7 research outputs found

    Opportunities for Energy-Water Nexus Management in the Middle East & North Africa

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    Electric power is required to produce, treat, distribute, and recycle water while water is required to generate and consume electricity. Naturally, this energy-water nexus is most evident in multi-utilities that provide electricity and water but still exists when the nexus has distinct organizations as owners and operators. Therefore, the sustainability question that arises from energy-water trade-offs and synergies is very much tied to the potential for economies of scope. Furthermore, in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, multi-utilities are not only common, but also the nexus is particularly exacerbated by the high energy intensity of the water supply due to limited fresh water resources. The goal of this paper is to identify and motivate several opportunities for enhanced integrated operations management and planning in the energy-water nexus in multi-utilities in the MENA. It proceeds in four parts. First, an exposition of the energy-water nexus especially as it applies to the MENA is given. This discussion focuses on the electric power system, the potable water distribution system, and thirdly, the wastewater distribution system. Second, the paper shifts to opportunities in integrated operations management highlighted by an energy-water nexus supply- side economic dispatch illustration. Thirdly, the discussion shifts to planning opportunities for the energy-water nexus for the sustainable development of water and energy resources. A concluding section summarizes the policy implications of the identified opportunities

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPublic water systems face escalating energy requirements due to scarcer water supplies, stricter water quality standards, and population growth. As the challenges of managing finite water and energy resources continue to grow, new data, analyses, and models are needed to help water systems manage their energy use and operate more sustainably. This work offers three original contributions: 1) the discovery of annual, utility-scale energy intensities for public water supply from a panel survey of over 100 U.S. water utilities; 2) an empirical statistical model that accurately predicts a water system's energy use as a function of a few accessible variables and lends itself to fairer energy benchmarking; and 3) the development of a high-resolution method to model energy use within a water distribution network to inform energy management decisions at multiple scales. The survey showed an average water system energy intensity of 1,809 kilowatt-hours per million gallons (kWh/MG) but with substantial spread from 250 kWh/MG to 11,500 kWh/MG and with interannual changes up to 70%. These geographic and temporal variations should be considered in future work. The survey confirmed that a lack of adequate data is one of the greatest barriers to understanding energy-for-water demands. In the statistical model, the most important factors influencing energy use were found to be water system size, water source type, precipitation, and air temperature. By considering such internal and external variables, the model overcomes much of the difficulty in equitable energy benchmarking. The model is more accurate than those developed previously and uses more-accessible variables to estimate energy use, features that are useful when actual observations are unavailable. The technique for modeling energy intensities within a water system, built on extended-period hydraulic modeling, provided specific and actionable energy management insights. A case study with a real water system illuminated energy inefficiencies, and their solutions were validated through actual energy savings. Where water and energy interactions are complex, the method is a valuable analysis tool. Overall, the development of strong datasets, empirical relationships, and modeling techniques helps advance sustainable water supply from an energy perspective, with value to both researchers and practitioners

    Water-Energy Nexus: Normalização, Produção e Utilização de Energia nos Processos da Água

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    O conceito Water-Energy Nexus contribui, cada vez mais, para demonstrar que a água e a energia são recursos que estão inevitavelmente interligadas no quotidiano da nossa sociedade. A utilização da água é visível nos processos de produção de energia elétrica, e.g. na movimentação de turbinas hidráulicas, aproveitando a energia potencial gravítica armazenada nas albufeiras ou em centrais termoelétricas na produção do vapor que faz rodar os geradores. É também possível encontrar exemplos de utilização da energia elétrica em processos que envolvem água, no transporte, distribuição e armazenamento, na utilização de bombas para captação e finalmente no tratamento, do líquido mais precioso para vida na Terra, de modo a o devolver à natureza, com o mínimo impacto possível. Este documento começa por descrever a interligação da água com a energia no passado. Em seguida, são descritas práticas atuais que visam otimizar a utilização destes dois recursos. A temática da Water-Energy Nexus é atualmente alvo de estudos que visam adotar as novas tecnologias para obter os objetivos finais, bem como a formulação de diretrizes e normalização desde a distribuição, à pegada como medidor de desempenho e na gestão dos vários sistemas de energia. Esta dissertação analisa, portanto, a normalização existente no meio e procura as suas fragilidades de modo a incrementar o conceito. É proposta uma Metodologia para a Localização Exata de Fugas de Água através de um equipamento eletroacústico, para que deste modo os processos da água se tornem mais eficientes e se desperdice menos água, e por consequente, menos energia no tratamento dessa mesma água. E ainda uma Metodologia para Controlo Pró-Ativo de Perdas de Água e Energia que quantifica a energia que é possível poupar com a reparação dessas mesmas fugas.In the Water-Energy Nexus, water and energy are increasingly intertwined in our daily lives as a society. Whether in the sense of water to energy, in the processes of generating electricity from the movement of hydraulic turbines, taking advantage of the gravitational potential energy in reservoirs or pipelines, or even in thermal power plants using steam to turn the generators. Whether in the sense of energy for water, in transport processes, distribution and storage, in the use of pumps for capturing and finally in the treatment, of the most precious liquid for human life, in order to return it to nature with the least possible impact. This document seeks to understand how water was interconnected with energy in the past, and to describe implemented projects that optimize the use of these two resources. The Water-Energy Nexus is increasingly the subject of studies for new technologies, as well as the formulation of guidelines and standardization from distribution to footprint as a performance meter, and in the management of various energy systems. This dissertation analyses the existing standardization in the medium and looks for its weaknesses to increase the concept. A Methodology is proposed for the Exact Location of Water Leaks through electroacoustic equipment, so that in this way the water processes become more efficient and less water is wasted, and consequently, less energy in the treatment of water. And also a Methodology for Proactive Control of Water and Energy Losses that quantifies the energy that can be saved by repairing these leaks

    Integrated modelling of residential water-related energy

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    Water behaviour modelling for efficient ICT-based water management in urban environments: A United Kingdom case study

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    The global water crisis, caused by ever-increasing population growth, climate change and growing urbanization, requires a sustainable use of water resources worldwide. In the United Kingdom (UK), despite heavy rainfall and common prejudices, population growth and aging water infrastructure engender significant periods of drought and flooding. While increasing the water supply is a solution to current problems, reducing demand by promoting behaviour change, appears as an environmentally and economically interesting approach to better manage water resources. To that end, the rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) offers an opportunity to deploy both structural and voluntary strategies to reduce demand. While a growing body of literature recognises their efficiency in water-scarce countries, there is a lack of research regarding the use of ICT to promote behaviour change and water savings in water-stressed countries such as the UK. Using surveys and case studies, this research project demonstrates that the water-saving user interface designed in the context of this project is an efficient tool to increase users’ awareness of their water usage, improve their knowledge of environmental issues and ease the performance of water-saving actions in households. Providing individuals with an overview of their households’ water consumption through this interface is also identified as the most efficient method to encourage domestic water savings. By designing and testing an innovative water-saving interface based on behaviour change theories, recommendations from previous studies and results from initial surveys, this research project contributes to existing knowledge and provides a new understanding of the impact of ICT and behaviour change methods on the promotion of water conservation in British households. The author believes that this research project can be used to inform British water companies’ strategies and increase the efficiency of their conservation campaigns. By highlighting the need for large-scale structural changes to facilitate domestic water savings, this project also suggests recommendations to increase the impact of future governmental initiatives regarding domestic water conservation