25,075 research outputs found

    Human-Guided Learning of Column Networks: Augmenting Deep Learning with Advice

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    Recently, deep models have been successfully applied in several applications, especially with low-level representations. However, sparse, noisy samples and structured domains (with multiple objects and interactions) are some of the open challenges in most deep models. Column Networks, a deep architecture, can succinctly capture such domain structure and interactions, but may still be prone to sub-optimal learning from sparse and noisy samples. Inspired by the success of human-advice guided learning in AI, especially in data-scarce domains, we propose Knowledge-augmented Column Networks that leverage human advice/knowledge for better learning with noisy/sparse samples. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach leads to either superior overall performance or faster convergence (i.e., both effective and efficient).Comment: Under Review at 'Machine Learning Journal' (MLJ

    Informed Machine Learning -- A Taxonomy and Survey of Integrating Knowledge into Learning Systems

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    Despite its great success, machine learning can have its limits when dealing with insufficient training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the training process which leads to the notion of informed machine learning. In this paper, we present a structured overview of various approaches in this field. We provide a definition and propose a concept for informed machine learning which illustrates its building blocks and distinguishes it from conventional machine learning. We introduce a taxonomy that serves as a classification framework for informed machine learning approaches. It considers the source of knowledge, its representation, and its integration into the machine learning pipeline. Based on this taxonomy, we survey related research and describe how different knowledge representations such as algebraic equations, logic rules, or simulation results can be used in learning systems. This evaluation of numerous papers on the basis of our taxonomy uncovers key methods in the field of informed machine learning.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/942998

    Physics-Informed CoKriging: A Gaussian-Process-Regression-Based Multifidelity Method for Data-Model Convergence

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    In this work, we propose a new Gaussian process regression (GPR)-based multifidelity method: physics-informed CoKriging (CoPhIK). In CoKriging-based multifidelity methods, the quantities of interest are modeled as linear combinations of multiple parameterized stationary Gaussian processes (GPs), and the hyperparameters of these GPs are estimated from data via optimization. In CoPhIK, we construct a GP representing low-fidelity data using physics-informed Kriging (PhIK), and model the discrepancy between low- and high-fidelity data using a parameterized GP with hyperparameters identified via optimization. Our approach reduces the cost of optimization for inferring hyperparameters by incorporating partial physical knowledge. We prove that the physical constraints in the form of deterministic linear operators are satisfied up to an error bound. Furthermore, we combine CoPhIK with a greedy active learning algorithm for guiding the selection of additional observation locations. The efficiency and accuracy of CoPhIK are demonstrated for reconstructing the partially observed modified Branin function, reconstructing the sparsely observed state of a steady state heat transport problem, and learning a conservative tracer distribution from sparse tracer concentration measurements

    Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics for model predictive control in the low-data limit

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    The data-driven discovery of dynamics via machine learning is currently pushing the frontiers of modeling and control efforts, and it provides a tremendous opportunity to extend the reach of model predictive control. However, many leading methods in machine learning, such as neural networks, require large volumes of training data, may not be interpretable, do not easily include known constraints and symmetries, and often do not generalize beyond the attractor where models are trained. These factors limit the use of these techniques for the online identification of a model in the low-data limit, for example following an abrupt change to the system dynamics. In this work, we extend the recent sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDY) modeling procedure to include the effects of actuation and demonstrate the ability of these models to enhance the performance of model predictive control (MPC), based on limited, noisy data. SINDY models are parsimonious, identifying the fewest terms in the model needed to explain the data, making them interpretable, generalizable, and reducing the burden of training data. We show that the resulting SINDY-MPC framework has higher performance, requires significantly less data, and is more computationally efficient and robust to noise than neural network models, making it viable for online training and execution in response to rapid changes to the system. SINDY-MPC also shows improved performance over linear data-driven models, although linear models may provide a stopgap until enough data is available for SINDY. SINDY-MPC is demonstrated on a variety of dynamical systems with different challenges, including the chaotic Lorenz system, a simple model for flight control of an F8 aircraft, and an HIV model incorporating drug treatment.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Explainable Machine Learning for Scientific Insights and Discoveries

