4,077 research outputs found

    Large Antenna Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer (LAMMR) system design

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    The large Antenna Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer (LAMMR) is a high resolution 4 meter aperture scanning radiometer system designed to determine sea surface temperature and wind speed, atmospheric water vapor and liquid water, precipitation, and various sea ice parameters by interpreting brightness temperature images from low Earth orbiting satellites. The LAMMR with dual linear horizontal and vertical polarization radiometer channels from 1.4 to 91 GHZ can provide multidiscipline data with resolutions from 105 to 7 km. The LAMMR baseline radiometer system uses total power radiometers to achieve delta T's in the 0.5 to 1.7 K range and system calibration accuracies in the 1 to 2 deg range. A cold sky horn/ambient load two point calibration technique is used in this baseline concept and the second detector output uses an integrated and dump circuit to sample the scanning cross-tract resolution cells

    An investigative study of a spectrum-matching imaging system Final report

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    Evaluation system for classification of remote objects and materials identified by solar and thermal radiation emissio

    A multichannel passive microwave atmospheric temperature sounding system

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    The development of a small, lightweight, low-power, seven channel passive microwave radiometer system for use on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) was described. The 50-60 GHz sensor system operates in the region of an intense atmospheric oxygen absorption band to provide atmospheric temperature profiles to 30 kilometer altitudes on a global basis

    Satellite remote sensing facility for oceanograhic applications

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    The project organization, design process, and construction of a Remote Sensing Facility at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at LaJolla, California are described. The facility is capable of receiving, processing, and displaying oceanographic data received from satellites. Data are primarily imaging data representing the multispectral ocean emissions and reflectances, and are accumulated during 8 to 10 minute satellite passes over the California coast. The most important feature of the facility is the reception and processing of satellite data in real time, allowing investigators to direct ships to areas of interest for on-site verifications and experiments

    Experimental L-band SST satellite communications/surveillance terminal study. Volume 5 - Aircraft terminal definition

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    Aircraft terminal designs for experimental and operational supersonic transport for L band satellite air traffic contro

    Optical shutter switching matrix

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    The interface switching systems are discussed which are related to those used in the Space Shuttle ground control system, transmission systems, communications systems, and airborne radar electronic countermeasure systems. The main goal is to identify a need that exists throughout the comprehensive information processing and communications disciplines supporting the Space Shuttle and Space Station programs, and introduce one viable approach to satisfy that need. The proposed device, described in NASA patent entitled 'Optical Shutter Switch Matrix', is discussed

    A study of selected environmental quality remote sensors for free flyer missions launched from the space shuttle

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    The sensors were examined for adaptability to shuttle by reviewing pertinent information regarding sensor characteristics as they related to the shuttle and Multimission Modular Spacecraft environments. This included physical and electrical characteristics, data output and command requirements, attitude and orientation requirements, thermal and safety requirements, and adaptability and modification for space. The sensor requirements and characteristics were compared with the corresponding shuttle and Multimission Modular Spacecraft characteristics and capabilities. On this basis the adaptability and necessary modifications for each sensor were determined. A number of the sensors were examined in more detail and estimated cost for the modifications was provided