44,183 research outputs found

    Finding Statistically Significant Interactions between Continuous Features

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    The search for higher-order feature interactions that are statistically significantly associated with a class variable is of high relevance in fields such as Genetics or Healthcare, but the combinatorial explosion of the candidate space makes this problem extremely challenging in terms of computational efficiency and proper correction for multiple testing. While recent progress has been made regarding this challenge for binary features, we here present the first solution for continuous features. We propose an algorithm which overcomes the combinatorial explosion of the search space of higher-order interactions by deriving a lower bound on the p-value for each interaction, which enables us to massively prune interactions that can never reach significance and to thereby gain more statistical power. In our experiments, our approach efficiently detects all significant interactions in a variety of synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted to the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019

    Mining Frequent Graph Patterns with Differential Privacy

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    Discovering frequent graph patterns in a graph database offers valuable information in a variety of applications. However, if the graph dataset contains sensitive data of individuals such as mobile phone-call graphs and web-click graphs, releasing discovered frequent patterns may present a threat to the privacy of individuals. {\em Differential privacy} has recently emerged as the {\em de facto} standard for private data analysis due to its provable privacy guarantee. In this paper we propose the first differentially private algorithm for mining frequent graph patterns. We first show that previous techniques on differentially private discovery of frequent {\em itemsets} cannot apply in mining frequent graph patterns due to the inherent complexity of handling structural information in graphs. We then address this challenge by proposing a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling based algorithm. Unlike previous work on frequent itemset mining, our techniques do not rely on the output of a non-private mining algorithm. Instead, we observe that both frequent graph pattern mining and the guarantee of differential privacy can be unified into an MCMC sampling framework. In addition, we establish the privacy and utility guarantee of our algorithm and propose an efficient neighboring pattern counting technique as well. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is able to output frequent patterns with good precision

    Sparse Learning over Infinite Subgraph Features

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    We present a supervised-learning algorithm from graph data (a set of graphs) for arbitrary twice-differentiable loss functions and sparse linear models over all possible subgraph features. To date, it has been shown that under all possible subgraph features, several types of sparse learning, such as Adaboost, LPBoost, LARS/LASSO, and sparse PLS regression, can be performed. Particularly emphasis is placed on simultaneous learning of relevant features from an infinite set of candidates. We first generalize techniques used in all these preceding studies to derive an unifying bounding technique for arbitrary separable functions. We then carefully use this bounding to make block coordinate gradient descent feasible over infinite subgraph features, resulting in a fast converging algorithm that can solve a wider class of sparse learning problems over graph data. We also empirically study the differences from the existing approaches in convergence property, selected subgraph features, and search-space sizes. We further discuss several unnoticed issues in sparse learning over all possible subgraph features.Comment: 42 pages, 24 figures, 4 table

    Finding the True Frequent Itemsets

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    Frequent Itemsets (FIs) mining is a fundamental primitive in data mining. It requires to identify all itemsets appearing in at least a fraction θ\theta of a transactional dataset D\mathcal{D}. Often though, the ultimate goal of mining D\mathcal{D} is not an analysis of the dataset \emph{per se}, but the understanding of the underlying process that generated it. Specifically, in many applications D\mathcal{D} is a collection of samples obtained from an unknown probability distribution π\pi on transactions, and by extracting the FIs in D\mathcal{D} one attempts to infer itemsets that are frequently (i.e., with probability at least θ\theta) generated by π\pi, which we call the True Frequent Itemsets (TFIs). Due to the inherently stochastic nature of the generative process, the set of FIs is only a rough approximation of the set of TFIs, as it often contains a huge number of \emph{false positives}, i.e., spurious itemsets that are not among the TFIs. In this work we design and analyze an algorithm to identify a threshold θ^\hat{\theta} such that the collection of itemsets with frequency at least θ^\hat{\theta} in D\mathcal{D} contains only TFIs with probability at least 1δ1-\delta, for some user-specified δ\delta. Our method uses results from statistical learning theory involving the (empirical) VC-dimension of the problem at hand. This allows us to identify almost all the TFIs without including any false positive. We also experimentally compare our method with the direct mining of D\mathcal{D} at frequency θ\theta and with techniques based on widely-used standard bounds (i.e., the Chernoff bounds) of the binomial distribution, and show that our algorithm outperforms these methods and achieves even better results than what is guaranteed by the theoretical analysis.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version of work appeared in SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 201