30 research outputs found

    Randomized Riemannian Preconditioning for Orthogonality Constrained Problems

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    Optimization problems with (generalized) orthogonality constraints are prevalent across science and engineering. For example, in computational science they arise in the symmetric (generalized) eigenvalue problem, in nonlinear eigenvalue problems, and in electronic structures computations, to name a few problems. In statistics and machine learning, they arise, for example, in canonical correlation analysis and in linear discriminant analysis. In this article, we consider using randomized preconditioning in the context of optimization problems with generalized orthogonality constraints. Our proposed algorithms are based on Riemannian optimization on the generalized Stiefel manifold equipped with a non-standard preconditioned geometry, which necessitates development of the geometric components necessary for developing algorithms based on this approach. Furthermore, we perform asymptotic convergence analysis of the preconditioned algorithms which help to characterize the quality of a given preconditioner using second-order information. Finally, for the problems of canonical correlation analysis and linear discriminant analysis, we develop randomized preconditioners along with corresponding bounds on the relevant condition number

    Faster First-Order Methods for Stochastic Non-Convex Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds

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    SPIDER (Stochastic Path Integrated Differential EstimatoR) is an efficient gradient estimation technique developed for non-convex stochastic optimization. Although having been shown to attain nearly optimal computational complexity bounds, the SPIDER-type methods are limited to linear metric spaces. In this paper, we introduce the Riemannian SPIDER (R-SPIDER) method as a novel nonlinear-metric extension of SPIDER for efficient non-convex optimization on Riemannian manifolds. We prove that for finite-sum problems with nn components, R-SPIDER converges to an ϵ\epsilon-accuracy stationary point within O(min(n+nϵ2,1ϵ3))\mathcal{O}\big(\min\big(n+\frac{\sqrt{n}}{\epsilon^2},\frac{1}{\epsilon^3}\big)\big) stochastic gradient evaluations, which is sharper in magnitude than the prior Riemannian first-order methods. For online optimization, R-SPIDER is shown to converge with O(1ϵ3)\mathcal{O}\big(\frac{1}{\epsilon^3}\big) complexity which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first non-asymptotic result for online Riemannian optimization. Especially, for gradient dominated functions, we further develop a variant of R-SPIDER and prove its linear convergence rate. Numerical results demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed methods

    Guaranteed Nonconvex Factorization Approach for Tensor Train Recovery

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    In this paper, we provide the first convergence guarantee for the factorization approach. Specifically, to avoid the scaling ambiguity and to facilitate theoretical analysis, we optimize over the so-called left-orthogonal TT format which enforces orthonormality among most of the factors. To ensure the orthonormal structure, we utilize the Riemannian gradient descent (RGD) for optimizing those factors over the Stiefel manifold. We first delve into the TT factorization problem and establish the local linear convergence of RGD. Notably, the rate of convergence only experiences a linear decline as the tensor order increases. We then study the sensing problem that aims to recover a TT format tensor from linear measurements. Assuming the sensing operator satisfies the restricted isometry property (RIP), we show that with a proper initialization, which could be obtained through spectral initialization, RGD also converges to the ground-truth tensor at a linear rate. Furthermore, we expand our analysis to encompass scenarios involving Gaussian noise in the measurements. We prove that RGD can reliably recover the ground truth at a linear rate, with the recovery error exhibiting only polynomial growth in relation to the tensor order. We conduct various experiments to validate our theoretical findings

    Faster Randomized Methods for Orthogonality Constrained Problems

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    Recent literature has advocated the use of randomized methods for accelerating the solution of various matrix problems arising throughout data science and computational science. One popular strategy for leveraging randomization is to use it as a way to reduce problem size. However, methods based on this strategy lack sufficient accuracy for some applications. Randomized preconditioning is another approach for leveraging randomization, which provides higher accuracy. The main challenge in using randomized preconditioning is the need for an underlying iterative method, thus randomized preconditioning so far have been applied almost exclusively to solving regression problems and linear systems. In this article, we show how to expand the application of randomized preconditioning to another important set of problems prevalent across data science: optimization problems with (generalized) orthogonality constraints. We demonstrate our approach, which is based on the framework of Riemannian optimization and Riemannian preconditioning, on the problem of computing the dominant canonical correlations and on the Fisher linear discriminant analysis problem. For both problems, we evaluate the effect of preconditioning on the computational costs and asymptotic convergence, and demonstrate empirically the utility of our approach

