320,832 research outputs found

    Hierarchical interpolative factorization for elliptic operators: differential equations

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    This paper introduces the hierarchical interpolative factorization for elliptic partial differential equations (HIF-DE) in two (2D) and three dimensions (3D). This factorization takes the form of an approximate generalized LU/LDL decomposition that facilitates the efficient inversion of the discretized operator. HIF-DE is based on the multifrontal method but uses skeletonization on the separator fronts to sparsify the dense frontal matrices and thus reduce the cost. We conjecture that this strategy yields linear complexity in 2D and quasilinear complexity in 3D. Estimated linear complexity in 3D can be achieved by skeletonizing the compressed fronts themselves, which amounts geometrically to a recursive dimensional reduction scheme. Numerical experiments support our claims and further demonstrate the performance of our algorithm as a fast direct solver and preconditioner. MATLAB codes are freely available.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, 12 tables; to appear, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1307.266

    Atomic line radiative transfer with MCFOST I. Code description and benchmarking

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    Aims. We present MCFOST-art, a new non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer solver for multilevel atomic systems. The code is embedded in the 3D radiative transfer code MCFOST and is compatible with most of the MCFOST modules. The code is versatile and designed to model the close environment of stars in 3D. Methods. The code solves for the statistical equilibrium and radiative transfer equations using the Multilevel Accelerated Lambda Iteration (MALI) method. We tested MCFOST-art on spherically symmetric models of stellar photospheres as well as on a standard model of the solar atmosphere. We computed atomic level populations and outgoing fluxes and compared these values with the results of the TURBOspectrum and RH codes. Calculations including expansion and rotation of the atmosphere were also performed. We tested both the pure local thermodynamic equilibrium and the out-of-equilibrium problems. Results. In all cases, the results from all codes agree within a few percent at all wavelengths and reach the sub-percent level between RH and MCFOST-art. We still note a few marginal discrepancies between MCFOST-art and TURBOspectrum as a result of different treatments of background opacities at some critical wavelength ranges

    Tailoring surface codes for highly biased noise

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    The surface code, with a simple modification, exhibits ultra-high error correction thresholds when the noise is biased towards dephasing. Here, we identify features of the surface code responsible for these ultra-high thresholds. We provide strong evidence that the threshold error rate of the surface code tracks the hashing bound exactly for all biases, and show how to exploit these features to achieve significant improvement in logical failure rate. First, we consider the infinite bias limit, meaning pure dephasing. We prove that the error threshold of the modified surface code for pure dephasing noise is 50%50\%, i.e., that all qubits are fully dephased, and this threshold can be achieved by a polynomial time decoding algorithm. We demonstrate that the sub-threshold behavior of the code depends critically on the precise shape and boundary conditions of the code. That is, for rectangular surface codes with standard rough/smooth open boundaries, it is controlled by the parameter g=gcd(j,k)g=\gcd(j,k), where jj and kk are dimensions of the surface code lattice. We demonstrate a significant improvement in logical failure rate with pure dephasing for co-prime codes that have g=1g=1, and closely-related rotated codes, which have a modified boundary. The effect is dramatic: the same logical failure rate achievable with a square surface code and nn physical qubits can be obtained with a co-prime or rotated surface code using only O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) physical qubits. Finally, we use approximate maximum likelihood decoding to demonstrate that this improvement persists for a general Pauli noise biased towards dephasing. In particular, comparing with a square surface code, we observe a significant improvement in logical failure rate against biased noise using a rotated surface code with approximately half the number of physical qubits.Comment: 18+4 pages, 24 figures; v2 includes additional coauthor (ASD) and new results on the performance of surface codes in the finite-bias regime, obtained with beveled surface codes and an improved tensor network decoder; v3 published versio

    Quantum Random Access Codes with Shared Randomness

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    We consider a communication method, where the sender encodes n classical bits into 1 qubit and sends it to the receiver who performs a certain measurement depending on which of the initial bits must be recovered. This procedure is called (n,1,p) quantum random access code (QRAC) where p > 1/2 is its success probability. It is known that (2,1,0.85) and (3,1,0.79) QRACs (with no classical counterparts) exist and that (4,1,p) QRAC with p > 1/2 is not possible. We extend this model with shared randomness (SR) that is accessible to both parties. Then (n,1,p) QRAC with SR and p > 1/2 exists for any n > 0. We give an upper bound on its success probability (the known (2,1,0.85) and (3,1,0.79) QRACs match this upper bound). We discuss some particular constructions for several small values of n. We also study the classical counterpart of this model where n bits are encoded into 1 bit instead of 1 qubit and SR is used. We give an optimal construction for such codes and find their success probability exactly--it is less than in the quantum case. Interactive 3D quantum random access codes are available on-line at http://home.lanet.lv/~sd20008/racs .Comment: 51 pages, 33 figures. New sections added: 1.2, 3.5, 3.8.2, 5.4 (paper appears to be shorter because of smaller margins). Submitted as M.Math thesis at University of Waterloo by M

    Performance and structure of single-mode bosonic codes

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    The early Gottesman, Kitaev, and Preskill (GKP) proposal for encoding a qubit in an oscillator has recently been followed by cat- and binomial-code proposals. Numerically optimized codes have also been proposed, and we introduce new codes of this type here. These codes have yet to be compared using the same error model; we provide such a comparison by determining the entanglement fidelity of all codes with respect to the bosonic pure-loss channel (i.e., photon loss) after the optimal recovery operation. We then compare achievable communication rates of the combined encoding-error-recovery channel by calculating the channel's hashing bound for each code. Cat and binomial codes perform similarly, with binomial codes outperforming cat codes at small loss rates. Despite not being designed to protect against the pure-loss channel, GKP codes significantly outperform all other codes for most values of the loss rate. We show that the performance of GKP and some binomial codes increases monotonically with increasing average photon number of the codes. In order to corroborate our numerical evidence of the cat/binomial/GKP order of performance occurring at small loss rates, we analytically evaluate the quantum error-correction conditions of those codes. For GKP codes, we find an essential singularity in the entanglement fidelity in the limit of vanishing loss rate. In addition to comparing the codes, we draw parallels between binomial codes and discrete-variable systems. First, we characterize one- and two-mode binomial as well as multi-qubit permutation-invariant codes in terms of spin-coherent states. Such a characterization allows us to introduce check operators and error-correction procedures for binomial codes. Second, we introduce a generalization of spin-coherent states, extending our characterization to qudit binomial codes and yielding a new multi-qudit code.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. v3: published version. See related talk at https://absuploads.aps.org/presentation.cfm?pid=1351