43 research outputs found

    On the Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of some polyhedral graphs

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    Let mm be a positive integer, XX a graph with vertex set Ω\Omega, and WLm(X){\rm WL}_m(X) the coloring of the Cartesian mm-power Ωm\Omega^m, obtained by the mm-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm. The WL{\rm WL}-dimension of the graph XX is defined to be the smallest mm for which the coloring WLm(X){\rm WL}_m(X) determines XX up to isomorphism. It is known that the WL{\rm WL}-dimension of any planar graph is 22 or 33, but no planar graph of WL{\rm WL}-dimension 33 is known. We prove that the WL{\rm WL}-dimension of a polyhedral (i.e., 33-connected planar) graph XX is at most 22 if the color classes of the coloring WL2(X){\rm WL}_2(X) are the orbits of the componentwise action of the group Aut(X){\rm Aut}(X) on Ω2\Omega^2