neural Network Control of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Strict-Feedback Systems

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    In This Paper, We Investigate Lifelong Learning (LL)-Based Tracking Control for Partially Uncertain Strict Feedback Nonlinear Systems with State Constraints, employing a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the Multilayer Neural Networks (MNNs) Activation Function based Weight Tuning Scheme. the Novel SVD-Based Approach Extends the MNN Weight Tuning to (Formula Presented.) Layers. a Unique Online LL Method, based on Tracking Error, is Integrated into the MNN Weight Update Laws to Counteract Catastrophic Forgetting. to Adeptly Address Constraints for Safety Assurances, Taking into Account the Effects Caused by Disturbances, We Utilize a Time-Varying Barrier Lyapunov Function (TBLF) that Ensures a Uniformly Ultimately Bounded Closed-Loop System. the Effectiveness of the Proposed Safe LL MNN Approach is Demonstrated through a Leader-Follower Formation Scenario Involving Unknown Kinematics and Dynamics. Supporting Simulation Results of Mobile Robot Formation Control Are Provided, Confirming the Theoretical Findings

    Weighted predictor-feedback formation control in local frames under time-varying delays and switching topology

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    This article presents a novel control strategy based on predictor-feedback delay compensation for multiagent systems to reach a prescribed target formation under unknown but bounded communication delays and switching communication topology. Both communication delays and network topology can be subjected to arbitrarily-fast time variations. The key idea is to implement predictor-feedback strategies using only relative measurements between agents expressed in each local agent's frame, with the aim to counteract the negative effect of time delays. Nevertheless, due to the decentralized nature of the control, the presence of time-varying delays and switching communication topology, only partial delay compensation is possible. Despite this, we show that better performance can be achieved with our proposal with respect to nonpredictor control schemes by introducing a weighting factor for predictor-feedback terms in the control law. Sufficient conditions based on Linear Matrix Inequalities for robust stability are also provided, which allow to easily design the controller parameters in order to maximize the speed of convergence. Finally, simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Differential Inequalities in Multi-Agent Coordination and Opinion Dynamics Modeling

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    Distributed algorithms of multi-agent coordination have attracted substantial attention from the research community; the simplest and most thoroughly studied of them are consensus protocols in the form of differential or difference equations over general time-varying weighted graphs. These graphs are usually characterized algebraically by their associated Laplacian matrices. Network algorithms with similar algebraic graph theoretic structures, called being of Laplacian-type in this paper, also arise in other related multi-agent control problems, such as aggregation and containment control, target surrounding, distributed optimization and modeling of opinion evolution in social groups. In spite of their similarities, each of such algorithms has often been studied using separate mathematical techniques. In this paper, a novel approach is offered, allowing a unified and elegant way to examine many Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination. This approach is based on the analysis of some differential or difference inequalities that have to be satisfied by the some "outputs" of the agents (e.g. the distances to the desired set in aggregation problems). Although such inequalities may have many unbounded solutions, under natural graphic connectivity conditions all their bounded solutions converge (and even reach consensus), entailing the convergence of the corresponding distributed algorithms. In the theory of differential equations the absence of bounded non-convergent solutions is referred to as the equation's dichotomy. In this paper, we establish the dichotomy criteria of Laplacian-type differential and difference inequalities and show that these criteria enable one to extend a number of recent results, concerned with Laplacian-type algorithms for multi-agent coordination and modeling opinion formation in social groups.Comment: accepted to Automatic

    Adaptive and Optimal Motion Control of Multi-UAV Systems

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    This thesis studies trajectory tracking and coordination control problems for single and multi unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems. These control problems are addressed for both quadrotor and fixed-wing UAV cases. Despite the fact that the literature has some approaches for both problems, most of the previous studies have implementation challenges on real-time systems. In this thesis, we use a hierarchical modular approach where the high-level coordination and formation control tasks are separated from low-level individual UAV motion control tasks. This separation helps efficient and systematic optimal control synthesis robust to effects of nonlinearities, uncertainties and external disturbances at both levels, independently. The modular two-level control structure is convenient in extending single-UAV motion control design to coordination control of multi-UAV systems. Therefore, we examine single quadrotor UAV trajectory tracking problems to develop advanced controllers compensating effects of nonlinearities and uncertainties, and improving robustness and optimality for tracking performance. At fi rst, a novel adaptive linear quadratic tracking (ALQT) scheme is developed for stabilization and optimal attitude control of the quadrotor UAV system. In the implementation, the proposed scheme is integrated with Kalman based reliable attitude estimators, which compensate measurement noises. Next, in order to guarantee prescribed transient and steady-state tracking performances, we have designed a novel backstepping based adaptive controller that is robust to effects of underactuated dynamics, nonlinearities and model uncertainties, e.g., inertial and rotational drag uncertainties. The tracking performance is guaranteed to utilize a prescribed performance bound (PPB) based error transformation. In the coordination control of multi-UAV systems, following the two-level control structure, at high-level, we design a distributed hierarchical (leader-follower) 3D formation control scheme. Then, the low-level control design is based on the optimal and adaptive control designs performed for each quadrotor UAV separately. As particular approaches, we design an adaptive mixing controller (AMC) to improve robustness to varying parametric uncertainties and an adaptive linear quadratic controller (ALQC). Lastly, for planar motion, especially for constant altitude flight of fixed-wing UAVs, in 2D, a distributed hierarchical (leader-follower) formation control scheme at the high-level and a linear quadratic tracking (LQT) scheme at the low-level are developed for tracking and formation control problems of the fixed-wing UAV systems to examine the non-holonomic motion case. The proposed control methods are tested via simulations and experiments on a multi-quadrotor UAV system testbed

    Reconstructing extreme AMOC events through nudging of the ocean surface: a perfect model approach

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    While the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is thought to be a crucial component of the North Atlantic climate, past changes in its strength are challenging to quantify, and only limited information is available. In this study, we use a perfect model approach with the IPSL-CM5A-LR model to assess the performance of several surface nudging techniques in reconstructing the variability of the AMOC. Special attention is given to the reproducibility of an extreme positive AMOC peak from a preindustrial control simulation. Nudging includes standard relaxation techniques towards the sea surface temperature and salinity anomalies of this target control simulation, and/or the prescription of the wind-stress fields. Surface nudging approaches using standard fixed restoring terms succeed in reproducing most of the target AMOC variability, including the timing of the extreme event, but systematically underestimate its amplitude. A detailed analysis of the AMOC variability mechanisms reveals that the underestimation of the extreme AMOC maximum comes from a deficit in the formation of the dense water masses in the main convection region, located south of Iceland in the model. This issue is largely corrected after introducing a novel surface nudging approach, which uses a varying restoring coefficient that is proportional to the simulated mixed layer depth, which, in essence, keeps the restoring time scale constant. This new technique substantially improves water mass transformation in the regions of convection, and in particular, the formation of the densest waters, which are key for the representation of the AMOC extreme. It is therefore a promising strategy that may help to better constrain the AMOC variability and other ocean features in the models. As this restoring technique only uses surface data, for which better and longer observations are available, it opens up opportunities for improved reconstructions of the AMOC over the last few decades
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