1 research outputs found

    The Squared-Error of Generalized LASSO: A Precise Analysis

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    We consider the problem of estimating an unknown signal x0x_0 from noisy linear observations y=Ax0+z∈Rmy = Ax_0 + z\in R^m. In many practical instances, x0x_0 has a certain structure that can be captured by a structure inducing convex function f(β‹…)f(\cdot). For example, β„“1\ell_1 norm can be used to encourage a sparse solution. To estimate x0x_0 with the aid of f(β‹…)f(\cdot), we consider the well-known LASSO method and provide sharp characterization of its performance. We assume the entries of the measurement matrix AA and the noise vector zz have zero-mean normal distributions with variances 11 and Οƒ2\sigma^2 respectively. For the LASSO estimator xβˆ—x^*, we attempt to calculate the Normalized Square Error (NSE) defined as βˆ₯xβˆ—βˆ’x0βˆ₯22Οƒ2\frac{\|x^*-x_0\|_2^2}{\sigma^2} as a function of the noise level Οƒ\sigma, the number of observations mm and the structure of the signal. We show that, the structure of the signal x0x_0 and choice of the function f(β‹…)f(\cdot) enter the error formulae through the summary parameters D(cone)D(cone) and D(Ξ»)D(\lambda), which are defined as the Gaussian squared-distances to the subdifferential cone and to the Ξ»\lambda-scaled subdifferential, respectively. The first LASSO estimator assumes a-priori knowledge of f(x0)f(x_0) and is given by arg⁑min⁑x{βˆ₯yβˆ’Axβˆ₯2Β subjectΒ toΒ f(x)≀f(x0)}\arg\min_{x}\{{\|y-Ax\|_2}~\text{subject to}~f(x)\leq f(x_0)\}. We prove that its worst case NSE is achieved when Οƒβ†’0\sigma\rightarrow 0 and concentrates around D(cone)mβˆ’D(cone)\frac{D(cone)}{m-D(cone)}. Secondly, we consider arg⁑min⁑x{βˆ₯yβˆ’Axβˆ₯2+Ξ»f(x)}\arg\min_{x}\{\|y-Ax\|_2+\lambda f(x)\}, for some Ξ»β‰₯0\lambda\geq 0. This time the NSE formula depends on the choice of Ξ»\lambda and is given by D(Ξ»)mβˆ’D(Ξ»)\frac{D(\lambda)}{m-D(\lambda)}. We then establish a mapping between this and the third estimator arg⁑min⁑x{12βˆ₯yβˆ’Axβˆ₯22+Ξ»f(x)}\arg\min_{x}\{\frac{1}{2}\|y-Ax\|_2^2+ \lambda f(x)\}. Finally, for a number of important structured signal classes, we translate our abstract formulae to closed-form upper bounds on the NSE