246 research outputs found

    Research Trends and Outlooks in Assembly Line Balancing Problems

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    This paper presents the findings from the survey of articles published on the assembly line balancing problems (ALBPs) during 2014-2018. Before proceeding a comprehensive literature review, the ineffectiveness of the previous ALBP classification structures is discussed and a new classification scheme based on the layout configurations of assembly lines is subsequently proposed. The research trend in each layout of assembly lines is highlighted through the graphical presentations. The challenges in the ALBPs are also pinpointed as a technical guideline for future research works

    Development of a novel integrated value engineering and risk assessment (VENRA) framework for shipyard performance measurement

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    The shipyard is a key facility determining the quality and performance of ships in the shipbuilding industry. A well-designed ship requires skilled shipbuilders who can deliver on parameters such as quality, timeline, budget, and environmental considerations. Evaluating shipyard performance, including shipbuilding, ship repair, and ship conversion, is crucial for strategic advancement. This thesis proposes a new performance measurement framework, the integrated Value Engineering and Risk Assessment (VENRA), to enhance shipyard performance. The framework introduces a conceptual and multi-dimensional criteria framework that considers criteria prioritisation and the evaluated shipyard conditions score. It suggests integrating five criteria groups, namely Technical, Business, External, Personnel Safety, and Environment, which include a number of criteria and sub-criteria. These criteria are intended to be used for shipyard assessment and identifying areas for improvement. In order to achieve the above framework, fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)-Weighting Evaluation Technique (WET) and fuzzy DEMATEL-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are employed. These methodologies assess the VENRA criteria by analysing interrelationships and assigning weight rankings to criteria and sub-criteria. An objective grading system is developed with fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making (FMAGDM) approach to evaluate the shipyard’s condition score based on the VENRA criteria framework. By integrating criteria analysis and the shipyard score, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to determine the prioritisation of criteria, considering causal relationships, weight rankings, and the shipyard’s assessment score. The proposed framework has been applied and tested in case studies involving three different shipyards: a small shipyard specialising in aluminium ship production, a medium-sized shipyard focused on merchant ship production and a shipyard specialising in cruise ship production. The outcomes of this study include identifying the most influential criteria and sub-criteria, analysing shipyard performance measurements, prioritising enhancement tasks, and providing specific recommendations to improve shipyard performance.The shipyard is a key facility determining the quality and performance of ships in the shipbuilding industry. A well-designed ship requires skilled shipbuilders who can deliver on parameters such as quality, timeline, budget, and environmental considerations. Evaluating shipyard performance, including shipbuilding, ship repair, and ship conversion, is crucial for strategic advancement. This thesis proposes a new performance measurement framework, the integrated Value Engineering and Risk Assessment (VENRA), to enhance shipyard performance. The framework introduces a conceptual and multi-dimensional criteria framework that considers criteria prioritisation and the evaluated shipyard conditions score. It suggests integrating five criteria groups, namely Technical, Business, External, Personnel Safety, and Environment, which include a number of criteria and sub-criteria. These criteria are intended to be used for shipyard assessment and identifying areas for improvement. In order to achieve the above framework, fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL)-Weighting Evaluation Technique (WET) and fuzzy DEMATEL-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods are employed. These methodologies assess the VENRA criteria by analysing interrelationships and assigning weight rankings to criteria and sub-criteria. An objective grading system is developed with fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making (FMAGDM) approach to evaluate the shipyard’s condition score based on the VENRA criteria framework. By integrating criteria analysis and the shipyard score, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to determine the prioritisation of criteria, considering causal relationships, weight rankings, and the shipyard’s assessment score. The proposed framework has been applied and tested in case studies involving three different shipyards: a small shipyard specialising in aluminium ship production, a medium-sized shipyard focused on merchant ship production and a shipyard specialising in cruise ship production. The outcomes of this study include identifying the most influential criteria and sub-criteria, analysing shipyard performance measurements, prioritising enhancement tasks, and providing specific recommendations to improve shipyard performance

    Smart working technologies in industry 4.0 : contributions to different manufacturing activities and workers’ skills

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    A Indústria 4.0 é considerada a quarta revolução industrial porque utiliza uma ampla integração de tecnologias de informação e de operação na fabricação industrial. Apesar dessa perspectiva tecnológica, diversos estudos vêm evidenciando a importância de considerar o fator humano para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de manufatura inteligente. Nesse sentido, a dimensão denominada como Smart Working precisa ser melhor investigada, uma vez que entender como as tecnologias afetam os trabalhadores e as habilidades desses são cruciais para o bom desempenho das fábricas. Em razão disso, o objetivo desta dissertação foi entender como as Smart Working Technologies (SWT) podem contribuir para as atividades e as habilidades dos trabalhadores da manufatura. Para tanto, primeiramente foi realizada uma análise abrangente da literatura para identificar as SWT e seus impactos nas capacidades dos trabalhadores em suas atividades de manufatura. Deste modo, foram analisados 80 artigos que relacionam as SWT em oito atividades de manufatura. Posteriormente, foi selecionada uma das SWT mais relevantes conforme a literatura, os robôs colaborativos, para identificar os efeitos das tecnologias nas habilidades dos trabalhadores. Deste modo, foram analisados 138 casos de aplicação reportados por uma das empresas fornecedoras líderes mundiais, bem como três entrevistas com empresas adotantes da tecnologia. Os resultados apontam que existem 15 SWT que podem ser implementadas nas atividades de manufatura e relacionadas às capacidades dos trabalhadores. Além disso, os resultados também apontam que podem existir quatro efeitos das SWT nas habilidades dos trabalhadores. Estes achados demonstram que de acordo com a estratégia da empresa uma SWT pode impactar de diferentes formas os trabalhadores.Industry 4.0 is considered the fourth industrial revolution because it uses a broad integration of information and operating technologies in industrial manufacturing. Despite this technological perspective, several studies have highlighted the importance of considering the human factor to develop a smart manufacturing system. In this sense, the Smart Working dimension needs to be further investigated since understanding how technologies affect workers and their skills are crucial for factories' good performance. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation was to understand how Smart Working Technologies (SWT) can contribute to the activities and skills of manufacturing workers. To this end, firstly a systematic literature review was carried out to identify SWTs and their impacts on workers' capabilities in their manufacturing activities. Thus, 80 articles relating to SWT in eight manufacturing activities were analyzed. Subsequently, one of the most relevant SWTs according to the literature, collaborative robots, was selected to identify the effects of technologies on workers' skills. In this way, 138 application cases reported by one of the world's leading supplier companies were analyzed, as well as three interviews with companies that adopted the technology. The results show that there are 15 SWT that can be implemented in manufacturing activities and related to workers' capabilities. In addition, the results also point out that there may be four effects of SWT on workers' skills. According to the company's strategy, these findings demonstrate that an SWT can impact workers in different ways

