17,942 research outputs found

    Weak degeneracy of graphs

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    Motivated by the study of greedy algorithms for graph coloring, we introduce a new graph parameter, which we call weak degeneracy. By definition, every dd-degenerate graph is also weakly dd-degenerate. On the other hand, if GG is weakly dd-degenerate, then χ(G)≤d+1\chi(G) \leq d + 1 (and, moreover, the same bound holds for the list-chromatic and even the DP-chromatic number of GG). It turns out that several upper bounds in graph coloring theory can be phrased in terms of weak degeneracy. For example, we show that planar graphs are weakly 44-degenerate, which implies Thomassen's famous theorem that planar graphs are 55-list-colorable. We also prove a version of Brooks's theorem for weak degeneracy: a connected graph GG of maximum degree d≥3d \geq 3 is weakly (d−1)(d-1)-degenerate unless G≅Kd+1G \cong K_{d + 1}. (By contrast, all dd-regular graphs have degeneracy dd.) We actually prove an even stronger result, namely that for every d≥3d \geq 3, there is ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that if GG is a graph of weak degeneracy at least dd, then either GG contains a (d+1)(d+1)-clique or the maximum average degree of GG is at least d+ϵd + \epsilon. Finally, we show that graphs of maximum degree dd and either of girth at least 55 or of bounded chromatic number are weakly (d−Ω(d))(d - \Omega(\sqrt{d}))-degenerate, which is best possible up to the value of the implied constant.Comment: 21 p

    Graph colouring for office blocks

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    The increasing prevalence of WLAN (wireless networks) introduces the potential of electronic information leakage from one company's territory in an office block, to others due to the long-ranged nature of such communications. BAE Systems have developed a system ('stealthy wallpaper') which can block a single frequency range from being transmitted through a treated wall or ceiling to the neighbour. The problem posed to the Study Group was to investigate the maximum number of frequencies ensure the building is secure. The Study group found that this upper bound does not exist, so they were asked to find what are "good design-rules" so that an upper limit exists

    Strong chromatic index of sparse graphs

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    A coloring of the edges of a graph GG is strong if each color class is an induced matching of GG. The strong chromatic index of GG, denoted by χs′(G)\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G), is the least number of colors in a strong edge coloring of GG. In this note we prove that χs′(G)≤(4k−1)Δ(G)−k(2k+1)+1\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq (4k-1)\Delta (G)-k(2k+1)+1 for every kk-degenerate graph GG. This confirms the strong version of conjecture stated recently by Chang and Narayanan [3]. Our approach allows also to improve the upper bound from [3] for chordless graphs. We get that % \chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq 4\Delta -3 for any chordless graph GG. Both bounds remain valid for the list version of the strong edge coloring of these graphs
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