29 research outputs found

    Мехатронное устройство систем искусственного интеллекта

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    The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the phased development of a mechatronic device, to describe the development process of the device design and software, to demonstrate the application of the theory of selected sections of mathematics and physics in robotics, and, in particular, linear algebra, geometry, computational mathematics, discrete mathematics and mechanics. The study was based on the mechatronic device, which had been designed by the youth team of the Republic of Belarus in preparation for the international robotics competition “First Global Challenge 2019”, which became the winner of this event. The article describes in detail the statement of the problem at this competition, identifies the basic requirements for the robot being built, provides a general description of the stages of building the device both during the design process and during the immediate implementation of the project, as well as substantiates the engineering decisions that were made during the design process. The stages that are of the greatest interest in terms of applying the theory of applied physics and mathematics are described in more detail. Particular attention is paid to the design and development of structural modules, as well as to the development of software for controlling the device. The robot is an experimental model that can be used in further research in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation systems, and is also a potential platform for teaching robotics at the level of specialized secondary and higher education.Цель работы, представленной в статье, заключается в демонстрации поэтапной разработки мехатронного устройства, описании процесса разработки конструкции устройства, его программного обеспечения, демонстрации применения теории избранных разделов математики и физики в области робототехники, и в частности: линейной алгебры, геометрии, вычислительной математики, дискретной математики, механики. Исследование проводилось на основе мехатронного устройства, которое было спроектировано в рамках подготовки к международному турниру по робототехнике «First Global Challenge 2019» молодежной командой Республики Беларусь, ставшей победителем данных соревнований. В статье подробно описана постановка задачи на данном турнире, выделены основные требования к создаваемому роботу, представлено общее описание этапов создания устройства как в ходе проектирования, так и при непосредственной реализации проекта, а также обоснованы инженерные решения, которые были приняты в процессе конструирования. Более подробно описаны этапы, представляющие наибольший интерес с точки зрения применения теории прикладной физики и математики. Особое внимание в статье уделено проектированию и разработке модулей конструкции, а также разработке программного обеспечения для управления устройством. Робот представляет собой экспериментальную модель, которая может быть использована в дальнейших исследованиях в области искусственного интеллекта, машинного обучения, систем автоматизации, а также является потенциальной платформой для обучения робототехнике на уровне среднего специального и высшего образования

    A Real-Time Solver For Time-Optimal Control Of Omnidirectional Robots with Bounded Acceleration

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    We are interested in the problem of time-optimal control of omnidirectional robots with bounded acceleration (TOC-ORBA). While there exist approximate solutions for such robots, and exact solutions with unbounded acceleration, exact solvers to the TOC-ORBA problem have remained elusive until now. In this paper, we present a real-time solver for true time-optimal control of omnidirectional robots with bounded acceleration. We first derive the general parameterized form of the solution to the TOC-ORBA problem by application of Pontryagin's maximum principle. We then frame the boundary value problem of TOC-ORBA as an optimization problem over the parametrized control space. To overcome local minima and poor initial guesses to the optimization problem, we introduce a two-stage optimal control solver (TSOCS): The first stage computes an upper bound to the total time for the TOC-ORBA problem and holds the time constant while optimizing the parameters of the trajectory to approach the boundary value conditions. The second stage uses the parameters found by the first stage, and relaxes the constraint on the total time to solve for the parameters of the complete TOC-ORBA problem. We further implement TSOCS as a closed loop controller to overcome actuation errors on real robots in real-time. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of TSOCS in simulation and on real robots, showing that 1) it runs in real time, generating solutions in less than 0.5ms on average; 2) it generates faster trajectories compared to an approximate solver; and 3) it is able to solve TOC-ORBA problems with non-zero final velocities that were previously unsolvable in real-time

    Improved design of the omnidirectional robotic platform for enhancement of manufacturability and commercialability

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    Converting a DJI Tello Quadcopter into a Face-follower Machine Using the Haar Cascade with PID Controller

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    Drones have been frequently used for photography in recent years at significantly cheaper rates. However, the most modern drones are exceedingly error-prone and require precise manual control to take high-quality photos or films. We suggest using the AI method of Haar cascades with a PID controller to give drones vision, enabling them to do autonomous tracking and detection. This project aims to improve photography fields. The proposed system tries to detect the face and track the person's movements. This system will help photographers and journalists upgrade their work, even if it is used in surveillance and the military. The algorithm's results show that the DJI Tello tiny drone's camera is capable of detecting and tracking faces. The micro drone was picked since it is lightweight and compact, making its use safe and enabling testing to take place inside. Additionally, the DJI Tello may be easily programmed using Python. The position of the drone is contrasted with the set point in the center of the image to identify errors, allowing control signals for calculating forward/backwards, right/left, and yaw movements. The proposed system results show that the drone can detect and track the face very well, and the PID values are stable

    Omniwheels Dengan Manipulator Untuk Robot Penjinak Bom

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang bangun Omniwheels robot sebagai prototipe robot penjinak bom. Kelebihan hasil rancangan ini adalah robot dapat bergerak ke segala arah tanpa melakukan manuver terlebih dahulu. Selanjutnya menganalisis kinematika mobile roboti untuk navigasi omniwheels mobile robot sebagai prototipe robot penjinak bom. Omni Wheel robot dapat bergerak mengikuti jalur pada permukaan bidang datar dan mempertahankannya dengan memanfaatkan sensor cahaya, atau line follower sistem. Roda omni adalah roda khusus dimana selain roda inti juga terdapat roda kecil tambahan yang memiliki sumbu tegak lurus terhadap sumbu roda. Sehingga inti roda pada mobile robot ini bisa berputar pada sumbunya seperti roda normal. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya tambahan roda kecil roda inti juga dapat bergerak sejajar dengan sumbunya. Metode experimen dilakukan dengan dua motor yang bergerak saat bergerak arah sumbu x serta dua motor yang lain yang berfungsi saat bergerak arah sumbu y. Penelitian ini berhasil membuat prototipe robot yang deikenal dengan omni wheel mobile robot. Adapun interface yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan motor omniwheel  adalah perangkat mikrokontroller ATmega 8535, alat ini berfungsi sebagai computer mini yang dapat melakukan eksekusi program kendali robot. Selanjutnya diletakkan 4 DOF (degree of freedom) manipulator pada omniwheels mobile robot untuk mengangkat sebuah benda yang mirip bom

    An omnidirectional mobile robot

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