7,451 research outputs found

    Sub-Sampled Newton Methods I: Globally Convergent Algorithms

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    Large scale optimization problems are ubiquitous in machine learning and data analysis and there is a plethora of algorithms for solving such problems. Many of these algorithms employ sub-sampling, as a way to either speed up the computations and/or to implicitly implement a form of statistical regularization. In this paper, we consider second-order iterative optimization algorithms and we provide bounds on the convergence of the variants of Newton's method that incorporate uniform sub-sampling as a means to estimate the gradient and/or Hessian. Our bounds are non-asymptotic and quantitative. Our algorithms are global and are guaranteed to converge from any initial iterate. Using random matrix concentration inequalities, one can sub-sample the Hessian to preserve the curvature information. Our first algorithm incorporates Hessian sub-sampling while using the full gradient. We also give additional convergence results for when the sub-sampled Hessian is regularized by modifying its spectrum or ridge-type regularization. Next, in addition to Hessian sub-sampling, we also consider sub-sampling the gradient as a way to further reduce the computational complexity per iteration. We use approximate matrix multiplication results from randomized numerical linear algebra to obtain the proper sampling strategy. In all these algorithms, computing the update boils down to solving a large scale linear system, which can be computationally expensive. As a remedy, for all of our algorithms, we also give global convergence results for the case of inexact updates where such linear system is solved only approximately. This paper has a more advanced companion paper, [42], in which we demonstrate that, by doing a finer-grained analysis, we can get problem-independent bounds for local convergence of these algorithms and explore trade-offs to improve upon the basic results of the present paper

    L1/2L_{1/2} Regularization: Convergence of Iterative Half Thresholding Algorithm

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    In recent studies on sparse modeling, the nonconvex regularization approaches (particularly, LqL_{q} regularization with q∈(0,1)q\in(0,1)) have been demonstrated to possess capability of gaining much benefit in sparsity-inducing and efficiency. As compared with the convex regularization approaches (say, L1L_{1} regularization), however, the convergence issue of the corresponding algorithms are more difficult to tackle. In this paper, we deal with this difficult issue for a specific but typical nonconvex regularization scheme, the L1/2L_{1/2} regularization, which has been successfully used to many applications. More specifically, we study the convergence of the iterative \textit{half} thresholding algorithm (the \textit{half} algorithm for short), one of the most efficient and important algorithms for solution to the L1/2L_{1/2} regularization. As the main result, we show that under certain conditions, the \textit{half} algorithm converges to a local minimizer of the L1/2L_{1/2} regularization, with an eventually linear convergence rate. The established result provides a theoretical guarantee for a wide range of applications of the \textit{half} algorithm. We provide also a set of simulations to support the correctness of theoretical assertions and compare the time efficiency of the \textit{half} algorithm with other known typical algorithms for L1/2L_{1/2} regularization like the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm and the iteratively reweighted l1l_{1} minimization (IRL1) algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Sequential subspace optimization for nonlinear inverse problems

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    In this work we discuss a method to adapt sequential subspace optimization (SESOP), which has so far been developed for linear inverse problems in Hilbert and Banach spaces, to the case of nonlinear inverse problems. We start by revising the well-known technique for Hilbert spaces. In a next step, we introduce a method using multiple search directions that are especially designed to fit the nonlinearity of the forward operator. To this end, we iteratively project the initial value onto stripes whose shape is determined by the search direction, the nonlinearity of the operator and the noise level. We additionally propose a fast algorithm that uses two search directions. Finally we will show convergence and regularization properties for the presented method.Comment: 22 pages, no figure

    A Gauss-Seidel Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for lq Regularized Least Squares Regression

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    In recent studies on sparse modeling, lql_q (0<q<10<q<1) regularized least squares regression (lql_qLS) has received considerable attention due to its superiorities on sparsity-inducing and bias-reduction over the convex counterparts. In this paper, we propose a Gauss-Seidel iterative thresholding algorithm (called GAITA) for solution to this problem. Different from the classical iterative thresholding algorithms using the Jacobi updating rule, GAITA takes advantage of the Gauss-Seidel rule to update the coordinate coefficients. Under a mild condition, we can justify that the support set and sign of an arbitrary sequence generated by GAITA will converge within finite iterations. This convergence property together with the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property of (lql_qLS) naturally yields the strong convergence of GAITA under the same condition as above, which is generally weaker than the condition for the convergence of the classical iterative thresholding algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate that GAITA converges to a local minimizer under certain additional conditions. A set of numerical experiments are provided to show the effectiveness, particularly, much faster convergence of GAITA as compared with the classical iterative thresholding algorithms.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Superiorization of EM Algorithm and Its Application in Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography(SPECT)

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    In this paper, we presented an efficient algorithm to implement the regularization reconstruction of SPECT. Image reconstruction with priori assumptions is usually modeled as a constrained optimization problem. However, there is no efficient algorithm to solve it due to the large scale of the problem. In this paper, we used the superiorization of the expectation maximization (EM) iteration to implement the regularization reconstruction of SPECT. We first investigated the convergent conditions of the EM iteration in the presence of perturbations. Secondly, we designed the superiorized EM algorithm based on the convergent conditions, and then proposed a modified version of it. Furthermore, we gave two methods to generate desired perturbations for two special objective functions. Numerical experiments for SPECT reconstruction were conducted to validate the performance of the proposed algorithms. The experiments show that the superiorized EM algorithms are more stable and robust for noised projection data and initial image than the classic EM algorithm, and outperform the classic EM algorithm in terms of mean square error and visual quality of the reconstructed images.Comment: some typos corrected, explanations for the phenomena of experiments are give

