4 research outputs found

    A plane version of the Fleischner theorem

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    Let G\cal G be a family of all 33-regular 22-connected plane multigraphs without loops. We prove the following plane version of the Fleischner theorem: Let GG be a graph in G\cal G. For every 22-factor XX of GG having nn-components there exists a plane graph JJ having a Hamilton cycle omitting all edges of E(G)\E(X)E(G)\backslash E(X) and such that G⊆J⊂G2G \subseteq J \subset G^{2}, Δ(J)⩽5\Delta(J) \leqslant 5 and ∣E(J)∣=∣E(G)∣+2n−2|E(J)|= |E(G)| + 2n -2. Moreover, if GG is simple, then JJ is simple too.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    A hamiltonian cycle in the square of a 2-connected graph in linear time

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    Fleischner’s theorem says that the square of every 2-connected graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle. We present a proof resulting in an O(|E|) algorithm for producing a Hamiltonian cycle in the square G2 of a 2-connected graph G = (V, E). The previous best was O(|V|2) by Lau in 1980. More generally, we get an O(|E|) algorithm for producing a Hamiltonian path between any two prescribed vertices, and we get an O(|V|2) algorithm for producing cycles C3, C4 , . . . , C | V | in G2 of lengths 3,4 , . . . , |V|, respectively

    Remarks on Hamiltonian properties of squares of graphs

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