27 research outputs found

    Maximally selected chi-square statistics for at least ordinal scaled variables

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    The association between a binary variable Y and a variable X with an at least ordinal measurement scale might be examined by selecting a cutpoint in the range of X and then performing an association test for the obtained 2x2 contingency table using the chi-square statistic. The distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic (i.e. the maximal chi-square statistic over all possible cutpoints) under the null-hypothesis of no association between X and Y is different from the known chi-square distribution. In the last decades, this topic has been extensively studied for continuous X variables, but not for non-continuous variables with an at least ordinal measurement scale (which include e.g. classical ordinal or discretized continuous variables). In this paper, we suggest an exact method to determine the distribution of maximally selected chi-square statistics in this context. This novel approach can be seen as a method to measure the association between a binary variable and variables with an at least ordinal scale of different types (ordinal, discretized continuous, etc). As an illustration, this method is applied to a new data set describing pregnancy and birth for 811 babies

    Maximally selected chi-square statistics and binary splits of nominal variables

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    We address the problem of maximally selected chi-square statistics in the case of a binary Y variable and a nominal X variable with several categories. The distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic has already been derived when the best cutpoint is chosen from a continuous or an ordinal X, but not when the best split is chosen from a nominal X. In this paper, we derive the exact distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic in this case using a combinatorial approach. Applications of the derived distribution to variable selection and hypothesis testing are discussed based on simulations. As an illustration, our method is applied to a pregnancy and birth data set

    Maximally selected chi-square statistics and umbrella orderings

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    Binary outcomes that depend on an ordinal predictor in a non-monotonic way are common in medical data analysis. Such patterns can be addressed in terms of cutpoints: for example, one looks for two cutpoints that define an interval in the range of the ordinal predictor for which the probability of a positive outcome is particularly high (or low). A chi-square test may then be performed to compare the proportions of positive outcomes in and outside this interval. However, if the two cutpoints are chosen to maximize the chi-square statistic, referring the obtained chi-square statistic to the standard chi-square distribution is an inappropriate approach. It is then necessary to correct the p-value for multiple comparisons by considering the distribution of the maximally selected chi-square statistic instead of the nominal chi-square distribution. Here, we derive the exact distribution of the chi-square statistic obtained by the optimal two cutpoints. We suggest a combinatorial computation method and illustrate our approach by a simulation study and an application to varicella data

    A new method for detecting differential item functioning in the Rasch model

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    Differential item functioning (DIF) can lead to an unfair advantage or disadvantage for certain subgroups in educational and psychological testing. Therefore, a variety of statistical methods has been suggested for detecting DIF in the Rasch model. Most of these methods are designed for the comparison of pre-specified focal and reference groups, such as males and females. Latent class approaches, on the other hand, allow to detect previously unknown groups exhibiting DIF. However, this approach provides no straightforward interpretation of the groups with respect to person characteristics. Here we propose a new method for DIF detection based on model-based recursive partitioning that can be considered as a compromise between those two extremes. With this approach it is possible to detect groups of subjects exhibiting DIF, which are not prespecified, but result from combinations of observed covariates. These groups are directly interpretable and can thus help understand the psychological sources of DIF. The statistical background and construction of the new method is first introduced by means of an instructive example, and then applied to data from a general knowledge quiz and a teaching evaluation

    Decision trees in epidemiological research

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    Background: In many studies, it is of interest to identify population subgroups that are relatively homogeneous with respect to an outcome. The nature of these subgroups can provide insight into effect mechanisms and suggest targets for tailored interventions. However, identifying relevant subgroups can be challenging with standard statistical methods. Main text: We review the literature on decision trees, a family of techniques for partitioning the population, on the basis of covariates, into distinct subgroups who share similar values of an outcome variable. We compare two decision tree methods, the popular Classification and Regression tree (CART) technique and the newer Conditional Inference tree (CTree) technique, assessing their performance in a simulation study and using data from the Box Lunch Study, a randomized controlled trial of a portion size intervention. Both CART and CTree identify homogeneous population subgroups and offer improved prediction accuracy relative to regression-based approaches when subgroups are truly present in the data. An important distinction between CART and CTree is that the latter uses a formal statistical hypothesis testing framework in building decision trees, which simplifies the process of identifying and interpreting the final tree model. We also introduce a novel way to visualize the subgroups defined by decision trees. Our novel graphical visualization provides a more scientifically meaningful characterization of the subgroups identified by decision trees. Conclusions: Decision trees are a useful tool for identifying homogeneous subgroups defined by combinations of individual characteristics. While all decision tree techniques generate subgroups, we advocate the use of the newer CTree technique due to its simplicity and ease of interpretation

    Unbiased split selection for classification trees based on the Gini Index

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    The Gini gain is one of the most common variable selection criteria in machine learning. We derive the exact distribution of the maximally selected Gini gain in the context of binary classification using continuous predictors by means of a combinatorial approach. This distribution provides a formal support for variable selection bias in favor of variables with a high amount of missing values when the Gini gain is used as split selection criterion, and we suggest to use the resulting p-value as an unbiased split selection criterion in recursive partitioning algorithms. We demonstrate the efficiency of our novel method in simulation- and real data- studies from veterinary gynecology in the context of binary classification and continuous predictor variables with different numbers of missing values. Our method is extendible to categorical and ordinal predictor variables and to other split selection criteria such as the cross-entropy criterion