1 research outputs found

    Stability of Multi-Dimensional Switched Systems with an Application to Open Multi-Agent Systems

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    Extended from the classic switched system, themulti-dimensional switched system (MDSS) allows for subsystems(switching modes) with different state dimensions. In this work,we study the stability problem of the MDSS, whose state transi-tion at each switching instant is characterized by the dimensionvariation and the state jump, without extra constraint imposed.Based on the proposed transition-dependent average dwell time(TDADT) and the piecewise TDADT methods, along with the pro-posed parametric multiple Lyapunov functions (MLFs), sufficientconditions for the practical and the asymptotical stabilities of theMDSS are respectively derived for the MDSS in the presenceof unstable subsystems. The stability results for the MDSS areapplied to the consensus problem of the open multi-agent system(MAS) which exhibits dynamic circulation behaviors. It is shownthat the (practical) consensus of the open MAS with disconnectedswitching topologies can be ensured by (practically) stabilizingthe corresponding MDSS with unstable switching modes via theproposed TDADT and parametric MLF methods.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure