8,900 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey on cultural algorithms

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    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    Curriculum Change 2009-2010

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    Population-based algorithms for improved history matching and uncertainty quantification of Petroleum reservoirs

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    In modern field management practices, there are two important steps that shed light on a multimillion dollar investment. The first step is history matching where the simulation model is calibrated to reproduce the historical observations from the field. In this inverse problem, different geological and petrophysical properties may provide equally good history matches. Such diverse models are likely to show different production behaviors in future. This ties the history matching with the second step, uncertainty quantification of predictions. Multiple history matched models are essential for a realistic uncertainty estimate of the future field behavior. These two steps facilitate decision making and have a direct impact on technical and financial performance of oil and gas companies. Population-based optimization algorithms have been recently enjoyed growing popularity for solving engineering problems. Population-based systems work with a group of individuals that cooperate and communicate to accomplish a task that is normally beyond the capabilities of each individual. These individuals are deployed with the aim to solve the problem with maximum efficiency. This thesis introduces the application of two novel population-based algorithms for history matching and uncertainty quantification of petroleum reservoir models. Ant colony optimization and differential evolution algorithms are used to search the space of parameters to find multiple history matched models and, using a Bayesian framework, the posterior probability of the models are evaluated for prediction of reservoir performance. It is demonstrated that by bringing latest developments in computer science such as ant colony, differential evolution and multiobjective optimization, we can improve the history matching and uncertainty quantification frameworks. This thesis provides insights into performance of these algorithms in history matching and prediction and develops an understanding of their tuning parameters. The research also brings a comparative study of these methods with a benchmark technique called Neighbourhood Algorithms. This comparison reveals the superiority of the proposed methodologies in various areas such as computational efficiency and match quality

    The impact of news narrative on the economy and financial markets

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    This thesis investigates the impact of news narrative on socio-economic systems across four experiments. Recent years have witnessed a rise in the use of so-called alternative data sources to model and predict dynamics in socio-economic systems. Notably, sources such as newspaper text allow researchers to quantify the elusive concept of narrative, to incorporate text-based features into forecasting frameworks and thus to evaluate the impact of narrative on economic events. The first experiment proposes a new method of incorporating a wide array of sentiment scores from global newspaper articles into macroeconomic forecasts, attempting to forecast industrial production and consumer prices leveraging narrative and sentiment from global newspapers. I model industrial production and consumer prices across a diverse range of economies using an autoregressive framework. The second experiment uses narrative from global newspapers to construct themebased knowledge graphs about world events, demonstrating that features extracted from such graphs improve forecasts of industrial production in three large economies. The third experiment proposes a novel method of including news themes and their associated sentiment into predictions of changes in breakeven inflation rates (BEIR) for eight diverse economies with mature fixed income markets. I utilise five types of machine learning algorithms incorporating narrative-based features for each economy. In the above experiments, models incorporating narrative-based features generally outperform their benchmarks that do not contain such variables, demonstrating the predictive power of features derived from news narrative. The fourth experiment utilises GDELT data and the filtering methodology introduced in the first experiment to create a profitable systematic trading strategy based on the average tone scores for 15 diverse economies

    Efficient Snapshot Retrieval over Historical Graph Data

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    We address the problem of managing historical data for large evolving information networks like social networks or citation networks, with the goal to enable temporal and evolutionary queries and analysis. We present the design and architecture of a distributed graph database system that stores the entire history of a network and provides support for efficient retrieval of multiple graphs from arbitrary time points in the past, in addition to maintaining the current state for ongoing updates. Our system exposes a general programmatic API to process and analyze the retrieved snapshots. We introduce DeltaGraph, a novel, extensible, highly tunable, and distributed hierarchical index structure that enables compactly recording the historical information, and that supports efficient retrieval of historical graph snapshots for single-site or parallel processing. Along with the original graph data, DeltaGraph can also maintain and index auxiliary information; this functionality can be used to extend the structure to efficiently execute queries like subgraph pattern matching over historical data. We develop analytical models for both the storage space needed and the snapshot retrieval times to aid in choosing the right parameters for a specific scenario. In addition, we present strategies for materializing portions of the historical graph state in memory to further speed up the retrieval process. Secondly, we present an in-memory graph data structure called GraphPool that can maintain hundreds of historical graph instances in main memory in a non-redundant manner. We present a comprehensive experimental evaluation that illustrates the effectiveness of our proposed techniques at managing historical graph information

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Models, Optimization, and Machine Learning

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    The present book contains all the articles accepted and published in the Special Issue “Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Models, Optimization, and Machine Learning” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, which covers a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of artificial intelligence and its subfields. These topics include, among others, deep learning and classic machine learning algorithms, neural modelling, architectures and learning algorithms, biologically inspired optimization algorithms, algorithms for autonomous driving, probabilistic models and Bayesian reasoning, intelligent agents and multiagent systems. We hope that the scientific results presented in this book will serve as valuable sources of documentation and inspiration for anyone willing to pursue research in artificial intelligence, machine learning and their widespread applications

