1,441 research outputs found

    Challenges in imaging and predictive modeling of rhizosphere processes

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    Background Plant-soil interaction is central to human food production and ecosystem function. Thus, it is essential to not only understand, but also to develop predictive mathematical models which can be used to assess how climate and soil management practices will affect these interactions. Scope In this paper we review the current developments in structural and chemical imaging of rhizosphere processes within the context of multiscale mathematical image based modeling. We outline areas that need more research and areas which would benefit from more detailed understanding. Conclusions We conclude that the combination of structural and chemical imaging with modeling is an incredibly powerful tool which is fundamental for understanding how plant roots interact with soil. We emphasize the need for more researchers to be attracted to this area that is so fertile for future discoveries. Finally, model building must go hand in hand with experiments. In particular, there is a real need to integrate rhizosphere structural and chemical imaging with modeling for better understanding of the rhizosphere processes leading to models which explicitly account for pore scale processes

    Review of Microfluidic Devices and Imaging Techniques for Fluid Flow Study in Porous Geomaterials

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    Understanding transport phenomena and governing mechanisms of different physical and chemical processes in porous media has been a critical research area for decades. Correlating fluid flow behaviour at the micro-scale with macro-scale parameters, such as relative permeability and capillary pressure, is key to understanding the processes governing subsurface systems, and this in turn allows us to improve the accuracy of modelling and simulations of transport phenomena at a large scale. Over the last two decades, there have been significant developments in our understanding of pore-scale processes and modelling of complex underground systems. Microfluidic devices (micromodels) and imaging techniques, as facilitators to link experimental observations to simulation, have greatly contributed to these achievements. Although several reviews exist covering separately advances in one of these two areas, we present here a detailed review integrating recent advances and applications in both micromodels and imaging techniques. This includes a comprehensive analysis of critical aspects of fabrication techniques of micromodels, and the most recent advances such as embedding fibre optic sensors in micromodels for research applications. To complete the analysis of visualization techniques, we have thoroughly reviewed the most applicable imaging techniques in the area of geoscience and geo-energy. Moreover, the integration of microfluidic devices and imaging techniques was highlighted as appropriate. In this review, we focus particularly on four prominent yet very wide application areas, namely “fluid flow in porous media”, “flow in heterogeneous rocks and fractures”, “reactive transport, solute and colloid transport”, and finally “porous media characterization”. In summary, this review provides an in-depth analysis of micromodels and imaging techniques that can help to guide future research in the in-situ visualization of fluid flow in porous media

    Fast Determination of Soil Behavior in the Capillary Zone Using Simple Laboratory Tests

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    INE/AUTC 13.1

    Tracing back the source of contamination

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    From the time a contaminant is detected in an observation well, the question of where and when the contaminant was introduced in the aquifer needs an answer. Many techniques have been proposed to answer this question, but virtually all of them assume that the aquifer and its dynamics are perfectly known. This work discusses a new approach for the simultaneous identification of the contaminant source location and the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in an aquifer which has been validated on synthetic and laboratory experiments and which is in the process of being validated on a real aquifer

    Pore network modelling of wettability effects on waterflood oil recovery from Agbada sandstone formation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    A thesis Submitted to the School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Johannesburg, 2016Wettability of a porous reservoir rock is an important factor that affects oil recovery during waterflooding. It is recognized as being important for multiphase properties. Understanding the variation of these properties in the field, due to wettability trends and different pore structures, is very critical for designing efficient and reliable processes and projects for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. After primary drainage the reservoir wettability changes: if it was oil-wet initially, it gradually changes to water-wet during waterflooding. This change in reservoir wettability towards water-wet will reduce the residual oil saturation and improve the oil displacement efficiency. However, knowledge of the constitutive relationship between the pore scale descriptors of transport in the porous system is required to adequately describe wettability trend and its impact on oil recovery, particularly during waterflooding. In this work, the petrophysical properties that define fluid flow in the Agbada, Nigeria sandstone reservoir were determined using conventional experimental and x-ray CT scanning methods. Experimentally measured average porosity is 0.28, average permeability is 1699 mD, while the initial and irreducible water saturation is 0.22. Permeability in the x, y and z directions, ranging from 50 to 200 mD, were calculated from the pore network extracted from the Agbada sandstone rock. Results obtained from the Amott-Harvey wettability measurement method indicate that the reservoir is strongly water-wet, with Amott-Harvey index of about 0.9. The cross-over between the water and oil relative permeabilities occurred at saturations of the samples above 0.5, giving an indication of strong water-wetness. The work summarizes the mechanism of wettability alteration and characterizes the performance of the reservoir during waterflooding from injecting water, and relates the residual oil saturation, relative permeability and volumes of water injected to wettability and its effects on oil recovery. Waterflood oil recovery is computed using the Buckley-Leverett method based on the reservoir rock and fluid properties. Computed waterflood oil recovery using this method was about 60% of the oil initially in place. Plots of spontaneous imbibition rate show that the injection rate for optimal oil recovery is 40 bbls of injected water per day. At this rate, both the mobility and shock front mobility ratios are less than 1, leading to a stable flood front and absence of viscous fingering. Waterflooding is by far the most widely applied method of improved oil recovery over the years with good results in conventional and unconventional (tight oil) reservoirs It is relatively simple and cost effective: abundance and availability of water. Waterflood oil recovery factor is affected by internal and external factors. The placement of the injection and production wells, for example, impacts on the effectiveness of the waterflooding process. I considered the placement of the wells in a five-spot pattern as elements of an unbounded double periodic array of wells and assumed the reservoir to be homogeneous, infinite and isotropic, with constant porosity and permeability. Both fluids are treated as having slight but constant compressibility and their flow governed by Darcy’s law. The average pressure in the reservoir satisfies quasi-static flow or diffusion equation. I then assumed piston-like displacement of oil by injected water that takes account of viscosity diffence between both fluids and proposed a model based on the theory of elliptic functions, in particular Weierstrass p-functions functions. Oil-water contact movement, dimensionless time for water breakthrough at the production well, areal sweep and average reservoir pressures were modeled. The model was tested using Wolfram Mathematica 10 software and the results are promising. The thesis has therefore established that the Agbada sandstone reservoir is strongly water-wet and that waterflooding is a viable option for enhanced oil recovery from the reservoir.MT201

