1 research outputs found

    A new secure transmission scheme between senders and receivers using HVCHC without any loss

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    Abstract This paper presents a novel secure medical image transmission scheme using hybrid visual cryptography and Hill cipher (HVCHC) between sender and receiver. The gray scale medical images have been considered as a secret image and split into different shares by visual cryptography (VC) encryption process. The split shares are once again encoded by Hill cipher (HC) encode process for improving the efficiency of the proposed method. In this process, the encrypted medical image (shares) pixels are converted as characters based on the character determination (CD) and lookup tables. In result, a secret image is converted into characters. These characters are sent to the receiver/authenticated person for the reconstruction process. In receiver side, the ciphertext has been decoded by HC decode process for reconstructing the shares. The reconstructed shares are decrypted by the VC decryption process for retaining the original secret medical image. The proposed algorithm has provided better CC, less execution time, higher confidentiality, integrity, and authentication (CIA). Therefore, using this proposed method, cent percent of the original secret medical image can be obtained and the secret image can be prevented from the interception of intruders/third parties