2 research outputs found

    A modified memetic algorithm with an application to gene selection in a sheep body weight study

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    Selecting the minimal best subset out of a huge number of factors for influencing the response is a fundamental and very challenging NP-hard problem because the presence of many redundant genes results in over-fitting easily while missing an important gene can more detrimental impact on predictions, and computation is prohibitive for exhaust search. We propose a modified memetic algorithm (MA) based on an improved splicing method to overcome the problems in the traditional genetic algorithm exploitation capability and dimension reduction in the predictor variables. The new algorithm accelerates the search in identifying the minimal best subset of genes by incorporating it into the new local search operator and hence improving the splicing method. The improvement is also due to another two novel aspects: (a) updating subsets of genes iteratively until the no more reduction in the loss function by splicing and increasing the probability of selecting the true subsets of genes; and (b) introducing add and del operators based on backward sacrifice into the splicing method to limit the size of gene subsets. Additionally, according to the experimental results, our proposed optimizer can obtain a better minimal subset of genes with a few iterations, compared with all considered algorithms. Moreover, the mutation operator is replaced by it to enhance exploitation capability and initial individuals are improved by it to enhance efficiency of search. A dataset of the body weight of Hu sheep was used to evaluate the superiority of the modified MA against the genetic algorithm. According to our experimental results, our proposed optimizer can obtain a better minimal subset of genes with a few iterations, compared with all considered algorithms including the most advanced adaptive best-subset selection algorithm


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    Data mining plays an important role in the process of classifying between the normal and the cancerous samples by utilizing microarray gene data. As this classification process is related to the human lives, greater sensitivity and specificity rates are mandatory. Taking this challenge into account, this work presents a technique to classify between the normal and cancerous samples by means of efficient feature selection and classification. The process of feature selection is achieved by Information Gain Ratio (IGR) and the selected features are forwarded to the classification process, which is achieved by ensemble classification. The classifiers being employed to attain ensemble classification are k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). The performance of the proposed approach is analysed with respect to three different datasets such as Leukemia, Colon and Breast cancer in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The experimental results prove that the proposed work shows better results, when compared to the existing techniques