1 research outputs found

    Fault-tolerant analysis of augmented cubes

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    The augmented cube AQnAQ_n, proposed by Choudum and Sunitha [S. A. Choudum, V. Sunitha, Augmented cubes, Networks 40 (2) (2002) 71-84], is a (2nβˆ’1)(2n-1)-regular (2nβˆ’1)(2n-1)-connected graph (nβ‰₯4)(n\ge 4). This paper determines that the 2-extra connectivity of AQnAQ_n is 6nβˆ’176n-17 for nβ‰₯9n\geq 9 and the 2-extra edge-connectivity is 6nβˆ’96n-9 for nβ‰₯4n\geq 4. That is, for nβ‰₯9n\geq 9 (respectively, nβ‰₯4n\geq 4), at least 6nβˆ’176n-17 vertices (respectively, 6nβˆ’96n-9 edges) of AQnAQ_n have to be removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no isolated vertices and isolated edges. When the augmented cube is used to model the topological structure of a large-scale parallel processing system, these results can provide more accurate measurements for reliability and fault tolerance of the system