2,096 research outputs found

    On Variational Expressions for Quantum Relative Entropies

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    Distance measures between quantum states like the trace distance and the fidelity can naturally be defined by optimizing a classical distance measure over all measurement statistics that can be obtained from the respective quantum states. In contrast, Petz showed that the measured relative entropy, defined as a maximization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence over projective measurement statistics, is strictly smaller than Umegaki's quantum relative entropy whenever the states do not commute. We extend this result in two ways. First, we show that Petz' conclusion remains true if we allow general positive operator valued measures. Second, we extend the result to Renyi relative entropies and show that for non-commuting states the sandwiched Renyi relative entropy is strictly larger than the measured Renyi relative entropy for α∈(12,∞)\alpha \in (\frac12, \infty), and strictly smaller for α∈[0,12)\alpha \in [0,\frac12). The latter statement provides counterexamples for the data-processing inequality of the sandwiched Renyi relative entropy for α<12\alpha < \frac12. Our main tool is a new variational expression for the measured Renyi relative entropy, which we further exploit to show that certain lower bounds on quantum conditional mutual information are superadditive.Comment: v2: final published versio

    A Hierarchy of Information Quantities for Finite Block Length Analysis of Quantum Tasks

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    We consider two fundamental tasks in quantum information theory, data compression with quantum side information as well as randomness extraction against quantum side information. We characterize these tasks for general sources using so-called one-shot entropies. We show that these characterizations - in contrast to earlier results - enable us to derive tight second order asymptotics for these tasks in the i.i.d. limit. More generally, our derivation establishes a hierarchy of information quantities that can be used to investigate information theoretic tasks in the quantum domain: The one-shot entropies most accurately describe an operational quantity, yet they tend to be difficult to calculate for large systems. We show that they asymptotically agree up to logarithmic terms with entropies related to the quantum and classical information spectrum, which are easier to calculate in the i.i.d. limit. Our techniques also naturally yields bounds on operational quantities for finite block lengths.Comment: See also arXiv:1208.1400, which independently derives part of our result: the second order asymptotics for binary hypothesis testin

    An axiomatic characterization of a two-parameter extended relative entropy

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    The uniqueness theorem for a two-parameter extended relative entropy is proven. This result extends our previous one, the uniqueness theorem for a one-parameter extended relative entropy, to a two-parameter case. In addition, the properties of a two-parameter extended relative entropy are studied.Comment: 11 page

    Decompositions of factor codes and embeddings between shift spaces with unequal entropies

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    Given a factor code between sofic shifts X and Y, there is a family of decompositions of the original code into factor codes such that the entropies of the intermediate subshifts arising from the decompositions are dense in the interval from the entropy of Y to that of X. Furthermore, if X is of finite type, we can choose those intermediate subshifts as shifts of finite type. In the second part of the paper, given an embedding from a shift space to an irreducible sofic shift, we characterize the set of the entropies of the intermediate subshifts arising from the decompositions of the given embedding into embeddings.Comment: 14pages, 2 figures; v2) minor revision. to appear in Ergodic Theory Dynamical System
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