    Online Tensor Learning: Computational and Statistical Trade-offs, Adaptivity and Optimal Regret

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    We investigate a generalized framework for estimating latent low-rank tensors in an online setting, encompassing both linear and generalized linear models. This framework offers a flexible approach for handling continuous or categorical variables. Additionally, we investigate two specific applications: online tensor completion and online binary tensor learning. To address these challenges, we propose the online Riemannian gradient descent algorithm, which demonstrates linear convergence and the ability to recover the low-rank component under appropriate conditions in all applications. Furthermore, we establish a precise entry-wise error bound for online tensor completion. Notably, our work represents the first attempt to incorporate noise in the online low-rank tensor recovery task. Intriguingly, we observe a surprising trade-off between computational and statistical aspects in the presence of noise. Increasing the step size accelerates convergence but leads to higher statistical error, whereas a smaller step size yields a statistically optimal estimator at the expense of slower convergence. Moreover, we conduct regret analysis for online tensor regression. Under the fixed step size regime, a fascinating trilemma concerning the convergence rate, statistical error rate, and regret is observed. With an optimal choice of step size we achieve an optimal regret of O(T)O(\sqrt{T}). Furthermore, we extend our analysis to the adaptive setting where the horizon T is unknown. In this case, we demonstrate that by employing different step sizes, we can attain a statistically optimal error rate along with a regret of O(logT)O(\log T). To validate our theoretical claims, we provide numerical results that corroborate our findings and support our assertions

    Optimization and Learning over Riemannian Manifolds

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    Learning over smooth nonlinear spaces has found wide applications. A principled approach for addressing such problems is to endow the search space with a Riemannian manifold geometry and numerical optimization can be performed intrinsically. Recent years have seen a surge of interest in leveraging Riemannian optimization for nonlinearly-constrained problems. This thesis investigates and improves on the existing algorithms for Riemannian optimization, with a focus on unified analysis frameworks and generic strategies. To this end, the first chapter systematically studies the choice of Riemannian geometries and their impacts on algorithmic convergence, on the manifold of positive definite matrices. The second chapter considers stochastic optimization on manifolds and proposes a unified framework for analyzing and improving the convergence of Riemannian variance reduction methods for nonconvex functions. The third chapter introduces a generic acceleration scheme based on the idea of extrapolation, which achieves optimal convergence rate asymptotically while being empirically efficient

    Riemannian Stochastic Gradient Method for Nested Composition Optimization

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    This work considers optimization of composition of functions in a nested form over Riemannian manifolds where each function contains an expectation. This type of problems is gaining popularity in applications such as policy evaluation in reinforcement learning or model customization in meta-learning. The standard Riemannian stochastic gradient methods for non-compositional optimization cannot be directly applied as stochastic approximation of inner functions create bias in the gradients of the outer functions. For two-level composition optimization, we present a Riemannian Stochastic Composition Gradient Descent (R-SCGD) method that finds an approximate stationary point, with expected squared Riemannian gradient smaller than ϵ\epsilon, in O(ϵ2)O(\epsilon^{-2}) calls to the stochastic gradient oracle of the outer function and stochastic function and gradient oracles of the inner function. Furthermore, we generalize the R-SCGD algorithms for problems with multi-level nested compositional structures, with the same complexity of O(ϵ2)O(\epsilon^{-2}) for the first-order stochastic oracle. Finally, the performance of the R-SCGD method is numerically evaluated over a policy evaluation problem in reinforcement learning