    On Accelerating the Regularized Alternating Least Square Algorithm for Tensors

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    In this paper, we discuss the acceleration of the regularized alternating least square (RALS) algorithm for tensor approximation. We propose a fast iterative method using a Aitken-Stefensen like updates for the regularized algorithm. Through numerical experiments, the fast algorithm demonstrate a faster convergence rate for the accelerated version in comparison to both the standard and regularized alternating least squares algorithms. In addition, we analyze the global convergence based on the Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz inequality as well as show that the RALS algorithm has a linear local convergence rate

    On Convergent Finite Difference Schemes for Variational - PDE Based Image Processing

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    We study an adaptive anisotropic Huber functional based image restoration scheme. By using a combination of L2-L1 regularization functions, an adaptive Huber functional based energy minimization model provides denoising with edge preservation in noisy digital images. We study a convergent finite difference scheme based on continuous piecewise linear functions and use a variable splitting scheme, namely the Split Bregman, to obtain the discrete minimizer. Experimental results are given in image denoising and comparison with additive operator splitting, dual fixed point, and projected gradient schemes illustrate that the best convergence rates are obtained for our algorithm.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Sub-Sampled Newton Methods II: Local Convergence Rates

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    Many data-fitting applications require the solution of an optimization problem involving a sum of large number of functions of high dimensional parameter. Here, we consider the problem of minimizing a sum of nn functions over a convex constraint set XβŠ†Rp\mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{p} where both nn and pp are large. In such problems, sub-sampling as a way to reduce nn can offer great amount of computational efficiency. Within the context of second order methods, we first give quantitative local convergence results for variants of Newton's method where the Hessian is uniformly sub-sampled. Using random matrix concentration inequalities, one can sub-sample in a way that the curvature information is preserved. Using such sub-sampling strategy, we establish locally Q-linear and Q-superlinear convergence rates. We also give additional convergence results for when the sub-sampled Hessian is regularized by modifying its spectrum or Levenberg-type regularization. Finally, in addition to Hessian sub-sampling, we consider sub-sampling the gradient as way to further reduce the computational complexity per iteration. We use approximate matrix multiplication results from randomized numerical linear algebra (RandNLA) to obtain the proper sampling strategy and we establish locally R-linear convergence rates. In such a setting, we also show that a very aggressive sample size increase results in a R-superlinearly convergent algorithm. While the sample size depends on the condition number of the problem, our convergence rates are problem-independent, i.e., they do not depend on the quantities related to the problem. Hence, our analysis here can be used to complement the results of our basic framework from the companion paper, [38], by exploring algorithmic trade-offs that are important in practice

    Fast Statistical Iterative Reconstruction for MVCT in TomoTherapy

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    Statistical iterative reconstruction is expected to improve the image quality of megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT). However, one of the challenges of iterative reconstruction is its large computational cost. The purpose of this work is to develop a fast iterative reconstruction algorithm by combining several iterative techniques and by optimizing reconstruction parameters. Megavolt projection data was acquired from a TomoTherapy system and reconstructed using our statistical iterative reconstruction. Total variation was used as the regularization term and the weight of the regularization term was determined by evaluating signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and visual assessment of spatial resolution using Gammex and Cheese phantoms. Gradient decent with an adaptive convergence parameter, ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM), and CPU/GPU parallelization were applied in order to accelerate the present reconstruction algorithm. The SNR and CNR of the iterative reconstruction were several times better than that of filtered back projection (FBP). The GPU parallelization code combined with the OSEM algorithm reconstructed an image several hundred times faster than a CPU calculation. With 500 iterations, which provided good convergence, our method produced a 512Γ—\times512 pixel image within a few seconds. The image quality of the present algorithm was much better than that of FBP for patient data. An image from the iterative reconstruction in TomoTherapy can be obtained within few seconds by fine-tuning the parameters. The iterative reconstruction with GPU was fast enough for clinical use, and largely improve the MVCT images.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    A Regularized Semi-Smooth Newton Method With Projection Steps for Composite Convex Programs

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    The goal of this paper is to study approaches to bridge the gap between first-order and second-order type methods for composite convex programs. Our key observations are: i) Many well-known operator splitting methods, such as forward-backward splitting (FBS) and Douglas-Rachford splitting (DRS), actually define a fixed-point mapping; ii) The optimal solutions of the composite convex program and the solutions of a system of nonlinear equations derived from the fixed-point mapping are equivalent. Solving this kind of system of nonlinear equations enables us to develop second-order type methods. Although these nonlinear equations may be non-differentiable, they are often semi-smooth and their generalized Jacobian matrix is positive semidefinite due to monotonicity. By combining with a regularization approach and a known hyperplane projection technique, we propose an adaptive semi-smooth Newton method and establish its convergence to global optimality. Preliminary numerical results on β„“1\ell_1-minimization problems demonstrate that our second-order type algorithms are able to achieve superlinear or quadratic convergence.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure
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