24,059 research outputs found

    A Single-Stage Approach to Anscombe and Aumann's Expected Utility

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    expected utility theory;decision analysis;revealed preference

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on Partial Orders for Modeling Concurrent Computations

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    Partial orders are used extensively for modeling and analyzing concurrent computations. In this paper, we define two properties of partially ordered sets: width-extensibility and interleaving-consistency, and show that a partial order can be a valid state based model: (1) of some synchronous concurrent computation iff it is width-extensible, and (2) of some asynchronous concurrent computation iff it is width-extensible and interleaving-consistent. We also show a duality between the event based and state based models of concurrent computations, and give algorithms to convert models between the two domains. When applied to the problem of checkpointing, our theory leads to a better understanding of some existing results and algorithms in the field. It also leads to efficient detection algorithms for predicates whose evaluation requires knowledge of states from all the processes in the system

    Classification with Asymmetric Label Noise: Consistency and Maximal Denoising

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    In many real-world classification problems, the labels of training examples are randomly corrupted. Most previous theoretical work on classification with label noise assumes that the two classes are separable, that the label noise is independent of the true class label, or that the noise proportions for each class are known. In this work, we give conditions that are necessary and sufficient for the true class-conditional distributions to be identifiable. These conditions are weaker than those analyzed previously, and allow for the classes to be nonseparable and the noise levels to be asymmetric and unknown. The conditions essentially state that a majority of the observed labels are correct and that the true class-conditional distributions are "mutually irreducible," a concept we introduce that limits the similarity of the two distributions. For any label noise problem, there is a unique pair of true class-conditional distributions satisfying the proposed conditions, and we argue that this pair corresponds in a certain sense to maximal denoising of the observed distributions. Our results are facilitated by a connection to "mixture proportion estimation," which is the problem of estimating the maximal proportion of one distribution that is present in another. We establish a novel rate of convergence result for mixture proportion estimation, and apply this to obtain consistency of a discrimination rule based on surrogate loss minimization. Experimental results on benchmark data and a nuclear particle classification problem demonstrate the efficacy of our approach

    On the structure of the space of generalized connections

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    We give a modern account of the construction and structure of the space of generalized connections, an extension of the space of connections that plays a central role in loop quantum gravity.Comment: 30 pages, added references, minor changes. To appear in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physic

    The Pivotal Role of Causality in Local Quantum Physics

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    In this article an attempt is made to present very recent conceptual and computational developments in QFT as new manifestations of old and well establihed physical principles. The vehicle for converting the quantum-algebraic aspects of local quantum physics into more classical geometric structures is the modular theory of Tomita. As the above named laureate to whom I have dedicated has shown together with his collaborator for the first time in sufficient generality, its use in physics goes through Einstein causality. This line of research recently gained momentum when it was realized that it is not only of structural and conceptual innovative power (see section 4), but also promises to be a new computational road into nonperturbative QFT (section 5) which, picturesquely speaking, enters the subject on the extreme opposite (noncommutative) side.Comment: This is a updated version which has been submitted to Journal of Physics A, tcilatex 62 pages. Adress: Institut fuer Theoretische Physik FU-Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin presently CBPF, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    Group orderings, dynamics, and rigidity

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    Let G be a countable group. We show there is a topological relationship between the space CO(G) of circular orders on G and the moduli space of actions of G on the circle; as well as an analogous relationship for spaces of left orders and actions on the line. In particular, we give a complete characterization of isolated left and circular orders in terms of strong rigidity of their induced actions of G on S1S^1 and R. As an application of our techniques, we give an explicit construction of infinitely many nonconjugate isolated points in the spaces CO(F_{2n}) of circular orders on free groups disproving a conjecture from Baik--Samperton, and infinitely many nonconjugate isolated points in the space of left orders on the pure braid group P_3, answering a question of Navas. We also give a detailed analysis of circular orders on free groups, characterizing isolated orders
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