5 research outputs found

    Obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree.

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    Li, Liang.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 57-61).Abstract also in Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.ivChapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1Chapter 1.1.1 --- Partitioning --- p.1Chapter 1.1.2 --- Floorplanning and Placement --- p.2Chapter 1.1.3 --- Routing --- p.2Chapter 1.1.4 --- Compaction --- p.3Chapter 1.2 --- Motivations --- p.3Chapter 1.3 --- Problem Formulation --- p.4Chapter 1.3.1 --- Properties of OARSMT --- p.4Chapter 1.4 --- Progress on the Problem --- p.4Chapter 1.5 --- Contributions --- p.5Chapter 1.6 --- Thesis Organization --- p.6Chapter 2 --- Literature Review on OARSMT --- p.8Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.8Chapter 2.2 --- Previous Methods --- p.9Chapter 2.2.1 --- OARSMT --- p.9Chapter 2.2.2 --- Shortest Path Problem with Blockages --- p.13Chapter 2.2.3 --- OARSMT with Delay Minimization --- p.14Chapter 2.2.4 --- OARSMT with Worst Negative Slack Maximization --- p.14Chapter 2.3 --- Comparison --- p.15Chapter 3 --- Heuristic Method --- p.17Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.17Chapter 3.2 --- Our Approach --- p.18Chapter 3.2.1 --- Handling of Multi-pin Nets --- p.18Chapter 3.2.2 --- Propagation --- p.20Chapter 3.2.3 --- Backtrack --- p.23Chapter 3.2.4 --- Finding MST --- p.26Chapter 3.2.5 --- Local Refinement Scheme --- p.26Chapter 3.3 --- Experimental Results --- p.28Chapter 3.4 --- Summary --- p.28Chapter 4 --- Exact Method --- p.32Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.32Chapter 4.2 --- Review on GeoSteiner --- p.33Chapter 4.3 --- Overview of our Approach --- p.33Chapter 4.4 --- FST with Virtual Pins --- p.34Chapter 4.4.1 --- Definition of FST --- p.34Chapter 4.4.2 --- Notations --- p.36Chapter 4.4.3 --- Properties of FST with Virtual Pins --- p.36Chapter 4.5 --- Generation of FST with Virtual Pins --- p.46Chapter 4.5.1 --- Generation of FST with Two Pins --- p.46Chapter 4.5.2 --- Generation of FST with 3 or More Pins --- p.48Chapter 4.6 --- Concatenation of FSTs with Virtual Pins --- p.50Chapter 4.7 --- Experimental Results --- p.52Chapter 4.8 --- Summary --- p.53Chapter 5 --- Conclusion --- p.55Bibliography --- p.6

    An integrated placement and routing approach

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    As the feature size continues scaling down, interconnects become the major contributor of signal delay. Since interconnects are mainly determined by placement and routing, these two stages play key roles to achieve high performance. Historically, they are divided into two separate stages to make the problem tractable. Therefore, the routing information is not available during the placement process. Net models such as HPWL, are employed to approximate the routing to simplify the placement problem. However, the good placement in terms of these objectives may not be routable at all in the routing stage because different objectives are optimized in placement and routing stages. This inconsistancy makes the results obtained by the two-step optimization method far from optimal;In order to achieve high-quality placement solution and ensure the following routing, we propose an integrated placement and routing approach. In this approach, we integrate placement and routing into the same framework so that the objective optimized in placement is the same as that in routing. Since both placement and routing are very hard problems (NP-hard), we need to have very efficient algorithms so that integrating them together will not lead to intractable complexity;In this dissertation, we first develop a highly efficient placer - FastPlace 3.0 for large-scale mixed-size placement problem. Then, an efficient and effective detailed placer - FastDP is proposed to improve global placement by moving standard cells in designs. For high-degree nets in designs, we propose a novel performance-driven topology design algorithm to generate good topologies to achieve very strict timing requirement. In the routing phase, we develop two global routers, FastRoute and FastRoute 2.0. Compared to traditional global routers, they can generate better solutions and are two orders of magnitude faster. Finally, based on these efficient and high-quality placement and routing algorithms, we propose a new flow which integrates placement and routing together closely. In this flow, global routing is extensively applied to obtain the interconnect information and direct the placement process. In this way, we can get very good placement solutions with guaranteed routability

    A New Heuristic for Rectilinear Steiner Trees

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    The minimum rectilinear Steiner tree (RST) problem is one of the fundamental problems in the field of electronic design automation. The problem is NP-hard, and much work has been devoted to designing good heuristics and approximation algorithms; to date, the champion in solution quality among RST heuristics is the Batched Iterated 1-Steiner (BI1S) heuristic of Kahng and Robins. In a recent development, exact RST algorithms have witnessed spectacular progress: The new release of the GeoSteiner code of Warme, Winter, and Zachariasen has average running time comparable to that of the fastest available BI1S implementation, due to Robins. We are thus faced with the paradoxical situation that an exact algorithm for an NP-hard problem is competitive in speed with a state-of-the-art heuristic for the problem. The main contribution of this paper is a new RST heuristic, which has at its core a recent 3/2 approximation algorithm of Rajagopalan and Vazirani for the metric Steiner tree pr..

    A New Heuristic for Rectilinear Steiner Trees

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    The minimum rectilinear Steiner tree (RST) problem is one of the fundamental problems in the field of electronic design automation. The problem is NP-hard, and much work has been devoted to de-signing good heuristics and approximation algorithms; to date, the champion in solution quality among RST heuristics is the Batched Iterated 1-Steiner (BI1S) heuristic of Kahng and Robins. In a recent development, exact RST algorithms have witnessed spectac-ular progress: The new release of the GeoSteiner code of Warme, Winter, and Zachariasen has average running time comparable to that of the fastest available BI1S implementation, due to Robins. We are thus faced with the paradoxical situation that an exact al-gorithm for an NP-hard problem is competitive in speed with a state-of-the-art heuristic for the problem. The main contribution of this paper is a new RST heuristic, which has at its core a recent 3=2 approximation algorithm of Rajagopalan and Vazirani for the metric Steiner tree problem on quasi-bipartite graphs—these are graphs that do not contain edges connecting pairs of Steiner vertices. The RV algorithm is built around the linear programming relaxation of a sophisticated integer program formulation, called the bidirected cut relaxation. Our heuristic achieves a good running time by combining an efficient implementation of the RV algorithm with simple, but powerful geometric reductions. Experiments conducted on both random and real VLSI instances show that the new RST heuristic runs significantly faster than Robins ’ implementation of BI1S and than the GeoSteiner code. Moreover, the new heuristic typically gives higher-quality solutions than BI1S.