    Transient Study of the Wetting Films in Porous Media Using 3D X-Ray Computed Micro-Tomography: Effect of Imbibition Rate and Pore Geometry

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    Imbibition in porous media is governed by the complex interplay between viscous and capillary forces, pore structure and fluid properties. Understanding and predicting imbibition is important in many natural and engineered applications; it affects the efficiency of oil production operations, the moisture and contaminant transport in soil science, and the formation of defects in certain types of composite materials. Majority of the studies published on the transient imbibition behavior in a porous medium were conducted in the simplified 2D transparent micromodels or the 2D projection visualization (X-ray or visible light) of the 3D porous medium. However, the pore level transient imbibition studies have not been reported on real three dimensional porous medium. The main challenge arises from the slowness of the present 3D imaging techniques in comparison with the speed of the pore filling events. To overcome these difficulties, we have developed a novel experimental technique using UV-induced polymerization, which allows the fluid phase distributions to be frozen in place during transient imbibition. Pore-scale structure of the front can then be examined in the 3D microscopic details using the X-ray Computed micro-Tomography (XCT). We have also developed a suite of advanced image segmentation programs to segment the grayscale XCT data. Image-based physically representative pore network generation techniques were unitized to quantify the geometry and topology of pore, wetting and nonwetting phase structure. Using UV initiated polymerization technique and image-based quantitative analysis tools; we have studied the effects of capillary number, pore structure and surface roughness on the structure of the transient imbibition front

    Microbial and metabolic succession on common building materials under high humidity conditions.

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    Despite considerable efforts to characterize the microbial ecology of the built environment, the metabolic mechanisms underpinning microbial colonization and successional dynamics remain unclear, particularly at high moisture conditions. Here, we applied bacterial/viral particle counting, qPCR, amplicon sequencing of the genes encoding 16S and ITS rRNA, and metabolomics to longitudinally characterize the ecological dynamics of four common building materials maintained at high humidity. We varied the natural inoculum provided to each material and wet half of the samples to simulate a potable water leak. Wetted materials had higher growth rates and lower alpha diversity compared to non-wetted materials, and wetting described the majority of the variance in bacterial, fungal, and metabolite structure. Inoculation location was weakly associated with bacterial and fungal beta diversity. Material type influenced bacterial and viral particle abundance and bacterial and metabolic (but not fungal) diversity. Metabolites indicative of microbial activity were identified, and they too differed by material

    2D Microfluidic Devices for Pore-Scale Phenomena Investigation: A Review

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    Underground porous media are complex multiphase systems, where the behavior at the macro-scale is affected by physical phenomena occurring at the pore(micro)-scale. The understanding of pore-scale fluid flow, transport properties, and chemical reactions is fundamental to reducing the uncertainties associated with the dynamic behavior, volume capacity, and injection/withdrawal efficiency of reservoirs and groundwater systems. Lately, laboratory technologies were found to be growing along with new computational tools, for the analysis and characterization of porous media. In this context, a significant contribution is given by microfluidics, which provides synthetic tools, often referred to as micromodels or microfluidic devices, able to mimic porous media networks and offer direct visualization of fluid dynamics. This work aimed to provide a review of the design, materials, and fabrication techniques of 2D micromodels applied to the investigation of multiphase flow in underground porous media. The first part of the article describes the main aspects related to the geometrical characterization of the porous media that lead to the design of micromodels. Materials and fabrication processes to manufacture microfluidic devices are then described, and relevant applications in the field are presented. In conclusion, the strengths and limitations of this approach are discussed, and future perspectives are suggested


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    The theoretical understanding of fluids in unsaturated porous media has improved substantially over the last several decades. Water retention curves remain a central pillar in the theoretical framework for modeling of water flow in unsaturated porous media. Use of the average water retention function in models to simulate water flow in porous media can result in inaccurate predictions due to the variations in water content and matric potential with elevation within the medium. As a result, point water retention curve data are needed for testing existing numerical and analytical models and for improving our ability to predict unsaturated water flow. Traditionally point water retention functions have been derived from average water retention curve data. The main objective of this research was to directly measure point water retention functions using neutron imaging. Neutron imaging provides a non-destructive tool for visualizing water flow in porous media due to its high sensitivity to hydrogen, and relative insensitivity to mineral solids. Using neutron imaging techniques we have explored the following research topics: (1) quantitative measurements of the equilibrium water content distribution in porous media, (2) measurement of average and point water retention functions using neutron radiography, (3) assessment of analytical models relating average and point water retention curves, and (4) investigation of the dynamics of unsaturated water flow. In the first two chapters of this dissertation we developed quantitative neutron imaging techniques to measure the 2-dimensional distribution of water in porous media and obtain the average water retention function for Flint sand by neutron radiography. In chapter III, point water retention functions were directly measured by neutron radiography and the resulting point functions were parameterized using the Brooks & Corey equation. The point water retention function constructed from the median values of the fitted Brooks and Corey parameters corresponded closely with the point curve for Flint sand obtained by inverse modeling of the average water retention curve data. In the final chapter of this dissertation we investigated capillary uptake of water in Berea Sandstone and estimated the sorptivity and unsaturated diffusivity function from analyses of the neutron radiographs
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