7 research outputs found

    Cyclic Matching Sequencibility of Graphs

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    We define the cyclic matching sequencibility of a graph to be the largest integer dd such that there exists a cyclic ordering of its edges so that every dd consecutive edges in the cyclic ordering form a matching. We show that the cyclic matching sequencibility of K2mK_{2m} and K2m+1K_{2m+1} equal mβˆ’1m-1

    Permutations that separate close elements, and rectangle packings in the torus

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    Let nn, ss and kk be positive integers. For distinct i,j∈Zni,j\in\mathbb{Z}_n, define ∣∣i,j∣∣n||i,j||_n to be the distance between ii and jj when the elements of Zn\mathbb{Z}_n are written in a circle. So ∣∣i,j∣∣n=min⁑{(iβˆ’j)β€Šmodβ€Šn,(jβˆ’i)β€Šmodβ€Šn}. ||i,j||_n=\min\{(i-j)\bmod n,(j-i)\bmod n\}. A permutation Ο€:Znβ†’Zn\pi:\mathbb{Z}_n\rightarrow\mathbb {Z}_n is \emph{(s,k)(s,k)-clash-free} if βˆ£βˆ£Ο€(i),Ο€(j)∣∣nβ‰₯k||\pi(i),\pi(j)||_n\geq k whenever ∣∣i,j∣∣n<s||i,j||_n<s. So an (s,k)(s,k)-clash-free permutation moves every pair of close elements (at distance less than ss) to a pair of elements at large distance (at distance at least kk). The notion of an (s,k)(s,k)-clash-free permutation can be reformulated in terms of certain packings of sΓ—ks\times k rectangles on an nΓ—nn\times n torus. For integers nn and kk with 1≀k<n1\leq k<n, let Οƒ(n,k)\sigma(n,k) be the largest value of ss such that an (s,k)(s,k)-clash-free permutation of Zn\mathbb{Z}_n exists. Strengthening a recent paper of Blackburn, which proved a conjecture of Mammoliti and Simpson, we determine the value of Οƒ(n,k)\sigma(n,k) in all cases.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Resolution of the Oberwolfach problem

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    The Oberwolfach problem, posed by Ringel in 1967, asks for a decomposition of K2n+1K_{2n+1} into edge-disjoint copies of a given 22-factor. We show that this can be achieved for all large nn. We actually prove a significantly more general result, which allows for decompositions into more general types of factors. In particular, this also resolves the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for large nn.Comment: 28 page