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 233, June 1982

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    This bibliograhy lists 387 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in May 1982

    The Antinomies of Autonomy: The Social Structures of Stressors in Ireland and Denmark

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    Autonomy is a core aspect of the labour process, working conditions, and the relationship between working conditions and well-being. Developments in techno-economic capacities, networked production, occupational structures, and organisational flexibility, have altered the dynamics of autonomy. High levels of work autonomy can now present counter-intuitive demands and contradictions which challenge the experience of self-regulation, discretion, and freedom at work - the Antinomies of Autonomy. In negotiating the decisive and interlinked post-industrial work bargains of effort, boundaries, and employment, different antinomies emerge which can present unique forms of stressors. The interrelated dynamics of the autonomy and antinomies within these post-industrial work bargains present difficulties for models linking working conditions and well-being outcomes (Bakker and Demerouti 2007, Karasek 1979, Siegrist 1996). The key mechanisms shaping the impact of work on psychological well-being go beyond the individual and a work 'place'. The thesis thus presents a sociological framework centred on a stressor (Wheaton 1999) - capability (Sen 1999, Hobson 2014) pathway. Employing a comparative case study method, the research draws from in-depth semi-structured interviews with IT workers in Ireland (n=17) and Denmark (n=14) to explore the antinomies, strategies and stressors of autonomous working lives and how they are shaped by different institutional contexts. The interviews involved psychosocial work environment and job related feelings surveys, alongside more detailed discussions of work and employment conditions in IT. The survey data shows an association between high autonomy and high demands for the Irish interviewees but not the Danish, and a surprising lack of feelings of excitement, enthusiasm, and calmness at work. The qualitative analysis identifies three mutually reinforcing antinomies of autonomy - interdependence, boundarylessness, and fusion - occurring within the labour process, working conditions, and the employment relationship respectively. The strategies and stressors emerging from these conditions are based on the 'capability sets' available within each institutional context. The analysis shows how Danish interviewees drew on more collective and institutional resources and norms in developing working life strategies. The Irish interviewees described strategies sourced and sustained mainly at the individual level. The thesis illustrates the complex interplay of post-industrial work bargains, the antinomies of autonomy, institutional capabilities, and the social structure of stressors of working life

    The International Conference on Industrial Engineeering and Business Management (ICIEBM)

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    Development of Advanced Technologies to Reduce Design, Fabrication and Construction Costs for Future Nuclear Power Plants

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    Production Engineering and Management

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    It is our pleasure to introduce the 8th edition of the International Conference on Production Engineering and anagement (PEM), an event that is the result of the joint effort of the OWL University of Applied Sciences and the University of Trieste. The conference has been established as an annual meeting under the Double Degree Master Program “Production Engineering and Management” by the two partner universities. This year the conference is hosted at the university campus in Lemgo, Germany. The main goal of the conference is to offer students, researchers and professionals in Germany, Italy and abroad, an opportunity to meet and exchange information, discuss experiences, specific practices and technical solutions for planning, design, and management of manufacturing and service systems and processes. As always, the conference is a platform aimed at presenting research projects, introducing young academics to the tradition of symposiums and promoting the exchange of ideas between the industry and the academy. This year’s special focus is on Supply Chain Design and Management in the context of Industry 4.0, which are currently major topics of discussion among experts and professionals. In fact, the features and problems of Industry 4.0 have been widely discussed in the last editions of the PEM conference, in which sustainability and efficiency also emerged as key factors. With the further study and development of Direct Digital Manufacturing technologies in connection with new Management Practices and Supply Chain Designs, the 8th edition of the PEM conference aims to offer new and interesting scientific contributions. The conference program includes 25 speeches organized in seven sessions. Two are specifically dedicated to “Direct Digital Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0”. The other sessions are covering areas of great interest and importance to the participants of the conference, which are related to the main focus: “Supply Chai n Design and Management”, “Industrial Engineering and Lean Management”, “Wood Processing Technologies and Furniture Production”, and “Management Practices and Methodologies”. The proceedings of the conference include the articles submitted and accepted after a careful double-blind refereeing process
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