1 research outputs found

    New strategies for curve and arbitrary-topology surface constructions for design

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    This dissertation presents some novel constructions for curves and surfaces with arbitrary topology in the context of geometric modeling. In particular, it deals mainly with three intimately connected topics that are of interest in both theoretical and applied research: subdivision surfaces, non-uniform local interpolation (in both univariate and bivariate cases), and spaces of generalized splines. Specifically, we describe a strategy for the integration of subdivision surfaces in computer-aided design systems and provide examples to show the effectiveness of its implementation. Moreover, we present a construction of locally supported, non-uniform, piecewise polynomial univariate interpolants of minimum degree with respect to other prescribed design parameters (such as support width, order of continuity and order of approximation). Still in the setting of non-uniform local interpolation, but in the case of surfaces, we devise a novel parameterization strategy that, together with a suitable patching technique, allows us to define composite surfaces that interpolate given arbitrary-topology meshes or curve networks and satisfy both requirements of regularity and aesthetic shape quality usually needed in the CAD modeling framework. Finally, in the context of generalized splines, we propose an approach for the construction of the optimal normalized totally positive (B-spline) basis, acknowledged as the best basis of representation for design purposes, as well as a numerical procedure for checking the existence of such a basis in a given generalized spline space. All the constructions presented here have been devised keeping in mind also the importance of application and implementation, and of the related requirements that numerical procedures must satisfy, in particular in the CAD context