4 research outputs found

    A matrix-free approach to parallel and memory-efficient deformable image registration

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    We present a novel computational approach to fast and memory-efficient deformable image registration. In the variational registration model, the computation of the objective function derivatives is the computationally most expensive operation, both in terms of runtime and memory requirements. In order to target this bottleneck, we analyze the matrix structure of gradient and Hessian computations for the case of the normalized gradient fields distance measure and curvature regularization. Based on this analysis, we derive equivalent matrix-free closed-form expressions for derivative computations, eliminating the need for storing intermediate results and the costs of sparse matrix arithmetic. This has further benefits: (1) matrix computations can be fully parallelized, (2) memory complexity for derivative computation is reduced from linear to constant, and (3) overall computation times are substantially reduced. In comparison with an optimized matrix-based reference implementation, the CPU implementation achieves speedup factors between 3.1 and 9.7, and we are able to handle substantially higher resolutions. Using a GPU implementation, we achieve an additional speedup factor of up to 9.2. Furthermore, we evaluated the approach on real-world medical datasets. On ten publicly available lung CT images from the DIR-Lab 4DCT dataset, we achieve the best mean landmark error of 0.93 mm compared to other submissions on the DIR-Lab website, with an average runtime of only 9.23 s. Complete non-rigid registration of full-size 3D thorax-abdomen CT volumes from oncological follow-up is achieved in 12.6 s. The experimental results show that the proposed matrix-free algorithm enables the use of variational registration models also in applications which were previously impractical due to memory or runtime restrictions.Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC

    Robust, fast and accurate: a 3-step method for automatic histological image registration

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    We present a 3-step registration pipeline for differently stained histological serial sections that consists of 1) a robust pre-alignment, 2) a parametric registration computed on coarse resolution images, and 3) an accurate nonlinear registration. In all three steps the NGF distance measure is minimized with respect to an increasingly flexible transformation. We apply the method in the ANHIR image registration challenge and evaluate its performance on the training data. The presented method is robust (error reduction in 99.6% of the cases), fast (runtime 4 seconds) and accurate (median relative target registration error 0.19%)

    Fast GPU 3D Diffeomorphic Image Registration

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    3D image registration is one of the most fundamental and computationally expensive operations in medical image analysis. Here, we present a mixed-precision, Gauss--Newton--Krylov solver for diffeomorphic registration of two images. Our work extends the publicly available CLAIRE library to GPU architectures. Despite the importance of image registration, only a few implementations of large deformation diffeomorphic registration packages support GPUs. Our contributions are new algorithms to significantly reduce the run time of the two main computational kernels in CLAIRE: calculation of derivatives and scattered-data interpolation. We deploy (i) highly-optimized, mixed-precision GPU-kernels for the evaluation of scattered-data interpolation, (ii) replace Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT)-based first-order derivatives with optimized 8th-order finite differences, and (iii) compare with state-of-the-art CPU and GPU implementations. As a highlight, we demonstrate that we can register 2563256^3 clinical images in less than 6 seconds on a single NVIDIA Tesla V100. This amounts to over 20×\times speed-up over the current version of CLAIRE and over 30×\times speed-up over existing GPU implementations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 8 table

    CLAIRE: A distributed-memory solver for constrained large deformation diffeomorphic image registration

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    With this work, we release CLAIRE, a distributed-memory implementation of an effective solver for constrained large deformation diffeomorphic image registration problems in three dimensions. We consider an optimal control formulation. We invert for a stationary velocity field that parameterizes the deformation map. Our solver is based on a globalized, preconditioned, inexact reduced space Gauss--Newton--Krylov scheme. We exploit state-of-the-art techniques in scientific computing to develop an effective solver that scales to thousands of distributed memory nodes on high-end clusters. We present the formulation, discuss algorithmic features, describe the software package, and introduce an improved preconditioner for the reduced space Hessian to speed up the convergence of our solver. We test registration performance on synthetic and real data. We demonstrate registration accuracy on several neuroimaging datasets. We compare the performance of our scheme against different flavors of the Demons algorithm for diffeomorphic image registration. We study convergence of our preconditioner and our overall algorithm. We report scalability results on state-of-the-art supercomputing platforms. We demonstrate that we can solve registration problems for clinically relevant data sizes in two to four minutes on a standard compute node with 20 cores, attaining excellent data fidelity. With the present work we achieve a speedup of (on average) 5×\times with a peak performance of up to 17×\times compared to our former work.Comment: 37 pages