1 research outputs found

    Cover and variable degeneracy

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    Let ff be a nonnegative integer valued function on the vertex set of a graph. A graph is {\bf strictly ff-degenerate} if each nonempty subgraph Ξ“\Gamma has a vertex vv such that degΞ“(v)<f(v)\mathrm{deg}_{\Gamma}(v) < f(v). In this paper, we define a new concept, strictly ff-degenerate transversal, which generalizes list coloring, signed coloring, DP-coloring, LL-forested-coloring, and (f1,f2,…,fs)(f_{1}, f_{2}, \dots, f_{s})-partition. A {\bf cover} of a graph GG is a graph HH with vertex set V(H)=⋃v∈V(G)XvV(H) = \bigcup_{v \in V(G)} X_{v}, where Xv={(v,1),(v,2),…,(v,s)}X_{v} = \{(v, 1), (v, 2), \dots, (v, s)\}; the edge set M=⋃uv∈E(G)Muv\mathscr{M} = \bigcup_{uv \in E(G)}\mathscr{M}_{uv}, where Muv\mathscr{M}_{uv} is a matching between XuX_{u} and XvX_{v}. A vertex set RβŠ†V(H)R \subseteq V(H) is a {\bf transversal} of HH if ∣R∩Xv∣=1|R \cap X_{v}| = 1 for each v∈V(G)v \in V(G). A transversal RR is a {\bf strictly ff-degenerate transversal} if H[R]H[R] is strictly ff-degenerate. The main result of this paper is a degree type result, which generalizes Brooks' theorem, Gallai's theorem, degree-choosable result, signed degree-colorable result, and DP-degree-colorable result. Similar to Borodin, Kostochka and Toft's variable degeneracy, this degree type result is also self-strengthening. We also give some structural results on critical graphs with respect to strictly ff-degenerate transversal. Using these results, we can uniformly prove many new and known results. In the final section, we pose some open problems