    Vineyard Terrace Segmentation in the Douro Region Based on Satellite Imagery

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    The Alto Douro Wine region holds the distinction of being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its traditional vineyard terraces that contribute to its cultural significance. These terraces, engineered to support vine cultivation on the challenging slopes of the Douro valley, were affected by the Phylloxera pest outbreak in the 19th century, resulting in terrace reconstructions for disease control. Preserving this cultural landscape requires periodic evaluations of the terraces, but current manual field assessments are time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors, leading to infrequent updates. To address these challenges, this dissertation studies alternative approaches using multispectral and SAR satellite imagery, and machine learning to detect and identify vineyards within the terraces, aiming to reduce costs and increase assessment frequency. The study begins with a review of remote sensing and satellite imaging technologies, followed by a literature review on similar applications and techniques. Data acquisition details are provided, and three segmentation methodologies are explored: band indices, traditional machine learning (support vector machines and random forests) and deep learning (convolutional neural networks). The deep learning approach, particularly the modified DeepLabV3 model with the ResNet-101 backbone yields the most promising results, despite generalization limitations. Combining the segmented vineyard mask with a slope mask derived from SAR altimetry data increases confidence in identifying vineyards within terraces, offering rough estimations on possible locations of vineyard terraces in the Douro region. In conclusion, this study presents an alternative and cost-effective approach to preserve the heritage landscape of the Alto Douro Wine region. By leveraging satellite imagery and machine learning, it offers a practical and preliminary means for periodic evaluations, supporting the sustainable conservation of this culturally significant region

    Bio-inspired computation for big data fusion, storage, processing, learning and visualization: state of the art and future directions

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    This overview gravitates on research achievements that have recently emerged from the confluence between Big Data technologies and bio-inspired computation. A manifold of reasons can be identified for the profitable synergy between these two paradigms, all rooted on the adaptability, intelligence and robustness that biologically inspired principles can provide to technologies aimed to manage, retrieve, fuse and process Big Data efficiently. We delve into this research field by first analyzing in depth the existing literature, with a focus on advances reported in the last few years. This prior literature analysis is complemented by an identification of the new trends and open challenges in Big Data that remain unsolved to date, and that can be effectively addressed by bio-inspired algorithms. As a second contribution, this work elaborates on how bio-inspired algorithms need to be adapted for their use in a Big Data context, in which data fusion becomes crucial as a previous step to allow processing and mining several and potentially heterogeneous data sources. This analysis allows exploring and comparing the scope and efficiency of existing approaches across different problems and domains, with the purpose of identifying new potential applications and research niches. Finally, this survey highlights open issues that remain unsolved to date in this research avenue, alongside a prescription of recommendations for future research.This work has received funding support from the Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza) through the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19), EMAITEK and ELK ARTEK programs. D. Camacho also acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under PID2020-117263GB-100 grant (FightDIS), the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid under S2018/TCS-4566 grant (CYNAMON), and the CHIST ERA 2017 BDSI PACMEL Project (PCI2019-103623, Spain)

    Classification and Performance Study of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment

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    Cloud computing is becoming very common in recent years and is growing rapidly due to its attractive benefits and features such as resource pooling, accessibility, availability, scalability, reliability, cost saving, security, flexibility, on-demand services, pay-per-use services, use from anywhere, quality of service, resilience, etc. With this rapid growth of cloud computing, there may exist too many users that require services or need to execute their tasks simultaneously by resources provided by service providers. To get these services with the best performance, and minimum cost, response time, makespan, effective use of resources, etc. an intelligent and efficient task scheduling technique is required and considered as one of the main and essential issues in the cloud computing environment. It is necessary for allocating tasks to the proper cloud resources and optimizing the overall system performance. To this end, researchers put huge efforts to develop several classes of scheduling algorithms to be suitable for the various computing environments and to satisfy the needs of the various types of individuals and organizations. This research article provides a classification of proposed scheduling strategies and developed algorithms in cloud computing environment along with the evaluation of their performance. A comparison of the performance of these algorithms with existing ones is also given. Additionally, the future research work in the reviewed articles (if available) is also pointed out. This research work includes a review of 88 task scheduling algorithms in cloud computing environment distributed over the seven scheduling classes suggested in this study. Each article deals with a novel scheduling technique and the performance improvement it introduces compared with previously existing task scheduling algorithms. Keywords: Cloud computing, Task scheduling, Load balancing, Makespan, Energy-aware, Turnaround time, Response time, Cost of task, QoS, Multi-objective. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/12-5-03 Publication date:September 30th 2022