17 research outputs found

    Distributed Structure: Joint Expurgation for the Multiple-Access Channel

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    In this work we show how an improved lower bound to the error exponent of the memoryless multiple-access (MAC) channel is attained via the use of linear codes, thus demonstrating that structure can be beneficial even in cases where there is no capacity gain. We show that if the MAC channel is modulo-additive, then any error probability, and hence any error exponent, achievable by a linear code for the corresponding single-user channel, is also achievable for the MAC channel. Specifically, for an alphabet of prime cardinality, where linear codes achieve the best known exponents in the single-user setting and the optimal exponent above the critical rate, this performance carries over to the MAC setting. At least at low rates, where expurgation is needed, our approach strictly improves performance over previous results, where expurgation was used at most for one of the users. Even when the MAC channel is not additive, it may be transformed into such a channel. While the transformation is lossy, we show that the distributed structure gain in some "nearly additive" cases outweighs the loss, and thus the error exponent can improve upon the best known error exponent for these cases as well. Finally we apply a similar approach to the Gaussian MAC channel. We obtain an improvement over the best known achievable exponent, given by Gallager, for certain rate pairs, using lattice codes which satisfy a nesting condition.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Trans. Info. Theor

    A General Formula for the Mismatch Capacity

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    The fundamental limits of channels with mismatched decoding are addressed. A general formula is established for the mismatch capacity of a general channel, defined as a sequence of conditional distributions with a general decoding metrics sequence. We deduce an identity between the Verd\'{u}-Han general channel capacity formula, and the mismatch capacity formula applied to Maximum Likelihood decoding metric. Further, several upper bounds on the capacity are provided, and a simpler expression for a lower bound is derived for the case of a non-negative decoding metric. The general formula is specialized to the case of finite input and output alphabet channels with a type-dependent metric. The closely related problem of threshold mismatched decoding is also studied, and a general expression for the threshold mismatch capacity is obtained. As an example of threshold mismatch capacity, we state a general expression for the erasures-only capacity of the finite input and output alphabet channel. We observe that for every channel there exists a (matched) threshold decoder which is capacity achieving. Additionally, necessary and sufficient conditions are stated for a channel to have a strong converse. Csisz\'{a}r and Narayan's conjecture is proved for bounded metrics, providing a positive answer to the open problem introduced in [1], i.e., that the "product-space" improvement of the lower random coding bound, Cq(∞)(W)C_q^{(\infty)}(W), is indeed the mismatch capacity of the discrete memoryless channel WW. We conclude by presenting an identity between the threshold capacity and Cq(∞)(W)C_q^{(\infty)}(W) in the DMC case