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    Machine learning methods have been remarkably successful for a wide range of application areas in the extraction of essential information from data. An exciting and relatively recent development is the uptake of machine learning in the natural sciences, where the major goal is to obtain novel scientific insights and discoveries from observational or simulated data. A prerequisite for obtaining a scientific outcome is domain knowledge, which is needed to gain explainability, but also to enhance scientific consistency. In this article we review explainable machine learning in view of applications in the natural sciences and discuss three core elements which we identified as relevant in this context: transparency, interpretability, and explainability. With respect to these core elements, we provide a survey of recent scientific works that incorporate machine learning and the way that explainable machine learning is used in combination with domain knowledge from the application areas

    Verification for Machine Learning, Autonomy, and Neural Networks Survey

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    This survey presents an overview of verification techniques for autonomous systems, with a focus on safety-critical autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS) and subcomponents thereof. Autonomy in CPS is enabling by recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) through approaches such as deep neural networks (DNNs), embedded in so-called learning enabled components (LECs) that accomplish tasks from classification to control. Recently, the formal methods and formal verification community has developed methods to characterize behaviors in these LECs with eventual goals of formally verifying specifications for LECs, and this article presents a survey of many of these recent approaches

    Large-scale Collaborative Filtering with Product Embeddings

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    The application of machine learning techniques to large-scale personalized recommendation problems is a challenging task. Such systems must make sense of enormous amounts of implicit feedback in order to understand user preferences across numerous product categories. This paper presents a deep learning based solution to this problem within the collaborative filtering with implicit feedback framework. Our approach combines neural attention mechanisms, which allow for context dependent weighting of past behavioral signals, with representation learning techniques to produce models which obtain extremely high coverage, can easily incorporate new information as it becomes available, and are computationally efficient. Offline experiments demonstrate significant performance improvements when compared to several alternative methods from the literature. Results from an online setting show that the approach compares favorably with current production techniques used to produce personalized product recommendations.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Using Human Brain Activity to Guide Machine Learning

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    Machine learning is a field of computer science that builds algorithms that learn. In many cases, machine learning algorithms are used to recreate a human ability like adding a caption to a photo, driving a car, or playing a game. While the human brain has long served as a source of inspiration for machine learning, little effort has been made to directly use data collected from working brains as a guide for machine learning algorithms. Here we demonstrate a new paradigm of "neurally-weighted" machine learning, which takes fMRI measurements of human brain activity from subjects viewing images, and infuses these data into the training process of an object recognition learning algorithm to make it more consistent with the human brain. After training, these neurally-weighted classifiers are able to classify images without requiring any additional neural data. We show that our neural-weighting approach can lead to large performance gains when used with traditional machine vision features, as well as to significant improvements with already high-performing convolutional neural network features. The effectiveness of this approach points to a path forward for a new class of hybrid machine learning algorithms which take both inspiration and direct constraints from neuronal data.Comment: Supplemental material can be downloaded here: http://www.wjscheirer.com/misc/activity_weights/fong-et-al-supplementary.pd

    Case studies in network community detection

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    Community structure describes the organization of a network into subgraphs that contain a prevalence of edges within each subgraph and relatively few edges across boundaries between subgraphs. The development of community-detection methods has occurred across disciplines, with numerous and varied algorithms proposed to find communities. As we present in this Chapter via several case studies, community detection is not just an "end game" unto itself, but rather a step in the analysis of network data which is then useful for furthering research in the disciplinary domain of interest. These case-study examples arise from diverse applications, ranging from social and political science to neuroscience and genetics, and we have chosen them to demonstrate key aspects of community detection and to highlight that community detection, in practice, should be directed by the application at hand.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Solving Nonlinear and High-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations via Deep Learning

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    In this work we apply the Deep Galerkin Method (DGM) described in Sirignano and Spiliopoulos (2018) to solve a number of partial differential equations that arise in quantitative finance applications including option pricing, optimal execution, mean field games, etc. The main idea behind DGM is to represent the unknown function of interest using a deep neural network. A key feature of this approach is the fact that, unlike other commonly used numerical approaches such as finite difference methods, it is mesh-free. As such, it does not suffer (as much as other numerical methods) from the curse of dimensionality associated with highdimensional PDEs and PDE systems. The main goals of this paper are to elucidate the features, capabilities and limitations of DGM by analyzing aspects of its implementation for a number of different PDEs and PDE systems. Additionally, we present: (1) a brief overview of PDEs in quantitative finance along with numerical methods for solving them; (2) a brief overview of deep learning and, in particular, the notion of neural networks; (3) a discussion of the theoretical foundations of DGM with a focus on the justification of why this method is expected to perform well