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    The use of WhatsApp Group (WAG) for communication is increasing nowadays. WAG communication data can be analyzed from various perspectives. However, this data is imported in the form of unstructured text files. The aim of this research is to explore the potential use of the SentiwordNet lexicon for labeling the positive, negative, or neutral sentiment of WAG data from "Alumni94" and training and testing it with machine learning text classification models. The training and testing were conducted on six models, namely Random Forest, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Linear Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Artificial Neural Network. The labeling results indicate that neutral sentiment is the majority with 7588 samples, followed by 324 negative and 1617 positive samples. Among all the models, Random Forest showed better precision and recall, i.e., 83% and 64%. On the other hand, Decision Tree had slightly lower precision and recall, i.e., 80% and 66%, but exhibited a better f-measure of 71%. The accuracy evaluation results of the Random Forest and Decision Tree models showed significant performance compared to others, achieving an accuracy of 89% in classifying new messages. This research demonstrates the potential use of the SentiwordNet lexicon and machine learning in sentiment analysis of WAG data using the Random Forest and Decision Tree model