806 research outputs found

    Biorthogonal partners and applications

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    Two digital filters H(z) and F(z) are said to be biorthogonal partners of each other if their cascade H(z)F(z) satisfies the Nyquist or zero-crossing property. Biorthogonal partners arise in many different contexts such as filterbank theory, exact and least squares digital interpolation, and multiresolution theory. They also play a central role in the theory of equalization, especially, fractionally spaced equalizers in digital communications. We first develop several theoretical properties of biorthogonal partners. We also develop conditions for the existence of biorthogonal partners and FIR biorthogonal pairs and establish the connections to the Riesz basis property. We then explain how these results play a role in many of the above-mentioned applications

    Theory of optimal orthonormal subband coders

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    The theory of the orthogonal transform coder and methods for its optimal design have been known for a long time. We derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the coding-gain optimality of an orthonormal subband coder for given input statistics. We also show how these conditions can be satisfied by the construction of a sequence of optimal compaction filters one at a time. Several theoretical properties of optimal compaction filters and optimal subband coders are then derived, especially pertaining to behavior as the number of subbands increases. Significant theoretical differences between optimum subband coders, transform coders, and predictive coders are summarized. Finally, conditions are presented under which optimal orthonormal subband coders yield as much coding gain as biorthogonal ones for a fixed number of subbands

    Results on optimal biorthogonal filter banks

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    Optimization of filter banks for specific input statistics has been of interest in the theory and practice of subband coding. For the case of orthonormal filter banks with infinite order and uniform decimation, the problem has been completely solved in recent years. For the case of biorthogonal filter banks, significant progress has been made recently, although a number of issues still remain to be addressed. In this paper we briefly review the orthonormal case, and then present several new results for the biorthogonal case. All discussions pertain to the infinite order (ideal filter) case. The current status of research as well as some of the unsolved problems are described

    A new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks and wavelet bases

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    We propose a novel framework for a new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks. The framework covers two useful subclasses: i) causal stable IIR filter banks. ii) linear phase FIR filter banks. There exists a very efficient structurally perfect reconstruction implementation for such a class. Filter banks of high frequency selectivity can be achieved by using the proposed framework with low complexity. The properties of such a class are discussed in detail. The design of the analysis/synthesis systems reduces to the design of a single transfer function. Very simple design methods are given both for FIR and IIR cases. Zeros of arbitrary multiplicity at aliasing frequency can be easily imposed, for the purpose of generating wavelets with regularity property. In the IIR case, two new classes of IIR maximally flat filters different from Butterworth filters are introduced. The filter coefficients are given in closed form. The wavelet bases corresponding to the biorthogonal systems are generated. the authors also provide a novel mapping of the proposed 1-D framework into 2-D. The mapping preserves the following: i) perfect reconstruction; ii) stability in the IIR case; iii) linear phase in the FIR case; iv) zeros at aliasing frequency; v) frequency characteristic of the filters

    Watermarking for multimedia security using complex wavelets

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    This paper investigates the application of complex wavelet transforms to the field of digital data hiding. Complex wavelets offer improved directional selectivity and shift invariance over their discretely sampled counterparts allowing for better adaptation of watermark distortions to the host media. Two methods of deriving visual models for the watermarking system are adapted to the complex wavelet transforms and their performances are compared. To produce improved capacity a spread transform embedding algorithm is devised, this combines the robustness of spread spectrum methods with the high capacity of quantization based methods. Using established information theoretic methods, limits of watermark capacity are derived that demonstrate the superiority of complex wavelets over discretely sampled wavelets. Finally results for the algorithm against commonly used attacks demonstrate its robustness and the improved performance offered by complex wavelet transforms

    Wavelet-Based Audio Embedding & Audio/Video Compression

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    With the decline in military spending, the United States relies heavily on state side support. Communications has never been more important. High-quality audio and video capabilities are a must. Watermarking, traditionally used for copyright protection, is used in a new and exciting way. An efficient wavelet-based watermarking technique embeds audio information into a video signal. Several highly effective compression techniques are applied to compress the resulting audio/video signal in an embedded fashion. This wavelet-based compression algorithm incorporates bit plane coding, first difference coding, and Huffman coding. To demonstrate the potential of this audio embedding audio/video compression system, an audio signal is embedded into a video signal and the combined signal is compressed. Results show that overall compression rates of 15:1 can be achieved. The video signal is reconstructed with a median PSNR of nearly 33dB. Finally, the audio signal is extracted with out error

    Improving quality of medical image compression using biorthogonal CDF wavelet based on lifting scheme and SPIHT coding

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    As the coming era is that of digitized medical information, an important challenge to deal with is the storage and transmission requirements of enormous data, including medical images. Compression is one of the indispensable techniques to solve this problem. In this work, we propose an algorithm for medical image compression based on a biorthogonal wavelet transform CDF 9/7 coupled with SPIHT coding algorithm, of which we applied the lifting structure to improve the drawbacks of wavelet transform. In order to enhance the compression by our algorithm, we have compared the results obtained with wavelet based filters bank. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to traditional methods in both lossy and lossless compression for all tested images. Our algorithm provides very important PSNR and MSSIM values for MRI images

    Discrete multitone modulation with principal component filter banks

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    Discrete multitone (DMT) modulation is an attractive method for communication over a nonflat channel with possibly colored noise. The uniform discrete Fourier transform (DFT) filter bank and cosine modulated filter bank have in the past been used in this system because of low complexity. We show in this paper that principal component filter banks (PCFB) which are known to be optimal for data compression and denoising applications, are also optimal for a number of criteria in DMT modulation communication. For example, the PCFB of the effective channel noise power spectrum (noise psd weighted by the inverse of the channel gain) is optimal for DMT modulation in the sense of maximizing bit rate for fixed power and error probabilities. We also establish an optimality property of the PCFB when scalar prefilters and postfilters are used around the channel. The difference between the PCFB and a traditional filter bank such as the brickwall filter bank or DFT filter bank is significant for effective power spectra which depart considerably from monotonicity. The twisted pair channel with its bridged taps, next and fext noises, and AM interference, therefore appears to be a good candidate for the application of a PCFB. This is demonstrated with the help of numerical results for the case of the ADSL channel