19,389 research outputs found

    Analysis of a Cone-Based Distributed Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Multi-hop Networks

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    The topology of a wireless multi-hop network can be controlled by varying the transmission power at each node. In this paper, we give a detailed analysis of a cone-based distributed topology control algorithm. This algorithm, introduced in [16], does not assume that nodes have GPS information available; rather it depends only on directional information. Roughly speaking, the basic idea of the algorithm is that a node uu transmits with the minimum power pu,αp_{u,\alpha} required to ensure that in every cone of degree α\alpha around uu, there is some node that uu can reach with power pu,αp_{u,\alpha}. We show that taking α=5π/6\alpha = 5\pi/6 is a necessary and sufficient condition to guarantee that network connectivity is preserved. More precisely, if there is a path from ss to tt when every node communicates at maximum power, then, if α<=5π/6\alpha <= 5\pi/6, there is still a path in the smallest symmetric graph GαG_\alpha containing all edges (u,v)(u,v) such that uu can communicate with vv using power pu,αp_{u,\alpha}. On the other hand, if α>5π/6\alpha > 5\pi/6, connectivity is not necessarily preserved. We also propose a set of optimizations that further reduce power consumption and prove that they retain network connectivity. Dynamic reconfiguration in the presence of failures and mobility is also discussed. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm and the optimizations.Comment: 10 page

    An Energy Balanced Dynamic Topology Control Algorithm for Improved Network Lifetime

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    In wireless sensor networks, a few sensor nodes end up being vulnerable to potentially rapid depletion of the battery reserves due to either their central location or just the traffic patterns generated by the application. Traditional energy management strategies, such as those which use topology control algorithms, reduce the energy consumed at each node to the minimum necessary. In this paper, we use a different approach that balances the energy consumption at each of the nodes, thus increasing the functional lifetime of the network. We propose a new distributed dynamic topology control algorithm called Energy Balanced Topology Control (EBTC) which considers the actual energy consumed for each transmission and reception to achieve the goal of an increased functional lifetime. We analyze the algorithm's computational and communication complexity and show that it is equivalent or lower in complexity to other dynamic topology control algorithms. Using an empirical model of energy consumption, we show that the EBTC algorithm increases the lifetime of a wireless sensor network by over 40% compared to the best of previously known algorithms

    A Systematic Approach to Constructing Families of Incremental Topology Control Algorithms Using Graph Transformation

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    In the communication systems domain, constructing and maintaining network topologies via topology control (TC) algorithms is an important cross-cutting research area. Network topologies are usually modeled using attributed graphs whose nodes and edges represent the network nodes and their interconnecting links. A key requirement of TC algorithms is to fulfill certain consistency and optimization properties to ensure a high quality of service. Still, few attempts have been made to constructively integrate these properties into the development process of TC algorithms. Furthermore, even though many TC algorithms share substantial parts (such as structural patterns or tie-breaking strategies), few works constructively leverage these commonalities and differences of TC algorithms systematically. In previous work, we addressed the constructive integration of consistency properties into the development process. We outlined a constructive, model-driven methodology for designing individual TC algorithms. Valid and high-quality topologies are characterized using declarative graph constraints; TC algorithms are specified using programmed graph transformation. We applied a well-known static analysis technique to refine a given TC algorithm in a way that the resulting algorithm preserves the specified graph constraints. In this paper, we extend our constructive methodology by generalizing it to support the specification of families of TC algorithms. To show the feasibility of our approach, we reneging six existing TC algorithms and develop e-kTC, a novel energy-efficient variant of the TC algorithm kTC. Finally, we evaluate a subset of the specified TC algorithms using a new tool integration of the graph transformation tool eMoflon and the Simonstrator network simulation framework.Comment: Corresponds to the accepted manuscrip

    A Message Passing Strategy for Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance in Agent Removal

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    In a multi-agent system, agents coordinate to achieve global tasks through local communications. Coordination usually requires sufficient information flow, which is usually depicted by the connectivity of the communication network. In a networked system, removal of some agents may cause a disconnection. In order to maintain connectivity in agent removal, one can design a robust network topology that tolerates a finite number of agent losses, and/or develop a control strategy that recovers connectivity. This paper proposes a decentralized control scheme based on a sequence of replacements, each of which occurs between an agent and one of its immediate neighbors. The replacements always end with an agent, whose relocation does not cause a disconnection. We show that such an agent can be reached by a local rule utilizing only some local information available in agents' immediate neighborhoods. As such, the proposed message passing strategy guarantees the connectivity maintenance in arbitrary agent removal. Furthermore, we significantly improve the optimality of the proposed scheme by incorporating δ\delta-criticality (i.e. the criticality of an agent in its δ\delta-neighborhood).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Network Topology Mapping from Partial Virtual Coordinates and Graph Geodesics

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    For many important network types (e.g., sensor networks in complex harsh environments and social networks) physical coordinate systems (e.g., Cartesian), and physical distances (e.g., Euclidean), are either difficult to discern or inapplicable. Accordingly, coordinate systems and characterizations based on hop-distance measurements, such as Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) and Virtual-Coordinate (VC) systems are attractive alternatives to Cartesian coordinates for many network algorithms. Herein, we present an approach to recover geometric and topological properties of a network with a small set of distance measurements. In particular, our approach is a combination of shortest path (often called geodesic) recovery concepts and low-rank matrix completion, generalized to the case of hop-distances in graphs. Results for sensor networks embedded in 2-D and 3-D spaces, as well as a social networks, indicates that the method can accurately capture the network connectivity with a small set of measurements. TPM generation can now also be based on various context appropriate measurements or VC systems, as long as they characterize different nodes by distances to small sets of random nodes (instead of a set of global anchors). The proposed method is a significant generalization that allows the topology to be extracted from a random set of graph shortest paths, making it applicable in contexts such as social networks where VC generation may not be possible.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1712.1006

    Analyzing Energy-efficiency and Route-selection of Multi-level Hierarchal Routing Protocols in WSNs

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    The advent and development in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in recent years has seen the growth of extremely small and low-cost sensors that possess sensing, signal processing and wireless communication capabilities. These sensors can be expended at a much lower cost and are capable of detecting conditions such as temperature, sound, security or any other system. A good protocol design should be able to scale well both in energy heterogeneous and homogeneous environment, meet the demands of different application scenarios and guarantee reliability. On this basis, we have compared six different protocols of different scenarios which are presenting their own schemes of energy minimizing, clustering and route selection in order to have more effective communication. This research is motivated to have an insight that which of the under consideration protocols suit well in which application and can be a guide-line for the design of a more robust and efficient protocol. MATLAB simulations are performed to analyze and compare the performance of LEACH, multi-level hierarchal LEACH and multihop LEACH.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE Inter- national Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201
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