2 research outputs found

    Entwicklungspfade intelligenter Transportsysteme für den Straßengüterverkehr

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    Today's road network has reached its limits in most major cities and at certain times. Similarly, the capacity of the road network is largely exhausted. In addition, the change in delivery cycles in the food industry from a regular delivery structure to just-in-time deliveries leads to an increased delivery volume. But also E-commerce, the share economy and the customer's demand for faster delivery (same-day delivery) are leading to an additional rise in the supply sector. With the road infrastructure remaining the same, it is therefore not surprising that more and more slow-moving traffic and congestion are occurring. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) offer the possibility to improve the road capacity without excessive structural measures. The aim of this dissertation project is to provide insights of research achieved so far in the field of ITS for road freight transport and to estimate further developments by means of scenario generation. In addition to the presentation of ITS for road freight transport and the creation of environmental scenarios, action implications for the individual areas of ITS in road freight transport are presented. If the first scenario occured, this would have many positive effects on the transport process, but it would be of little importance, as the favourable factors are present in this scenario. If the second scenario occured, this would have many effects and a medium significance for ITS. In the case of the third scenario, this would be of medium to high significance, since in this scenario there are few ITS factors favouring road freight transport. The effects on the intelligent transport sector would be correspondingly small because these systems would not exist. This work provides first future oriented analysis in ITS related research