810 research outputs found

    The Power of Strong Fourier Sampling: Quantum Algorithms for Affine Groups and Hidden Shifts

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    Many quantum algorithms, including Shor's celebrated factoring and discrete log algorithms, proceed by reduction to a hidden subgroup problem, in which an unknown subgroup HH of a group GG must be determined from a quantum state ψ\psi over GG that is uniformly supported on a left coset of HH. These hidden subgroup problems are typically solved by Fourier sampling: the quantum Fourier transform of ψ\psi is computed and measured. When the underlying group is nonabelian, two important variants of the Fourier sampling paradigm have been identified: the weak standard method, where only representation names are measured, and the strong standard method, where full measurement (i.e., the row and column of the representation, in a suitably chosen basis, as well as its name) occurs. It has remained open whether the strong standard method is indeed stronger, that is, whether there are hidden subgroups that can be reconstructed via the strong method but not by the weak, or any other known, method. In this article, we settle this question in the affirmative. We show that hidden subgroups HH of the qq-hedral groups, i.e., semidirect products ZqZp{\mathbb Z}_q \ltimes {\mathbb Z}_p, where q(p1)q \mid (p-1), and in particular the affine groups ApA_p, can be information-theoretically reconstructed using the strong standard method. Moreover, if H=p/polylog(p)|H| = p/ {\rm polylog}(p), these subgroups can be fully reconstructed with a polynomial amount of quantum and classical computation. We compare our algorithms to two weaker methods that have been discussed in the literature—the “forgetful” abelian method, and measurement in a random basis—and show that both of these are weaker than the strong standard method. Thus, at least for some families of groups, it is crucial to use the full power of representation theory and nonabelian Fourier analysis, namely, to measure the high-dimensional representations in an adapted basis that respects the group's subgroup structure. We apply our algorithm for the hidden subgroup problem to new families of cryptographically motivated hidden shift problems, generalizing the work of van Dam, Hallgren, and Ip on shifts of multiplicative characters. Finally, we close by proving a simple closure property for the class of groups over which the hidden subgroup problem can be solved efficiently

    Search and test algorithms for Triple Product Property triples

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    In 2003 COHN and UMANS introduced a group-theoretic approach to fast matrix multiplication. This involves finding large subsets of a group GG satisfying the Triple Product Property (TPP) as a means to bound the exponent ω\omega of matrix multiplication. We present two new characterizations of the TPP, which are useful for theoretical considerations and for TPP test algorithms. With this we describe all known TPP tests and implement them in GAP algorithms. We also compare their runtime. Furthermore we show that the search for subgroup TPP triples of nontrivial size in a nonabelian group can be restricted to the set of all nonnormal subgroups of that group. Finally we describe brute-force search algorithms for maximal subgroup and subset TPP triples. In addition we present the results of the subset brute-force search for all groups of order less than 25 and selected results of the subgroup brute-force search for 2-groups, SL(n,q)SL(n,q) and PSL(2,q)PSL(2,q).Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; ISSN (Online) 1869-6104, ISSN (Print) 1867-114

    Further research problems and theorems on prime power groups

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    Below we state a great number of research problems concerning finite p-groups. This list is a continuation of the six lists in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Below we also stated some new theorems with proofs. For explanation of notation see the beginning of the above volumes

    Orientably-Regular π\pi-Maps and Regular π\pi-Maps

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    Given a map with underlying graph G\mathcal{G}, if the set of prime divisors of V(G|V(\mathcal{G}| is denoted by π\pi, then we call the map a {\it π\pi-map}. An orientably-regular (resp. A regular ) π\pi-map is called {\it solvable} if the group G+G^+ of all orientation-preserving automorphisms (resp. the group GG of automorphisms) is solvable; and called {\it normal} if G+G^+ (resp. GG) contains a normal π\pi-Hall subgroup. In this paper, it will be proved that orientably-regular π\pi-maps are solvable and normal if 2π2\notin \pi and regular π\pi-maps are solvable if 2π2\notin \pi and GG has no sections isomorphic to PSL(2,q){\rm PSL}(2,q) for some prime power qq. In particular, it's shown that a regular π\pi-map with 2π2\notin \pi is normal if and only if G/O2(G)G/O_{2^{'}}(G) is isomorphic to a Sylow 22-group of GG. Moreover, nonnormal π\pi-maps will be characterized and some properties and constructions of normal π\pi-maps will be given in respective sections.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.0430

    Inducing π\pi-partial characters with a given vertex

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    Let GG be a solvable group. Let pp be a prime and let QQ be a pp-subgroup of a subgroup VV. Suppose \phi \in \ibr G. If either G|G| is odd or p=2p = 2, we prove that the number of Brauer characters of HH inducing ϕ\phi with vertex QQ is at most |\norm GQ: \norm VQ|

    Borcherds symmetries in M-theory

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    It is well known but rather mysterious that root spaces of the EkE_k Lie groups appear in the second integral cohomology of regular, complex, compact, del Pezzo surfaces. The corresponding groups act on the scalar fields (0-forms) of toroidal compactifications of M theory. Their Borel subgroups are actually subgroups of supergroups of finite dimension over the Grassmann algebra of differential forms on spacetime that have been shown to preserve the self-duality equation obeyed by all bosonic form-fields of the theory. We show here that the corresponding duality superalgebras are nothing but Borcherds superalgebras truncated by the above choice of Grassmann coefficients. The full Borcherds' root lattices are the second integral cohomology of the del Pezzo surfaces. Our choice of simple roots uses the anti-canonical form and its known orthogonal complement. Another result is the determination of del Pezzo surfaces associated to other string and field theory models. Dimensional reduction on TkT^k corresponds to blow-up of kk points in general position with respect to each other. All theories of the Magic triangle that reduce to the EnE_n sigma model in three dimensions correspond to singular del Pezzo surfaces with A8nA_{8-n} (normal) singularity at a point. The case of type I and heterotic theories if one drops their gauge sector corresponds to non-normal (singular along a curve) del Pezzo's. We comment on previous encounters with Borcherds algebras at the end of the paper.Comment: 30 pages. Besides expository improvements, we exclude by hand real fermionic simple roots when they would naively aris

    Characterization of finite abelian and minimal nonabelian groups

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    In this note we present the following characterizations of finite abelian and minimal nonabelian groups: (i) A group G is abelian if and only if G\u27 = Φ(G)\u27. (ii) A group G is either abelian or minimal nonabelian if and only if Φ(G)\u27 = H\u27 for all maximal subgroups H of G. We also prove a number of related results